Maybe Its A Culture Problem, Not Neccessarily Playcalling

The offense is hindered by Garrett and his "scheme" and the defense just isn't good enough. Romo has always covered up the flaws in the offense because he controls and changes so much, but you could still see it even when he played. The defense is just awful. The DE position w/o Lawrence might be the worst in the NFL, they have one LB who would be more than depth on most teams, CB is serviceable with a pass rush which they don't have, and Safety is Jones(who the jury is still out on how good he can be) and not much more.
This probably is the wrong place, but I heard John Daniels of the Rangers interviewed a few weeks ago. The question that was asked to him was if he was worried about the third starter as they head down the stretch with the best record in the american league. His answer was it is his job to worry about everything with the roster. I feel this is not Jerry and one of the big issues with him. He is more worried trying to sell you that he has made the right decisions and hoping those decisions turn out right. I feel the little things have always been looked over and they usually come back to bite us. It is not my biggest problem with Jerry, but sweating the small stuff is not a Jerry thing. IMO, a GM needs to sweats the small stuff and big stuff.
Now, this is a thread I can get behind. I'm not sure what the problem is, but it needs to change. I don't know if it's a benching, or a bold proclamation, or what, but somebody needs to get some skin in the game in Dallas. And I'm perfectly fine putting that on the head coach, where it belongs.

The frustrating this is the same symptoms bite us from a different place each game. It's drive-killing OL penalties. It's ST breakdowns. It's downfield blocking calls on WRs that remove TDs. It's drops, or officials overturning calls they should not, or body catches, or the sun in my eyes, or not getting out of bounds. It's a blown coverage because a LB got hurt at the end of regulation. It's not holding your water at QB and putting in a guy who doesn't take care of the football. You can't see it coming because it's so many little things.

Is it culture? Maybe. I think, mostly, we've got a good culture right now, but there's something keeping these guys from getting the job done when it matters.

Is it reliance on Tony's magic to make it all work? Maybe. Tony's pretty great. But we found so many ways to lose last season, it was crazy. And we picked up right where we left off this week.

My own feeling is that we're very close. It's a mental shift or an expectation, or a fear of getting fired or cut or something. I'm not sure what's missing, but whatever it is, I honestly don't think it's something all that significant. You could kind of feel things slide into focus for us in 2014 as the swagger started. When it did, all of the little excuses for it not getting done sort of just disappeared and things started to snowball positively.

I wish I had a better answer for what I thought the problem was. It drives me crazy, and makes the games and the seasons just not fun to watch when we sisyphus it out there week after week after week.

What you just stated here is a coaching shortcoming.

Constant mistakes, even in a different area every week, is the sign of a poorly coached/prepared team.

Now Garrett isn't the only problem. This thing goes higher than just the head coach, but Garrett is a mediocre coach and that's been shown for the last 12 months when he's struggled mightily without Romo and his improvisation to bail the coaching staff out.
Something about Beasley rubs me the wrong way, just seems like someone who doesn't really care much and is always distracted.

He seems to have one or two boneheaded drops (or fumbles) a game.
This probably is the wrong place, but I heard John Daniels of the Rangers interviewed a few weeks ago. The question that was asked to him was if he was worried about the third starter as they head down the stretch with the best record in the american league. His answer was it is his job to worry about everything with the roster. I feel this is not Jerry and one of the big issues with him. He is more worried trying to sell you that he has made the right decisions and hoping those decisions turn out right. I feel the little things have always been looked over and they usually come back to bite us. It is not my biggest problem with Jerry, but sweating the small stuff is not a Jerry thing. IMO, a GM needs to sweats the small stuff and big stuff.

The Rangers and the Stars are like the other side of the coin when it comes to this front office. They are actually ran the correct way.
Thee are no consequences for the actions...or should say non-actions....on and off the field.
Also I think some are just there to collect the paycheck. They know there is no one to replace them, and they will probably not get cut. Mostly because of the salary cap ramifications.
At this point, I am just hoping Garrett isn't our version of Jeff Fisher, being that guy that somehow continues to survive mediocre season after mediocre season.
The Rangers and the Stars are like the other side of the coin when it comes to this front office. They are actually ran the correct way.

I am glad you didn't put the Mavericks in there, because they are not ran the right way....:laugh:....
Seems like they haven't had a 1st round draft pick in 20 years. and when they do, they blow the pick. Then try to do a patch work has been FA's. No big FA wants to come here.
I am glad you didn't put the Mavericks in there, because they are not ran the right way....:laugh:....
Seems like they haven't had a 1st round draft pick in 20 years. and when they do, they blow the pick. Then try to do a patch work has been FA's. No big FA wants to come here.

No the Mavericks are in an identical spot almost exactly. Bad drafting, bad GM and only held up by a fading, elite talent. The Rangers though are something else. I think they have 3 players left from their 2011 World Series team, yet they've been a really good team every year outside of one since then. JD knows how to build a team.
we've been close (2014) but its stuck in mudd more times than not. it doesnt go anywhere. its a repeat pattern. how long can this go on? you are right guys can go over JGs head. His hands are tied. What dexternjack said also. Makes sense. Failed to ment ion that. I knew it but I've been stuck so long in can't change the GM or the OWNER so JG is the only foreseeable movable part. My bad.

