Marcus spears on w/norm at 10:30 to talk dysfunction

I think in some cases (norm's fault or not) Spears did not offer more specifics because he does not know all of the specifics.

He said many times that he felt this or that but did not know for sure.

The one thing he did seem dead on saying that was fact and not feeling was that Jerry was in charge.

Well as WG has posted and to part of her point.....DUH

We know this already. Not only have the media talked about it over and over, not only has the fans talked about it over and over....JERRY has said this over and over.

Even when Bill Parcells was introduced as the new Coach Jerry, and Bill, both clarified that Jerry had the Final Say.

The only thing that I seen change in what Jerry and the HC would say concerning that was when he said that there would not be a player on this team that Jason did not want...I don't know if this was a discussion between the two due to the whole Bill and TO situation and that being Jerry's call or not. Or if Jerry was being serious at that time but has changed his mind and reverted back to old Jerry...or if he was full of it back at that time.

I just found it odd that he made sure that everyone knew that he had Final say when Bill was hired but said that Jason would not have players on this team he did not want. That part was interesting.

But back to WGs point...nothing in that interview with spears really gave us any new information that was not reported on before or has been basic common knowledge on this forum by many fans (I said many, not all as some will never admit a difference due to their own ego and/or agendas).

I don't know why people are having any issue with what WG has said concerning this other than to just want to argue for the sake of the argument.

Well, I've seen it claimed many times around here that no players or coaches have come out and backed up the notion that Jerry is micromanaging everything. One just did. So that's notable.

You, and many others, got tricked on clever wording. You took "there will be no player on the roster that Jason Garrett doesn't want" to mean Garrett had say over personnel. He didn't say Jason would get all the players he wants. He was saying no player will be forced on him that he doesn't want. That's two different things. The former has authority, the latter doesn't.

Not that I think it's ideal for an NFL franchise to hand over personnel control to Jason Garrett, but when the alternative is Harry and Lloyd, I'll take my chances with the unknown.

As for what he said with Bill, he admitted he had to make concessions to get Bill to sign here. But Jerry, being an egomaniacal lunatic, had to let everyone know that he would still be the GM. Please don't confuse me. I made concessions, but I'm still the boss. I still have the final say. I still control things. Did I mention I'm the boss?

I don't see any correlation between that and the Garrett era. This is comfortable large and in charge Jerry. That was a very unhappy Jerry forced to restrain himself as much as possible while a real football man cleaned up his mess.
Plus Garrett hardly seems like he's in a position to stand on the table for any players. Not as much control as he had a few years ago.

So its essentially like you got caught staring at another girl. And your girl sees it and she knows you're on thin ice
and says "these eearings are expensive but I'm glad you've just decided to get them right ?"
Well, I've seen it claimed many times around here that no players or coaches have come out and backed up the notion that Jerry is micromanaging everything. One just did. So that's notable.

You, and many others, got tricked on clever wording. You took "there will be no player on the roster that Jason Garrett doesn't want" to mean Garrett had say over personnel. He didn't say Jason would get all the players he wants. He was saying no player will be forced on him that he doesn't want. That's two different things. The former has authority, the latter doesn't.

Not that I think it's ideal for an NFL franchise to hand over personnel control to Jason Garrett, but when the alternative is Harry and Lloyd, I'll take my chances with the unknown.

As for what he said with Bill, he admitted he had to make concessions to get Bill to sign here. But Jerry, being an egomaniacal lunatic, had to let everyone know that he would still be the GM. Please don't confuse me. I made concessions, but I'm still the boss. I still have the final say. I still control things. Did I mention I'm the boss?

I don't see any correlation between that and the Garrett era. This is comfortable large and in charge Jerry. That was a very unhappy Jerry forced to restrain himself as much as possible while a real football man cleaned up his mess.

No I did not get tricked. I specifically stuck with the no players he did not want and did not add he would get the players he wanted.

I said that the way I said it because that was how it was said....lots of saids in there.

But again I think that did come from Jerry, TO and Bill. I think Bill did not want TO and Jerry did and since Jerry has final Say he got TO.

In the end it really does not matter though. Jerry will do what Jerry wants to do.

As far as you saying you have seen others claim on here this or what. YOU already have it set in your mind that you are right. Same as how I have it set in my mind that I know Jerry is mixed in everything. Same as Jerry has said that he is involved in everything. I don't need one player to say that when I have basically known it all along and have heard Jerry pretty much say it in his own hem haw way of talking in circles.

Furthermore there are people that will say one thing and stick to it no matter what even when a player, coach or jerry himself says just the opposite. It is easier for some to stick to their story no matter what rather than to admit they are wrong and damage their own ego.

