Marcus spears on w/norm at 10:30 to talk dysfunction

There is a lot of hate towards Jerry in this thread, and to be honest, I don't hate the man, but I also don't like him at the same time, if that makes sense.

However...and this is going to get me nailed big time,'s refreshing to note that the same posters that are bagging on Jerry for the following are in most cases the same ones that blame Romo for all these losses. Hate just to hate. Cowboys fans, so they say.

Jerry was not responsible for the Chiefs to beat the Cowboys by one point.

Jerry was not on the field when the Chargers beat the Cowboys.

Jerry did not allow the Romo Int against the Broncos.

Jerry did contribute to the defense that let the QB from the Lions to jump over the line for the winning TD.

Jerry was not on the field while the Saints kicked some Cowboy butt.

Jerry did not allow he Bears to kick the crap out of the Cowboys. The players need to do their jobs too.

Jerry was not responsible for the Packers beating the Boyz by one point.

Jerry was not on defense when the eagles won the division.

Jerry did not allow the defense to get injuries from hell, or allow any other thing that happens ON THE FIELD during a game.

Yes, Jerry hired the coaches and players. But, on the flip side of the coin, the players have to execute. If some posters would really just realize just how many games the Cowboys lost ON THEIR OWN....along with the stupid mistakes by the coaches, this team could have been better than 8-8.

If Jerry would have not been alive last season and the team finished as they did, and you posters that blame all the losses on Jerry or Romo, now what?

Who is the next on the list of hating YOUR team, The Dallas Cowboys?

Let's say that you have 53 subordinates and 1 boss. You tell your subordinates that you are in charge and are responsible for everything they do so you will hold them accountable when they don't perform. Everyone of those 53 people buys in to your message and everyone agrees that you are the head guy and that's it.

Time goes by and performance starts to slip, and you take action to correct that behavior. Along comes your boss and then he tells your subordinate(s) that failed to perform it's okay that you under-performed and on top of that here's a boatload of cash for your substandard performance.

You don't see how that translates to what we see on the field?
The Giants did it. Cost Dallas huge chunk of change and a couple of players they're not able to sign because of it.

You bet your *** the Giants knew what they were doing. And on a very vague accusation that the league allowed.

exactly, the other owners came out against jerry and the skins, and got away with it: other players have related to this things jerry does,
im not saying Jerry isn't a good GM, jerry is a good general manager to a degree. What jerry has to learn is this:

1st, it cost jerry 4 superbowls in a row, when jerry brought in a saudia Arabia prince into the lockerroom, when the head coach jimmy Johnson is having a players meeting after a game, that's where the blow up between jerry and jimmy started. True, like jerry said, he pays the checks, but jerry has to realize and be honest. What was more important, to get along with a top head coach, like jimmy Johnson, that the cowboys could have been the first team ever to win 3 superbowls, maybe 4 in a row if jimmy stayed, and the ego of jerry wasn't so huge. It takes a big man to realize that, and be humble, for the good of the team.

So, Jerry did it his way, got very lucky in 95, but jerry did go get deion sanders who helped the cowboys get to the superbowl in 95, but the team was basically built with what jimmy Johnson had built, with jerry approval and spending the money to get those players. Then, we saw the disfunction after that, with losing years, then campo years, jerry's puppet. The bad drafts by jerry and larry lacewell.

Then bill parcells had to be signed, jerry admitted it when he was drunk, bankers were on his rear end, he coudnt get the money or approval without a top headcoach in place, then jerry forced T O on parcells, we all know that.

Then medicore years again, and has been for 18 years now. When players see jerry on practice field, that undermines the coaching staff. Not sure if you all remember but callihan was livid, when some other playcalling was issued in a game.

Tell me what gm tells a top head coach, you need to do this, or that, you need to get these players to step up telling the media, have you every seen ozie newsome doing that, or gm for giants when they won their 2 superbowls? Have you seen craft telling belichek what players to sign, or how to run the team?

That's what is needed to point out to jerry jones, show me another gm./owner that does this and has been successful? How would you jerry jones like it, if you were head coach, and the gm/owner was telling you what to do, letting players go to him, instead of you the head coach? This is what needs pointed out to jerry. If you look at a lot of the players that play for the cowboys the past 7 years, with most of them has been about the money, not championships, but the money, to get paid. They always say, the players reflect the head coach personality. In this case, the real head coach is Jerry Jones, not Jason garrett or wade, or parcells, but jerry jones.

You cant tell me, that if media gets a bunch of guys, that have played for the cowboys, like crayton, lisemore, spears, Ratliff, and tell their story of how things were really run, and how jerry wouldn't let the coaches coach, but undermine them, you cant tell me, that this will blow up in jerry face, a lot of fans are upset now. And yes to a reply that a fan said jerry makes aton of money, yes he does, but at same time, do you know how much that note each month is that jerry has to pay for jerrys world? Why do you think jerry finally got someone to buy the rights to the name of the stadium, more money, to offset what he is losing. Jerry now has to pay romo like 23 million this year, plus whatever ware is going to get, carr to. And yes, I have heard, the last 2-3 years,, the cowboys have lost 20 % or more in sales, because fans are getting upset and sick of ways things are run. Think about this, the cowboys had a chance to possibly get norv turner, but didn't, because first you had to buy out norv's contract with browns, and then jerry would have to pay off Callahan. Did you see jerry fire any coaches this year, no, think about that for a minute, let that sink in, would cost more money to do that. Jerry is already what 23 million over the cap. Think about that, now he has to restructure some more contracts, give bonuses upfront to create cap room, more money costing him, think about that.
Let's say that you have 53 subordinates and 1 boss. You tell your subordinates that you are in charge and are responsible for everything they do so you will hold them accountable when they don't perform. Everyone of those 53 people buys in to your message and everyone agrees that you are the head guy and that's it.

