Many of you may be equal, but none of you are a bigger Cowboys fan then I

Howboutdemcowboys31;3106992 said:
Life Priorities:
1) Family and Friends
2) School
3) Dallas Cowboys Football:starspin

Come back when you get your priorities straight. ;)
Originally Posted by Howboutdemcowboys31
8) I have turned down sex for Cowboys games

SDogo said:
Dummy, that's what half-time is for

That's what the two minute warning is for.
i have kids older than you and i've hardly missed a cowboys game since i was 8 years old.
jchap;3107017 said:
I call dibs on most unlucky cowboys fan! I've been to 12 games in dallas 11 in Texas Stadium and 1 in the New Stadium... ALL LOSSES :(

I did see them win last year in Washington though :p

Maybe its just a homefield jinx

Please stop going to home games. Especially in December. Thank you. :p:
jackrussell;3107266 said:
Originally Posted by Howboutdemcowboys31
8) I have turned down sex for Cowboys games

That's what the two minute warning is for.

:lmao2: :lmao: If that's not pwnage i don't know what is.
Howboutdemcowboys31;3107137 said:
This is why I don't always post because theres internet thugs all over this board that get off to getting on people. I never said I am the GREATEST fan, but for my age, theres not much more you can do than me. Financially, I do not have the money to fly to Dallas and watch the games. I forget who called me dumb but I have a 3.4 gpa in college which is not easy. I stated earlier that I am not bashing a single person on this thread, just trying to show off my pride

The board can be a cruel place. Just don't care what anyone else on here thinks about you, that is the best way. Congrats on the 3.4, you are doing well. Keep representing the Cowboys in Philly, that is indeed a tough place for Cowboys fans, I would guess.

Also, I would suggest not investing an inordinate amount of devotion to anything that is temporary, its not the best investment.
I had sex while watching a Cowboys game on TV. That was weird. Multi-tasking at its finest. I think my wife was jealous I was watching football too much and wanted to test me, football or sex? I chose both.;)

I watched a football game during the viewing for my grandmother at the funeral home. There was a TV there and someone put the game on. I felt guity at first, but then realized my grandmother would probably have wanted me to watch football. Every week we would go visit her as a kid and watch the games.
jackrussell;3107266 said:
Originally Posted by Howboutdemcowboys31
8) I have turned down sex for Cowboys games

That's what the two minute warning is for.
Your signature and location rock. The Boss is the best.
Howboutdemcowboys31;3106992 said:
I am not questioning anyone on this boards fanhood because I know most of you are great Cowboy fans. Many of you on here probaly don't know me because I dont make controversial threads and I dont post often because I'd rather read what other people have to say. Anyway, I was sitting in my room last night thinking to myself though, who out there is actually a BIGGER fan than me? Allow me to go into detail:

1) I have not missed a game in 10yr (I am 21)
2) I pay alot of money out of pocket for direct tv so I can see everygame and due to that I'm always broke
3) I drive an hour and ahalf home every sunday morning if Dallas isnt televised so I can see the game. (How many of you would do that?)
4) Living 5 mins from philly,it takes more balls to be a Cowboys fan here then anywhere else in the country
5) I have just as much Cowboys gear/memorbilia then anyone on this board
6) i have the star tatood on me for life
7) Ive been in 3 physical altercations over my team
8) I have turned down sex for Cowboys games
9) I have never ever turned off a Cowboys game till the last second, whether we were up 40 or down 40
10) I watch pregame, the game, and postgame till the network switches to something else
11) This website is my homepage and I visit it atleast 3X/day
12) How many of you on here havent witnessed your favorite team win a playoff game? Since I was old enough to understand and care about football, I have never witnessed the Dallas Cowboys win a playoff game, and I still am passionate as anyone could be.
13) For the last couple of years, I have eaten Thanksgiving in THE OTHER ROOM BY MYSELF SO I COULD SEE THE TV. I'd argue that almost none of you do that. Call me stupid for it, but I'm not missing a game or a play for anything.

There are many other reasons why I am Boys fan, but these ones stuck out to me. I am not dissing people on this board because I realize some of you are just as great a fan as I am, but I will argue that any of you are greater.

Life Priorities:
1) Family and Friends
2) School
3) Dallas Cowboys Football:starspin

I post more than you do on the #1 cowboys website on the inter. ObV I'm a bigger fan than you.
And there's a million of us just like me
Who cuss like me; who just don't give a **** like me
Who dress like me; walk, talk and act like me
And just might be the next best thing, but not quite me!
This should be moved to Fletch's drunken thread.

Nah, it'd ruin a perfectly good thread...............
Now that Crazy Ray has passed, this is undoubtedly the #1 Cowboys fan out there:


If you don't know who that is, then you're not a true Cowboys fan. :p:
Danny White;3107397 said:
Now that Crazy Ray has passed, this is undoubtedly the #1 Cowboys fan out there:


If you don't know who that is, then you're not a true Cowboys fan. :p:
Howboutdemcowboys31;3107137 said:
This is why I don't always post because theres internet thugs all over this board that get off to getting on people. I never said I am the GREATEST fan, but for my age, theres not much more you can do than me. Financially, I do not have the money to fly to Dallas and watch the games. I forget who called me dumb but I have a 3.4 gpa in college which is not easy. I stated earlier that I am not bashing a single person on this thread, just trying to show off my pride
I didn't fault you for your first post, but I am going to fault you for this one. Why in the world do you feel the need to skip the nice stuff that was said and focus on the stuff you didn't like? Why find the negative when so many had decent responses to you?

One more thing, when people joke about you, it's better to roll with it than it is to get all butt hurt.
Danny White;3107397 said:
Now that Crazy Ray has passed, this is undoubtedly the #1 Cowboys fan out there:


If you don't know who that is, then you're not a true Cowboys fan. :p:

She's no doubt the loudest, most annoying cowboy fan :D
Rough crowd on here, to be sure. My point was never missing a game and collecting memorabilia, and living in the city of an NFL rival does not qualify you as the best fan. It think maybe it qualifies you as A fan.

Anyway we're all fans by virtue of coming here.
Howboutdemcowboys31;3107137 said:
This is why I don't always post because theres internet thugs all over this board that get off to getting on people. I never said I am the GREATEST fan, but for my age, theres not much more you can do than me. Financially, I do not have the money to fly to Dallas and watch the games. I forget who called me dumb but I have a 3.4 gpa in college which is not easy. I stated earlier that I am not bashing a single person on this thread, just trying to show off my pride
I like your spunk. We are all fans. No one is greater than anyone else. Sure ,some have been fans longer, some have more knowledge and some are more obsessive about it but we are fans for a reason.

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