Marcus spears on w/norm at 10:30 to talk dysfunction

Spears will be settling in Dallas post-career as he just built a big house in Frisco. Wouldn't be surprised if he gets a media gig here soon, he was always very good with the media when he was playing.

Yes, and he has stated before that he would like to go into broadcasting once he retires.
I agree about the inner workings stuff. The Jerry stuff is tired. Jmo. What else happened in the locker room? What was up with Rat? Yea, I know he wasn't there, but all his friends in the team were.

What were some of the interesting dynamics around the team? Call some folks out. Who had good work ethic? Who need ed prodding?

Just saying...he mightve word ed it different, but he just regurgitated the same old, same old.

LOL agree, if you dont know Jerry is calling the shots then you have problems. Typical of norm not asking questions we didnt know. How come they cant win. How come the players play with a sense of urgency. I have to say if the players are worrying about who runs the show then thats the problem there. youre a player just worry about what youre doing on the field.
I feel that some of you complaining about discussion on jerry jones, is missing the big point. Here it is: If you remember after parcells was let go, jerry was drunk and videoed by a guy on his phone. Jerry spilled the beans and said, I had to hire him, they were on my back, and jerry even talked about parcells. Old saying is when your drunk, your true feelings come out. Jerry said they were on his back, he had to get backing to get his new stadium, only way he could do that was get a very good head coach in here. Was reported that even parcells ran jerry off the field of practice. So, point is jerry had to get support from financial backers for his new stadium.

Reports are that the cowboys have lost sales the last 2-3 years, by at least 20 % or more. Jerry is being hit in the pocketbook. And if I am right from what I heard, jerry still owes a big monthly bill to the banks each month on bank note, and its a big huge sum.

So, to my thinking, if we get a bunch of former players (hopefully a coach that is retired or 2, to spill the beans, on jerry how him being on the field, is undermining the head coach and coaches. Like one guy, how would you feel every day your owner is at your job, watching you, that undermines the managers, people in charge, because the owner is there. If that goes on every day, then yes, that is a problem. If we can get a bunch of former players, coaches, and media guys to back this up, put the ball back in jerry court, ask him, how would he feel if he was a coach, and the big boss was there every day, watching, talking, undermining what he had to do? At same time, get the fans, media to get onto jerry back, show him, since he has done it his way past 18 years, and he is the common denominator for those 18 years, then that really needs to change.

Players know when jerry is there, he is the boss, even Gregg ellis went to jerry a time or two over parcells. See, the problem, get all these players, coaches and media to present this to jerry, not just one, but a bunch, with us fans hollering to. We all love Jerry Jones as owner, let him know that, but as GM he is killing the dallas cowboys and us fans.

Something has to change, or he will keep losing sales. And cowboys glory will be no more.

Again, that's my thoughts, and some of you may not like it or agree. But if jerry jones had to get backing for his stadium, he is losing money now, then maybe this is the way to approach him.

Lmao at posts like this. You really think that people are going to come out and bash a guy who has made the league billions of dollars? You think it's in former coaches and players best interest to come out and talk trash about a powerful guy in their line of work? Where do you people come up with this stuff?
I'm pretty sure Joe that Jerry is making money hand over fist year after year. One of the many reasons he doesn't care what people think. Why should he if he's profiting?

And really this has always boiled down to one thing with Jerry. EGO! He has a huge one.

Successful people get to where they are because of that thing called ego
Spears had an opportunity to really provide some background on things and he fell right in line with the rest of the media folks, hook, line, and sinker. It's too bad.

Maybe I am misinterpreting what you are saying, but claiming he is "falling in line with the rest of the media folks" suggests that there is something wrong with what he said since as we all know the media is "evil".

Honestly, there is still doubt in this very fanbase that Jones is not hindering the coaches being able to do their jobs.

That cannot be repeated enough because some still do not accept it as fact.

I understand you want new and unique things but honestly, that is not something that is even relevant. That is like wondering about the paint color is when the entire building is on fire.
I work in a corporate environment. Boss is always around. Doesn't stop me from performing on the job. You accept the parameters of the work environment and you work to excel in it.

But I'm glad you see my point about just adding more to the discussion.

JJ is not the only piece of meat on the bone. And he could very well see that as the main issue, but what are some of the others. What does he think of the talent on the field? What's the lockerroom environment like sans the coaches? Are their cliques?

There's so much more to the Cowboys storyline that just Jerry. All roads lead to Jerry, but what's on those roads can affect the team too.

You basically reiterated what I was saying.. Yeah, it should get old repeating yourself to folks who don't want to agree with your stance on the inner workings of the team. It's an old never-ending argument where folks aren't going to change their mind. Which is why folks should then consider looking at other aspects of the team.

Spears had an opportunity to really provide some background on things and he fell right in line with the rest of the media folks, hook, line, and sinker. It's too bad.

That said, I think if he's engaging enough, he'll do well.

