Obviously this guy has never played a team sport or he'd realize it's a team game.
Did he really just say he threw the Denver game away? That's really all the board needs to know about this guy.
Go back and review what happened there.
Yes..lots of yards were run up on both sides..
but Romo has to win these games..
no more free passes dude..
maybe for you..
but for the rest of us..we've all seen enough Tony Romo in the ditch games.
There are just too many to mention.
How about the Vikings Playoffs 2009..that was a sweet game for Romo..
how about Seattle in 2006...?
Another sweet one.
You can love the guy as your hero but he's not mine..not by a long shot.
Never forget the Twitter comments right after Kapernick had 3 turnover in the 4th Qt..
Twitter went crazy and called it "Romo-esque"..
how appropriate..huh?
That's like Roy Williams getting the Horse Collar Rule named after him.
Not exactly what you want to be remembered by.