McCarthy was supposed to give Dallas an edge


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Early criticism after the results of 3 games doesn’t translate into not giving him more time. These analysis are subject to change as the season develops.

I understand you may not have considered this a playoff team but many have and felt this roster under achieved last year . And that was the basis for a coaching change. So we can’t dismiss that.

This team was touted again this year to be a contender. It doesn’t matter what you or I think as I tend to agree with you. But that’s not what the mainstream media , our dysfunctional leadership and a sizable segment of our fans believed.
I didn't say playoff team, I said true contender and the difference is even greater with 7 teams in.

But it does mater what we think more than what they say because we base our opinions on what we believe.

When "this is the most talented team in the league" BS was going around last season, I didn't buy one bit of it. Anyone that looks at this D and says that is full of crap.

We heard it this year before the first game, all about this stalwart pass rushing DL. If one guy is a DL, then OK.

Greg, you can use anything I say against me but not what the motive motivated media has to say. There's not one expert among them, all is opinion.


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I didn't say playoff team, I said true contender and the difference is even greater with 7 teams in.

But it does mater what we think more than what they say because we base our opinions on what we believe.

When "this is the most talented team in the league" BS was going around last season, I didn't buy one bit of it. Anyone that looks at this D and says that is full of crap.

We heard it this year before the first game, all about this stalwart pass rushing DL. If one guy is a DL, then OK.

Greg, you can use anything I say against me but not what the motive motivated media has to say. There's not one expert among them, all is opinion.
I’m not directing this at you. And why I said I tend to agree with you.

My narrative doesn’t necessarily reflect my opinion of the team but expectations made by a segment of fans and media who have over hyped it. They need to be held accountable and called out. For it was those expectations which have set the Bar and brought about the coaching changes we’ve had .


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sounds like an excuse for losing.

Not a Garrett guy but this is all

Par for the course at Cowboy Zone nation. Instead of accountability, it's injuries.
Or scheme change
Or no training camp



Aaron Rodgers and the Pack say hello.

As MMObserver so appropriately put it, what an absolutely irreplaceable coaching loss. Lol

As for injuries, check with Shanahans 9ers and get back with me.

Go Cowboys
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The Labeled One
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He's cashing a check.

His "name" gives them just enough credence to keep up the illusion of competent GM Jerry. All good con artists surround themselves with other cons.

Aaron Rodgers told us all about McCarthy a few years ago. You guys just wanted to buy into the hype (again).

For all of those who will scream "TOO SOON!!!" let's revisit in 3 years.

Sadly...I think your right. Hopefully by then Kellen will have established himself....and will be ready to builds his own staff..and take over.


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He could be overestimating his players' football intelligence.

Belichick looks at the player's mind first and he tests them before every game.

I get that and I would like to think these guys look better in practice but even idiots know there is a learning curve from classroom to putting things together on the field. And he should be able to make those adjustments in game. I believe Nolan is in the booth calling down what he sees so maybe there are communication breakdowns before it gets to the players, not sure. But that's his job to get it corrected, call a little more vanilla defense on the back end, or bench the idiot who lets a wr run by them uncontested. something has to change.


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From a coach's perspective, do they know what to expect from these players yet. They give them assignments and a lot of those are dependent on the other guy completing his assignment.

I don't think they have a play for when a player like Donald comes crashing through their OL or a QB torches them for 5.

Coaching in the NFL is playing the hand their dealt and sometimes they get wild cards when they don't want them and sometimes they would have been better off not drawing but they can't fold, they have to play the hand.

I think McC and Nolan coming in knew they had a tough hand on the deal with this defense but losing the 2 best and most experienced CB's and LB's has put them in a hard place when they have to play every hand.

Coaching is like management, you can't always do what you want to do but what you have to do.

Zero excuse for players not knowing their assignments.


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He's cashing a check.

His "name" gives them just enough credence to keep up the illusion of competent GM Jerry. All good con artists surround themselves with other cons.

Aaron Rodgers told us all about McCarthy a few years ago. You guys just wanted to buy into the hype (again).

For all of those who will scream "TOO SOON!!!" let's revisit in 3 years.

You could be right about this.

no green koolaid for me.

i needed to see wins.

Got a jacked up defense and an OL in shambles instead.

Gangsta Spanksta

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Coach Mike McCarthy’s team has looked sloppy and unprepared too often this season. There have been too many blown coverages, too many special teams miscues and too many penalties.

There has also been some questionable strategy. He was supposed to give the Cowboys an edge on the sideline. Through three games, it hasn’t happened yet.

Well like some of us been saying: It doesn't matter who the coach is, how talented the talent is, things don't seem to change around here, and there is one constant.


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3 games no legit offseason, a load of injuries and 1 draft under his belt. lol I saw the coach make an in game adjustment to the Oline last week. That didn't exist before. But it's unrealistic to think everything would turn on a dime. Righting the ship will take time. Filling out the D, replacing aging players etc. Putting his stamp on things. The last coach got over a decade to do that.


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I don't really see why people thought McCarthy would be some sort of guru.

The Packers are 16-3 in the regular season under LaFleur.

McCarthy is a second hand car salesman and a dinosaur - Rodgers carried him.

I'm still not sold on the packers. They got humiliated in the nfccg last year and proved they didn't belong in the playoffs. Lets see if this year is any different before we anoint lafluer


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This is what the butthurt Garrett fans do. Forget facts. Forget the offseason we had. Forget the number of changes that have been made.

This is just a quick attempt to grind that axe, after three frickin' games.

The facts have nothing to do with it.

While trying to take shots at McCarthy, ask them exactly how well their hero is doing with the Giants offense?

Not only was that loser never 'head coach quality', he's not even 'coordinator quality'.
Giants fans are complaining about him not making adjustments Haha. We tried to tell them. Plus they said Garrett made Dak..

Romo and Dak are the only 2 QBs Garrett has had success with, he can't develop QBs


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Giants fans are complaining about him not making adjustments Haha. We tried to tell them. Plus they said Garrett made Dak..

Romo and Dak are the only 2 QBs Garrett has had success with, he can't develop QBs

Garrett hasn’t controlled the offense since 2013. Stop with the nonsense. Garrett is not only not making adjustments, he has a bottom thirty rushing attack, just like he did in his last full year as play-caller in 2012. Linehan and Moore having been calling the plays. Dak wouldn’t last a game under Garrett.

stop with the revisionism..


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i dont blame Mccarthy for the bad defense but i do blame him for hiring Nolan.

he hired Nolan totally based on his old friendship with Nolan.

Nolan hired Mike to be the Niners OC back in 2005. Mike got the Packers job the next season.

2020...Mike hires Nolan.


Taco Engineer
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Only three coaches from Freddie Kitchens’ staff remain on the Browns.

Those coaches are special teams coordinator Mike Priefer, special teams assistant Doug Colman, and running backs coach Stump Mitchell.

So they not only got a new head coach, but a new GM, OC, DC, etc. Yet they have managed to go 2-1 instead of 1-2. Will take a few more games but they may be the exception to the rule...
Not really. Cleveland is always a mess. We're talking 1 game. They're loaded with early picks.