From what I gather from the interview and its my opinion too that most of the problem stem frm jj. Fix that proble and the other will be fixed. Really no reason for him to talk about the other problems when he thinks thise problems stem from jj. Jmo.
I work in a corporate environment. Boss is always around. Doesn't stop me from performing on the job. You accept the parameters of the work environment and you work to excel in it.

But I'm glad you see my point about just adding more to the discussion.

I have the boss around all the time too, but the problem is that she has no clue what she is doing and makes stupid decisions and comes up with dumb ideas. It's nerve-wracking knowing that at any moment she can come up with more stupidity. Her problem is that she lacks experience, and knowledge of what the job entails.

Jerry has lots of experience, but still lacks the knowledge of how to do the job.
Maybe I am misinterpreting what you are saying, but claiming he is "falling in line with the rest of the media folks" suggests that there is something wrong with what he said since as we all know the media is "evil".

Honestly, there is still doubt in this very fanbase that Jones is not hindering the coaches being able to do their jobs.

That cannot be repeated enough because some still do not accept it as fact.

I understand you want new and unique things but honestly, that is not something that is even relevant. That is like wondering about the paint color is when the entire building is on fire.
For clarity, I don't find the media evil, at all. I was a journalism student, so I always feel they're doing their job to the best of their ability. Some better than others. I just find many of the stories produced by the local media to be filler-material. Rarely, do you see them stretch their chops to produce something that's deeper than the surface-level reporting.

So when I said that Spears fell right in line with the rest of them, he didn't provide anything deeper than what we've heard, speculated about, or have already from others already.

As for my want of something new, it doesn't have to be fluff-level about how Player A is a jokester and Player B loves country music. I'm suggesting that he provide examples of the things he was talking about. Rob Ryan acts like a player, because he did this and that. Jerry made players uncomfortable. How? When? He thought Rob Ryan was a Jerry hire. Why did he think that?

Simple stuff like that.. I realize he's not media yet, but Norm is...and it seems Norm left alot of questions unanswered in this interview. As fans, we're simply left to speculate even more. Had Spears offered up specifics, then we'd have some real meat on the bones to discuss.

Discussing Jerry's too involved is not exactly groundbreaking information. Examples of why a player might feel he is could be interesting for discussion.
OK. This thread just confirmed that I will be drinking tonight. Yup, it's tired, it's same old same old, but it's the truth and it sucks.
I think in some cases (norm's fault or not) Spears did not offer more specifics because he does not know all of the specifics.

He said many times that he felt this or that but did not know for sure.

The one thing he did seem dead on saying that was fact and not feeling was that Jerry was in charge.

Well as WG has posted and to part of her point.....DUH

We know this already. Not only have the media talked about it over and over, not only has the fans talked about it over and over....JERRY has said this over and over.

Even when Bill Parcells was introduced as the new Coach Jerry, and Bill, both clarified that Jerry had the Final Say.

The only thing that I seen change in what Jerry and the HC would say concerning that was when he said that there would not be a player on this team that Jason did not want...I don't know if this was a discussion between the two due to the whole Bill and TO situation and that being Jerry's call or not. Or if Jerry was being serious at that time but has changed his mind and reverted back to old Jerry...or if he was full of it back at that time.

I just found it odd that he made sure that everyone knew that he had Final say when Bill was hired but said that Jason would not have players on this team he did not want. That part was interesting.

But back to WGs point...nothing in that interview with spears really gave us any new information that was not reported on before or has been basic common knowledge on this forum by many fans (I said many, not all as some will never admit a difference due to their own ego and/or agendas).

I don't know why people are having any issue with what WG has said concerning this other than to just want to argue for the sake of the argument.
1) It would have been nice to hear Spears' comments on the Ratliff situation.
2) It would have been nice to hear how the Cowboys and the Ravens compare other than the little jab about only seeing Raven GM twice. Are the practices similar? How about Harbaugh vs. Garrett? And some examples of how Jerry negatively affect the coaches would have been nice.

All in all, there wasn't a whole lot he said.

Compare the Baltimore Ravens (est. 1996) success to the Cowboys success from 1996 to 2013 and that will give you an answer of why they have accomplished more than our favorite team. Spears information is valid.
I don't think Spears said anything "enlightening." He didn't give one fact that average Joe Cowboys fan couldn't have told you.

Oh, Jerry walks around practice. WHO KNEW???? Another vanilla interview/report bashing Jerry without anything tangible.

See what im talking about WG? Even when someone from the inside confirms what most of us knew, you got these folks. Smh.
He said it right out.

Jerry is right there everyday.

What he is saying is that he undercuts his coaches authority. Jerry looms around as the boss of bosses changing the dynamics.

This is why he mentioned that in a year in Baltimore he saw owner Steve biscotti one time and that newsome and harbaugh were allowed to do their jobs.

in a nutshell, Jerry robs the coaches of authority and needs to back off. Also the job of general manger is so difficult and detailed the owner can not also be the general manager. Said newsome was always working.

This is why parcells removed Jerry from the practice field early on.

The first thing parcells said when he came here was you have to cut off the pipeline from the players to the Owner or the coach will never have any authority

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