I think a lot of people feel this way. And I understand it. I've always looked at it that Jason is an ally who works well with Stephen to curb some of Jerry's worse impulses. I honestly can't imagine them firing JG and bringing in anybody more effective at it. And a lot of the candidates could be a lot worse. Jerry's the root of the problem, and that's not going to change. Which is why I prefer to see somebody who I think can work better within the system than bring in somebody to start a long rebuild on the same questionable foundation.
Hu? These are the most coddled players in the NFL. Which is a huge part of the problem. Coach no balls had them castrated by coach Jones. It's like if your dad punished you and you went straight to mom to get out of it. We draft troubled players for god sakes.
Twill shouldn't see the field again but he will start. So the message is no matter how dumb you are you have a job in Dallas.

Why do you think the players are coddled? Because you've seen other fans say it? And how are you measuring coddling relative to all the other teams?

As I said, I'd like to see snaps taken away from players who make obvious mental mistakes, but I don't think we're all that different from most other NFL teams in that regard. It's an easy criticism to just say, though because it's hard to measure or to disprove.
Garrett is a symptom of the disease.

He actually might do well in another situation but he has no shot here working for this owner.

But that's because of the owner. If the problem is the owner, and not the coach, why all the talk about replacing the coach? Or do you think there's a coach out there who could be hired who's going to have more success under Jerry?
I think a lot of people feel this way. And I understand it. I've always looked at it that Jason is an ally who works well with Stephen to curb some of Jerry's worse impulses. I honestly can't imagine them firing JG and bringing in anybody more effective at it. And a lot of the candidates could be a lot worse. Jerry's the root of the problem, and that's not going to change. Which is why I prefer to see somebody who I think can work better within the system than bring in somebody to start a long rebuild on the same questionable foundation.

Even as the evidence is mounting that the person who works well within the system isn't producing anything worthwhile on the field?

I never understood this logic from fans. You see it all the time.............. "yeah, I know we kind of stink right now and are mediocre, but hey, it could be a lot worse. The next guy could be really bad!"

I don't quite get the fear of the unknown some of you have where what we currently have, which is looking more and more like a definite mediocre product, is good enough for you to not take a risk and see if there is something better out there.

Jerry is a problem. I think most of us agree with that. But he's not going anywhere any time soon. I'd much rather take a risk and find (or even luck into) a coach that can win and produce than continue down this path of mediocrity that we are currently in. I just don't understand why fans of the Cowboys would actually prefer to keep the status quo and not win squat than take that chance and maybe find the guy who can make us a winner.
I think Garrett is a great guy, but he should be running a kid's football league.

Speak for yourself Kev......I want my kid's team to win. I wouldn't want Garrett around a kid's flag football team.
The cowboys is an organization that you'd absolutely love to work at. Laid back, not super strict, no requirements to win, lots of glitz and glamor. It's no wonder players want to come here. Now as a product on the field, we get beat by more strict organizations. Players on winning teams in other organizations, the coach gets in their face and possibly threatens them with the loss of a job. In our organization, Garrett smiles and pats the guy on the back. During gametime, is it not wonder we keep making critical mistakes?

I think Garrett is a great guy, but he should be running a kid's football league. I can see him walking off the field with a big smile and hand out capri suns and apple slices to everyone. In the NFL, cheesing after a loss to a divisional rival won't cut it. I think his talents lay much more in the realms of admin work and bringing talent in here than being an on the field general. We've assembled a lot of talented players and coaches. Still, as a head coach, you have to instill discipline and create an atmosphere that just isn't being created here. You can't win in this league if you aren't willing to create an uncomfortable atmosphere and just from the quotes I hear from the players, it seems like losing is no big deal to them. Remember when Dez used to get emotional after we lost? Now it seems like no huge deal anymore. Remember hardy smacking the clipboard and making things uncomfortable in that locker room? He's gone.

Just to follow up....I don't know if Garrett's a great guy but do you think guys like Wade, Callahan or Rob Ryan think Garrett is a great guy? I don't. Garrett is a yes man, plain and simple.
yeah most teams that lost, lost a close game,
only cleveland and wash got beat by double digits. wash was the worst, losing by 22 points!

I do think what some of you have said is true, jerry and his boy, create a toxic culture here, and they wont ever change, so neither will
the culture.
I also blame jg too, with his process, and if we lose we watch the tape and get better.
They have been watching tape a long time, and still play poorly, so i wonder when does the get better part actually happen?

The worst thing to me was morris was clearly the better back at this point, so he should have become the starter in 2nd quarter.

Morris should have been the starter from the start. The guy had a very good pre-season and earned it. But not in Dallas.

The NFL is all about parity. That's the way they want it and it's great for the entertainment value. It's also the reason why coaching is so important. We are seriously lacking in that department and folks are starting to realize it even though it took the better part of 10 years.
Garrett is a symptom of the disease.

He actually might do well in another situation but he has no shot here working for this owner.

I agree that Jerry sets the culture and is the root cause of the disease. But Garrett is just not a very good coach. You could chalk it up initially to inexperience but at some point it's just so obvious that Garrett offers us no gameday advantage and Romo hides all of his flaws. I don't absolve Garrett of any guilt here which it appears you're doing.

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