McCarthy on Lance: He's close to being a master of the system


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It will be interesting to see the fallout, heart ache and nonstop criticism from anti-Dakkers when Trance gets relegated to the sidelines watching Dak once the regular season starts.

I really don’t see Lance playing significant snaps this season unless the team is trash or Dak is hurt. But that brings a whole other set of circumstances if either of those happen especially if Dak isn’t extended in TC.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Lance and Dak are both FA's after the season.

IF you believe Lance was truly brought in to be the successor then it has to be no later than 2025.

There is no scenario where Lance and Dak are both on this roster next season. Lance would be a fool to stick around if not named started for 2025.

So, I don't see how, if you truly believe Lance was brought in to be the successor as you said, that you can't agree with me that Lance is getting his chance no later than 2025 Week 1.

Your "noted" comment from my prediction makes it seem to me that you don't agree with my assumption, but I don't really see how you can't if you believe Lance is the successor.
I even outlined everything in detail. My mistake.


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I said the other day the PR machine is very odd. I don’t know if it’s legit excitement about what he’s doing or if this is trying to get the extension at a better rate for the Cowboys with Dak. As much as I would love to see Lance takeoff I am skeptical about the PR push.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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I did.

I don't care about the reasons why I just want to know ......

Do you think Lance will be the successor in 2025?

Yes or no?
You seem like an intelligent person. Question. Why do you believe I would state a yes or no answer based upon what you claim you read?

And please understand this as well regardless how you might answer. Your not caring about the reasons I stated means nothing to me.


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Do you think Lance will be the successor in 2025?
I'll jump in and repeat my opinion is yes. I do not think Dallas re-signs Dak. Lance will get his shot in 2025. I'm not saying Lance will play well and earn the job long-term, but he will get the first crack at it.

Dallas has a year to see what Dak does, and see how Lance performs on and off the field.

PA Cowboy Fan

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If Dallas is done with Dak they need to start Lance this year. There is no need to wait. They won't though because I think this is everything to do with Getting Dak to come down on his price. And I don't think it will work. Jerry thinks he's the smartest person around and I think he'll try to make Lance into a starting QB even if he isn't. More wasted years. I don't think Jerry values the QB position that much.


Star Power
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I said the other day the PR machine is very odd. I don’t know if it’s legit excitement about what he’s doing or if this is trying to get the extension at a better rate for the Cowboys with Dak. As much as I would love to see Lance takeoff I am skeptical about the PR push.
There’s no PR push. Lance or Dak’s stay in Dallas is dependent upon how each play. That is all. All they are doing is giving updates on how Lance is doing because people are asking and want to know.


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I really don’t see Lance playing significant snaps this season unless the team is trash or Dak is hurt. But that brings a whole other set of circumstances if either of those happen especially if Dak isn’t extended in TC.
Dak emptied the stadium in the 3rd qtr.

Jerry Man-Cried.

Lance > Dak

Just like Lance took the starting job from JimmyG.


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There’s no PR push. Lance or Dak’s stay in Dallas is dependent upon how each play. That is all. All they are doing is giving updates on how Lance is doing because people are asking and want to know.

For good reason.

The kid is a phenom.


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If Dallas is done with Dak they need to start Lance this year. There is no need to wait. They won't though because I think this is everything to do with Getting Dak to come down on his price. And I don't think it will work. Jerry thinks he's the smartest person around and I think he'll try to make Lance into a starting QB even if he isn't. More wasted years. I don't think Jerry values the QB position that much.
Jerry getting revenge on Dak.


Devil's Advocate
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Obviously, you do not read any of my posts or threads concerning Jerry Jones. That's cool. They are boring. :( Glad you asked though! :)

I don't <expletive> 'when' will be when. As I have said many times over many years, I go by what I think that Arkansan idiot may do based on his past history. Allow me to help you in what I think are Jones decision-making possibilities...

Possibility #1: Prescott plays like Prescott can play but gets injured between now and the end of the team's 2024 season. Lance will be made the permanent franchise quarterback IF he performances even adequately well during the opportunities afforded to him after Prescott is sidelined. I will label this option The 2016 Prescott Gambit.​
Possibility #2: Prescott struggles moreso than normal, gets injured sometime during the 2024 season, and Lance plays lights out after replacing him. I will name this option The 2006 Romo Gambit.
Possibility #3: Prescott sits out the start of the 2024 regular season for a new contract. Lance starts and Prescott hopes to hell he does not perform anywhere as well as he did eight years ago. This one is the He Made My Decision For Me option.​
Possibility #4: Lance stuns the coaches during training camp and preseason, playing at a young Troy Aikman level. Lance starts Week 1. It does not exactly fit but I will call this The 2001 Quincy Carter Gambit.
I typed the above to cool your hot-for-QB-change blood for a moment. I am not through though.

Possibility #5: Prescott plays at his usual level and manages to help lead the team to an NFC Divisional Round win. WHETHER THE TEAM ADVANCES BEYOND THAT POINT IS IRRELEVANT IN MY OPINION. I think Mad Genius re-signs Prescott to a multi-year contract in that circumstance. Quick. And he will attempt to keep Lance on the roster afterwards.​
I know. I know. Wait a second. Breathe in. Breathe out. One more of what I think Jones thinks.

Possibility #6: The team does not reach the postseason or the team does not reach the NFC Divisional round. Prescott is toast in his book. Jones will not even sniff at quarterback neither Day 1 nor Day 2 of the April 2025 NFL Draft because he acquired a former first round quarterback selection that HE judges is a likely starting quarterback NO MATTER HOW WELL Lance has progressed between today and that time.​

Get ready.

Get set.


#1 sounds very plausible


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Dak emptied the stadium in the 3rd qtr.

Jerry Man-Cried.

Lance > Dak

Just like Lance took the starting job from JimmyG.
Why would any care if Jerry “man” cried? Like it’s silly to keep using that as a basis as to why he’s probably gone.

PA Cowboy Fan

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Why would any care if Jerry “man” cried? Like it’s silly to keep using that as a basis as to why he’s probably gone.
Jerry's a billionaire. He has 3 SB Trophies and is in the HOF. He isn't crying. If he really cared about winning a SB he would change how he does business.


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I really don’t see Lance playing significant snaps this season unless the team is trash or Dak is hurt. But that brings a whole other set of circumstances if either of those happen especially if Dak isn’t extended in TC.
The reason that Dak will play this season is 1) They are paying him and he can't be traded. 2) If Lance lights it up, then he would be would be due for a larger salary than he would if he was 2nd string all year.