McCartney takes halftime show, makes it better

It's amazing that ONE Beatle was much better than Justin, Janet, Kid Rock, and all those useless dancers combined!
I'm showing my age now, but I prefer real music to someone lip synching to something that's been pre-recorded and fine tuned in some studio somewhere. That's why last nights show was so much fun to watch.
dewey said:
I'm showing my age now, but I prefer real music to someone lip synching to something that's been pre-recorded and fine tuned in some studio somewhere. That's why last nights show was so much fun to watch.

I was bummed that they went back to the game...
Juke99 said:
I was bummed that they went back to the game...

Earlier in the day they had Fogerty on...but I just caught it as he was finishing up....was at a family members house or I would have PMed you.
Just to clarify something, I appreciate live music and live singing as much as the next person, I just couldn't get into what Sir Paul was putting out. I don't think it's a generational thing, either. If I like the song, I like the song. And though I liked the songs to a point, I just thought his voice wasn't as powerful to really push the songs. I'm sure that's because of age, more than anything else, but that's JMO of the performance last night.

And to slightly defend some of today's artists, some of them do sing live and are pretty good at it. Unfortunately, they're outnumbered by those who can't.
but that's JMO of the performance last night.
Not all of us are going to like the same things (thank God). Every perspective is a good one. :)
BrAinPaiNt said:
Agreed it is funny thinking about him being a safe choice now after some of the views of the beatles back in the day.

Thier hair cuts were considered wild back in the day, the lyrics and drug feel...the time one of them said they were bigger then a religious figure....the idea that girls would cry and faint when seeing them.

I too thought he put on a very good show and sang great.

Ya know, he's not "safe"...he just understood what was appropriate...AND he doesn't require shock in order to garner attention and to captivate an audience...

John Lennon said, "Right now, we're more popular than Jesus...." And he got fried for it...but in his apology, he said he wasn't demeaning Christianity but instead, was stating a fact...that with kids, they were in fact more popular than religion...

He later stated the following:

"I suppose if I had said television was more popular than Jesus, I would have gotten away with it. I'm sorry I opened my mouth. I'm not anti-God, anti-Christ, or anti-religion. I wasn't knocking it or putting it down. I was just saying it as a fact and it's true more for England than here. I'm not saying that we're better or greater, or comparing us with Jesus Christ as a person or God as a thing or whatever it is. I just said what I said and it was wrong. Or it was taken wrong. And now it's all this."
Woody'sGirl said:
Just to clarify something, I appreciate live music and live singing as much as the next person, I just couldn't get into what Sir Paul was putting out. I don't think it's a generational thing, either. If I like the song, I like the song. And though I liked the songs to a point, I just thought his voice wasn't as powerful to really push the songs. I'm sure that's because of age, more than anything else, but that's JMO of the performance last night.

And to slightly defend some of today's artists, some of them do sing live and are pretty good at it. Unfortunately, they're outnumbered by those who can't.

Face it too many new artist like these boy bands they are nothing more than promoter bands that are what they use to call bubble gum rock. When Justin Timberlake turns 65 no one will even remember him.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Earlier in the day they had Fogerty on...but I just caught it as he was finishing up....was at a family members house or I would have PMed you.

Darn...I MISSED that!

I've seen him in concert a bunch of times...another guy who simply kicks butt live...especially with Kenny as his drummer...

Huge moment in my life...darkened stage...fog machines going...swamp back drop...and the show opens with a sole figure on stage in dark blue light playing the opening lick to "Born On A Bayou"...for me, pure heaven.
Juke99 said:
Darn...I MISSED that!

I've seen him in concert a bunch of times...another guy who simply kicks butt live...especially with Kenny as his drummer...

Huge moment in my life...darkened stage...fog machines going...swamp back drop...and the show opens with a sole figure on stage in dark blue light playing the opening lick to "Born On A Bayou"...for me, pure heaven.

That is my favorite CCR song.....really catches that whole swamp sound they had going.
Doomsday101 said:
Face it too many new artist like these boy bands they are nothing more than promoter bands that are what they use to call bubble gum rock. When Justin Timberlake turns 65 no one will even remember him.
I'm not disputing that at all. Even I can't stand some of the stuff being put out today. At this point, though, the SB organizers won't be able to please everybody in their half-time show. Last year, they went after the MTV crowd and bombed. This year they appeased the people who was most offended and lost some of the younger crowd. It's a no-win for them.

They should stick to some of their more successful performances and keep bringing them back. I liked Shania's performance. I liked Aerosmith without Britney and Nelly and whoever else they brought on stage to go with them. They could bring Prince and I would be ok with that.
Alicia Keys would be a good consideration. Dave Mathews perhaps? Justin, Britney, and icky Ashlee Simpson, these are folks are too packaged and with too little talent for my taste.
thewivil said:
I thought the halftime show sucked. Maybe it was good for the older generations who watched, but I would rather see someone a bit more exciting than an aging rocker.

Maybe some Ozzy?

Talk about an aging rocker! That fits Ozzy to a tee.
BrAinPaiNt said:
That is my favorite CCR song.....really catches that whole swamp sound they had going.

BP...before JC Fogerty vanishes, you have to figure out a way to see him..

He's always been the definition of straight ahead, Rock and Roll...not gimmicks...

His voice is still kicking, even at this age...and he's a surprisingly good performer...and btw, a darn good guitar player for a "hack"...
Juke99 said:
BP...before JC Fogerty vanishes, you have to figure out a way to see him..

He's always been the definition of straight ahead, Rock and Roll...not gimmicks...

His voice is still kicking, even at this age...and he's a surprisingly good performer...and btw, a darn good guitar player for a "hack"...
I love CCR and his solo work esp Blue Boy.
Yeagermeister said:
I love CCR and his solo work esp Blue Boy.

In concert, he's a surprisingly good guitar player...I mean, obviously, he's not in the class of Joe Satriani...but I was pleasantly suprised...

His vocals are as strong as ever...and he clearly LOVES what he's doing...

It's also pretty impressive to hear hit after hit after hit...

If he tours again, I'd highly suggest going to see him...
halftime show was horrible.

A total Geezer fest.
I had to turn the tube before I dozed off.
cowheel said:
halftime show was horrible.

A total Geezer fest.
I had to turn the tube before I dozed off.

It's not your fault you don't have good taste in music ;)
cowheel said:
halftime show was horrible.

A total Geezer fest.
I had to turn the tube before I dozed off.

Yeah...Paul McCartney is no Justin Timberlake...or Britney Spears....


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