There is a difference between someone that takes a little longer to see things clearly and eventually changes their mind...vs someone who would rather stick to their guns no matter how much anyone says even if it is the very person saying it that they are trying to defend.

So again it really does not matter and nothing new was learned in that interview.
Funny how this stuff is coming out more and more. As people get sick of the losing, they are more willing to call out the real problem. Jerry is supposedly very vindictive and will do everything is his power to squash opposing opinions, so Marcus might want to watch what he says if he really wants to work in the media in that town.

Supposed insiders have tried very hard to post here that Jerry is fine, team is no different than other teams, Jason is in charge, randomness about titles, but the truth is coming out. Jerry was, is, and will be the problem and it's getting harder and harder to pretend he isn't.
For anyone who defends the jones family in the future just go back and listen to this.

Jerry undermines the coaches and the players do not know who is in charge.

And that is the cowboys problem. Right there.

To put this in another form, Jerry creates a culture of undermining his supervisors by being close to the employees. His authority is the only authority, and when he pals up with the players as he wears his owner cap, he ruins the dynamics of management.

People say this is a tired argument.

This is the only argument as long as Jerry is the lead dog from the GM position.
Lmao at posts like this. You really think that people are going to come out and bash a guy who has made the league billions of dollars? You think it's in former coaches and players best interest to come out and talk trash about a powerful guy in their line of work? Where do you people come up with this stuff?

The Giants did it. Cost Dallas huge chunk of change and a couple of players they're not able to sign because of it.

You bet your *** the Giants knew what they were doing. And on a very vague accusation that the league allowed.
To put this in another form, Jerry creates a culture of undermining his supervisors by being close to the employees. His authority is the only authority, and when he pals up with the players as he wears his owner cap, he ruins the dynamics of management.

People say this is a tired argument.

This is the only argument as long as Jerry is the lead dog from the GM position.

Triple like........
For clarity, I don't find the media evil, at all. I was a journalism student, so I always feel they're doing their job to the best of their ability. Some better than others. I just find many of the stories produced by the local media to be filler-material. Rarely, do you see them stretch their chops to produce something that's deeper than the surface-level reporting.

So when I said that Spears fell right in line with the rest of them, he didn't provide anything deeper than what we've heard, speculated about, or have already from others already.

As for my want of something new, it doesn't have to be fluff-level about how Player A is a jokester and Player B loves country music. I'm suggesting that he provide examples of the things he was talking about. Rob Ryan acts like a player, because he did this and that. Jerry made players uncomfortable. How? When? He thought Rob Ryan was a Jerry hire. Why did he think that?

Simple stuff like that.. I realize he's not media yet, but Norm is...and it seems Norm left alot of questions unanswered in this interview. As fans, we're simply left to speculate even more. Had Spears offered up specifics, then we'd have some real meat on the bones to discuss.

Discussing Jerry's too involved is not exactly groundbreaking information. Examples of why a player might feel he is could be interesting for discussion.

You would have made a good journalist.

I hate it when interviews are begging for certain questions and they're never asked.
You would have made a good journalist.

I hate it when interviews are begging for certain questions and they're never asked.
Ha! Thank you. I thought I was pretty good at it, too. lol Career took a detour when I happened upon an opportunity for more money than the piddling money I was getting freelancing, as well as the lack of guidance to try to move forward in the field. Life happens...

As for the unanswered questions, it's par for the course nowadays unfortunately.
Well, I've seen it claimed many times around here that no players or coaches have come out and backed up the notion that Jerry is micromanaging everything. One just did. So that's tricked on clever wording.

Changing the POV for a second, there has ALWAYS been a backlash of posters who wish to argue the point of who is in charge.

Former coaches and players have said Jerry is a good guy - Switzer, Lacewell, Brandt and others. But to the point RS makes. They all say Jerry makes the final call.

Now add two pieces of information to this.

1. From Spears's comments, Jerry is there everyday. From a post by Theebs - Said it right out Jerry runs everything, he is there everyday and doesn't let coaches do their job.

2. Speaking top the press after every game. Making comments to the press during the week about specific players and using We words in the context of how the player will be used, who will make decisions on things like play calling to even projecting their draft plans. These are all validation of what Spears via Theebs said.

It may be tired. It may be something "we" all ready know. But as time progresses, those who debate vehemently that Jerry is not the eye of the storm and the final arbiter of what this team does - from the socks to the jocks - is being torn asunder brick by brick as former players and coaches tell the real tale.
What? All I'm saying is that Spears didn't say anything that was "enlightening." What is your point?

I don't think Spears said anything "enlightening." He didn't give one fact that average Joe Cowboys fan couldn't have told you.
Oh, Jerry walks around practice. WHO KNEW???? Another vanilla interview/report bashing Jerry without anything tangible.