Time goes by and performance starts to slip, and you take action to correct that behavior. Along comes your boss and then he tells your subordinate(s) that failed to perform it's okay that you under-performed and on top of that here's a boatload of cash for your substandard performance.

You don't see how that translates to what we see on the field?

I did not say Jerry was smart. But, he tries...but still, the players on the field heed to do their job. It's a team thing.
It can be difficult at times, no doubt.
I'm one because I came before Jones.
He took MY team, not vice versa.

One day it will be my team again. I will outlive that codger.
My Boys will be back in the Big Dance and I will be dancing with them.

It will be a sweet, sweet day- my friend.
For them, for me- for all of us who stuck it through.
Stay with us, friend.

Besides- I like reading your posts...

Thank you very much. After being a fan for 45 years, this is more than I can stand. I am at the point where I don't care what happens as long as Jerry is ruining the team. I am smarter than this. You are too ,along with many other fans.
Thank you very much. After being a fan for 45 years, this is more than I can stand. I am at the point where I don't care what happens as long as Jerry is ruining the team. I am smarter than this. You are too ,along with many other fans.


(stupid cowboy fans)
I did not say Jerry was smart. But, he tries...but still, the players on the field heed to do their job. It's a team thing.

That is true, he might have picked wrong guys, but the guys in the field still have to make plays, hell they aren't totally incapable (despite what they showed).
"When you have your owner as a GM, it's a little more nervous energy geared towards making those decisions and the checks and balances becomes a little too much."

It wasn't a problem when we had a ton of young talent and young coaches like Jimster brought from Miami.

Jerrah as GM wasnt questioned.

It was only when the losing started and now that Parcells is gone..

and weve had to deal with Phillips and now Garrett changes at HC.

It's not been a linear improvement for sure.
Reports are that the cowboys have lost sales the last 2-3 years, by at least 20 % or more. Jerry is being hit in the pocketbook. And if I am right from what I heard, jerry still owes a big monthly bill to the banks each month on bank note, and its a big huge sum.

Joe, where did you hear this?
Spears railed against Parcells once Wade was brought in. Blamed Parcells for his lack of production. Still never produced though.


He was the happiest player on the team when Parcells left.

Parcells did not build a great football team(see dolphins) Parcells got lucky with tony romo.
The reason Wade didn't win a SB was because Parcells wasted first round picks on scrubs like you, mr. Spears.

You're also proof of one of the reason Parcells team building in dallas is greatly exaggerated

Take away romo and what you got... Dolphins
Joe, where did you hear this?

I haven't heard that they've lost "sales." But I have heard that the Dallas markets' ratings on Sundays are down for the third year in a row. Usually the local market is the first market to lose interest, and it could be a harbinger of things to come.
I did not say Jerry was smart. But, he tries...but still, the players on the field heed to do their job. It's a team thing.

The issue with Jerry goes way beyond the personnel side. Yes, he picks the players, and there has been some talent here no question. At the same time, the roster has little to no depth, and you see the effects of that when we are decimated by injuries.

The more damning issue with Jerry is that he just doesn't allow the people he hires to have any autonomy. I Jerry were purely putting the personnel in place, I wouldn't have nearly as much of a problem with him as I do now. He would still need to improve the depth on this squad and need to manage the cap and aging players better, but that's really secondary in my mind to his meddling in everything from play calling, to imposing coordinators on head coaches, to which players on the roster have what role on gameday. Those should be the decisions of the head coach, period.

So sure, Jerry tries... but I'm not going to pretend he's not the problem simply because he tries. There are plenty of guys on this team who try hard. Their skill level just doesn't cut it. Same with Jerry.
I haven't heard that they've lost "sales." But I have heard that the Dallas markets' ratings on Sundays are down for the third year in a row. Usually the local market is the first market to lose interest, and it could be a harbinger of things to come.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least, to be honest. You'd also have to think that a tough economy affects these teams, especially the Cowboys. Throw in years of futility and the popularity of the "brand" has to take a hit sooner or later. I'm surprised it hasn't happened earlier but I believe the Cowboys have one of the most loyal fan base in the NFL.
He didn't really talk much about it because he'd already hurt his calf and I guess was out when all that happened.

BTW, if Norm were in court he'd be stopped for leading the witness about 100 times.

Spears says he loved Ryan as did all the defensive players. Says he thinks Jerry made the hire.

If Jerry made the hire, who made the "fire"?
Probably and his reasoning for ware to only have 6 sacks seemed off it was more than scheme. I think it payed a part but its not the big reason.

Seriously.. Ware was suppose to be a monster, because all he would have to do is rush up field...
Whenever the chain of the command is circumvented by a top person, whether be it a team or an organization, there is no unity, there is no trust and other leadership within will be undermined, which will harbor animosity and distrust, and will never work as one to achieve a common goal. JJ is doing just that, he wants to be liked and perceived as a football guy and be respected but all he is doing is being counterproductive and undermining other leadership.
LOL, says Garrett is a very good coach who is limited by Jerry. Norm finally got what he wanted.

Which makes this whole thing absurd.... Man these reporters love them some Garrett. Jerry is so dumb in his love for Garrett, that he doesn't realize that just as everybody gives Jimmy Johnson credit for the Super Bowls, they blame the losing of Garrett on him.

To be honest, Spears is absolutely clueless it seems about what has been going on with Garrett as HC and he never played under him in reality, cause we all know Garrett didn't sniff the defensive side of the ball when Spears was playing. If Jerry hired Rob Ryan and Rob Ryan was Jerry's pick and was the exact opposite of Garrett, what can he say about JG being Stern?

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