Man shot outside stadium has died

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knew this would turn into the gun debate, it baffles me it really does. maybe i am ignorant or naive but i just dont get why you need one .(ducks for cover)
but that man doesn't die without a gun present. MAYBE they get into a scuffle, but no one would die.

it's easy to lose your temper and with a gun, kill someone. it's not as easy if it's a knife, or your fist. it just makes killing so much easier.

This sucks, but honestly that's why people shouldn't break up fights. If he didn't know them then he should have just let them fight. Not worth risking your life for someone else's situation, if they wanna kill other then let them.

What lol, seriously? Need I remind of the words of Edmond Burke... "Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing." I will not idly stand by and do nothing when evil is happening before me. That's the mentality that stopped the attack on the train in France a few months back. Maybe it's just my military training but I have stopped several fights from escalating in my lifetime. I've even had a gun pulled on me and I summarily relieved that person of their gun possession and gave it to the authorities. If you are too much of a coward to stop evil then just say so.
Horrible. Disgusting.

Who knew it was safer to go to a road game than a home game?
What lol, seriously? Need I remind of the words of Edmond Burke... "Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing." I will not idly stand by and do nothing when evil is happening before me. That's the mentality that stopped the attack on the train in France a few months back. Maybe it's just my military training but I have stopped several fights from escalating in my lifetime. I've even had a gun pulled on me and I summarily relieved that person of their gun possession and gave it to the authorities. If you are too much of a coward to stop evil then just say so.

Lol Has nothing to with being a coward. If two grown men are fighting then let them fight.
Horrible. Disgusting.

Who knew it was safer to go to a road game than a home game?

I have been to the new stadium the area it is in looks far an away more safer than areas around Raven's Stadium here in Baltimore.
sigh...if he didn't have a gun he would have stabbed the guy in the face, and if he didn't have a knife he would have found another way to kill him. evil is evil.

This is reductionist and nonsensical. People can make a bad decision for a split second. That's all it takes with a gun. Stabbing someone to death, beating someone to death, requires an extended break or extended bad decisionmaking, not to mention it is infinitely more likely you can deflect a knife attack, or you know....outrun your attacker with a knife vs. a gun. I'll take my odds in any hand to hand combat or retreat vs. a black-out drunk moron than give the guy a gun. If you think otherwise you're not being honest with yourself.
This is reductionist and nonsensical. People can make a bad decision for a split second. That's all it takes with a gun. Stabbing someone to death, beating someone to death, requires an extended break or extended bad decisionmaking, not to mention it is infinitely more likely you can deflect a knife attack, or you know....outrun your attacker with a knife vs. a gun. I'll take my odds in any hand to hand combat or retreat vs. a black-out drunk moron than give the guy a gun. If you think otherwise you're not being honest with yourself.

But the gun control crowd has had laws put in place to prevent the mixing of guns and alcohol. Surely you are not saying they don't work. :rolleyes:
It was just a stupid game, and there is more to life than just sports, my condolences to the family. Very sad that this had to happen, I am not sure if Texas has the death penalty but this idiot deserves it.

They lead the nation in carrying them out.................
That's the point, let them hurt each other, as long as nobody else gets involved then I dont see the problem

If you want to stay there and make sure no ones else gets involved then sure... and you can take part in paying for the property damage and medical bills that you allowed to happen.
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