My point is that with this statement you seem to be a bit perturbed by the Spears interview and knowing your post history it's not surprising. What I was saying to WG is that some here still think that JJ is just some figure head who's not involved with the day to day when most of us can see different.

When you say anything tangible I don't think you'll ever get that but this is pretty close and to deny that is just not wanting to face the truth.
Ha! Thank you. I thought I was pretty good at it, too. lol Career took a detour when I happened upon an opportunity for more money than the piddling money I was getting freelancing, as well as the lack of guidance to try to move forward in the field. Life happens...

As for the unanswered questions, it's par for the course nowadays unfortunately.

Yeah, I've been a reporter/journalist for more than 20 years, mostly news. I'm out of the business full-time, though I freelance still. Went into PR. But journalism is really, really being dumbed down now. It's sad, but the general public doesn't have the attention span for deep questions and deeper stories. And the media figures if the public wants deeper stories, it will go to some niche publication, which the general media will just siphon off of and repost as their own. :(
There are no surprises here. Jerry was and is the problem with the Cowboys. Why in the Hell do we remain fans? I am starting to question why and should I remain a fan of the Cowboys with the Jones family in charge. I am not a fan of 8-8 entertainment.
My point is that with this statement you seem to be a bit perturbed by the Spears interview and knowing your post history it's not surprising. What I was saying to WG is that some here still think that JJ is just some figure head who's not involved with the day to day when most of us can see different.

When you say anything tangible I don't think you'll ever get that but this is pretty close and to deny that is just not wanting to face the truth.
I'm not perturbed at all and I don't even know what you're talking about with wanting to face the truth or my post history..... I don't think he said anything untrue....but he certainly didn't offer up anything new or groundbreaking.

Yea, Jerry is involved in everything. Who didn't know that? Unless he's going to sit there and say something concrete like "jay ratliff didn't play because he hated Jerry," its not really an interview that's any different than what you or I could give.
I'm not perturbed at all and I don't even know what you're talking about with wanting to face the truth or my post history..... I don't think he said anything untrue....but he certainly didn't offer up anything new or groundbreaking.

Yea, Jerry is involved in everything. Who didn't know that? Unless he's going to sit there and say something concrete like "jay ratliff didn't play because he hated Jerry," its not really an interview that's any different than what you or I could give.

You nor I was in the locker room, practices, or meetings, Spears was for over 5 years. We can only speculate but he can tell of the inter workings.

There has been a couple of different camps on this subject, those who think that JJ doesn't get deeply involved in the football operations and those who do, Spears gives credence to the ones that think that JJ is too involved with the day to day.
You nor I was in the locker room, practices, or meetings, Spears was for over 5 years. We can only speculate but he can tell of the inter workings.

There has been a couple of different camps on this subject, those who think that JJ doesn't get deeply involved in the football operations and those who do, Spears gives credence to the ones that think that JJ is too involved with the day to day.
Spears didn't give any insights about what happens in the locker room. And at no time did I say I don't think Jerry isn't deeply involved. He obviously is. Spears' interview shouldn't be enough to make or break that opinion for anyone.

And on half a tangent, some of the JJ bashers on this site tend to look at things in a perspective that's far too black and white. To some, if you don't think he's the AntiChrist, you're an idiot. Jerry makes mistakes, no doubt about it, but to solely blame him for everything thats wrong with the franchise - from drafting to blown coverages to game mismanagement - is a gross overexaggeration.
And on half a tangent, some of the JJ bashers on this site tend to look at things in a perspective that's far too black and white. To some, if you don't think he's the AntiChrist, you're an idiot. Jerry makes mistakes, no doubt about it, but to solely blame him for everything thats wrong with the franchise - from drafting to blown coverages to game mismanagement - is a gross overexaggeration.

I don't think it is at all. He's the guy responsible for the coaches, players and the environment they work in. When the inevitable flawed product shows itself on the field, he gets the blame.
I don't think it is at all. He's the guy responsible for the coaches, players and the environment they work in. When the inevitable flawed product shows itself on the field, he gets the blame.
Why is that different than any other organization then?
Why is that different than any other organization then?

Because in every other organization the owner isn't running things from socks to jocks. He's not pretending he's a personnel guy. He doesn't have an open door policy with the players, completely undermining his coaches. He's not a constant presence in the day to day activities with the team.

This desperate attempt to pretend the Cowboys are like all the others just doesn't fly. There is no team in the sports world that is run like the Cowboys. Even the Bengals and Commanders don't break their locker room huddle with the owner's hand in the mix.

You want to fix the Cowboys? Change Jerry Jones. Anything short of that is a waste of time set up for failure.

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