McCartney takes halftime show, makes it better

Overall I think McCartney did a good job. I don't think it was the best of all time though. No one will ever top Bono and U2 in the Rams Patriots game. I think that is the benchmark. There are alot of options I wouldn't be suprised to the the Stones one last time or even the Who with the success they had with McCartney. I like the Green Day album but there is no way the execs would touch that with a ten foot pole..
Natedawg44 said:
Overall I think McCartney did a good job. I don't think it was the best of all time though. No one will ever top Bono and U2 in the Rams Patriots game. I think that is the benchmark. There are alot of options I wouldn't be suprised to the the Stones one last time or even the Who with the success they had with McCartney. I like the Green Day album but there is no way the execs would touch that with a ten foot pole..
I think that was the best one too.
DefendeR said:
Please stop it.
Green Day has not put out anything that can stand the test of time.
They are a fake punk band...hard pop is what they are.

I'm not saying they are "true punk." IMO, today's real punk bands are of the Anti-Flag ilk.

Having said that, you really need to listen to American Idiot. They have really changed the way they play. It's not punk and, it's definitely not hard pop.

Hell, I'd die to have some Flogging Molly at a Super Bowl. C'mon, Irish punk. It doesn't get any better.
I was disappointed. I love the Beatles. I have every one of their CD's but geez...this is a football game. Yes, I know we don't need to see some T/A but do we need Paul?Are they going to hire James Taylor and Billy Joel next year?

This is the Superbowl. You need something fresh and energetic. I don't need to hear "Hey Jude" at a football game. Granted, no teeny boppers but something that spells energy would be cool.

How about Maroon 5 or Linkin Park or the Rolling Stones or U2......
tothewhipbill said:
after seeing the embarassment that was "sir Paul" forgetting the lyrics to "hey jude" during the "farm aid" concert twenty years ago - i was just relieved to see him make it thru the set. "the beatles" should be synonymous with "ahead of their time".
that said, i'd like to see the original bad guys of rock, "the Stones", play a SB halftime before mick or keith cash it in. "monkey man" would be cool. anything off "let it bleed" is classic.

Exactly, unlike McCartney and Mick and Keith are still fresh and resonate with young audiences as well as old audiences.
mr.jameswoods said:
I was disappointed. I love the Beatles. I have every one of their CD's but geez...this is a football game. Yes, I know we don't need to see some T/A but do we need Paul?Are they going to hire James Taylor and Billy Joel next year?

This is the Superbowl. You need something fresh and energetic. I don't need to hear "Hey Jude" at a football game. Granted, no teeny boppers but something that spells energy would be cool.

How about Maroon 5 or Linkin Park or the Rolling Stones or U2......
"filter" is in the studio working on their 4th album. at 45 i'm a geezer but i could dig seeing them. i just think they do a cool blend of rock guitar and bass-lines blended with the synthetic enhancements that typify music of the generations that followed mine. be a cool compromise.
dewey said:
Alicia Keys would be a good consideration. Dave Mathews perhaps? Justin, Britney, and icky Ashlee Simpson, these are folks are too packaged and with too little talent for my taste.

Man, I'd actually watch the half-time show if they somehow got Dave Matthews Band in there to perform. Greatness. :)
I'll take Jagger and The Stones over McArtney myself.

Good job though.
thewivil said:
The reason stations still play the Beatles are because those are the classics of our parent's time. Well, some of you here are probably old enough to be my parent, but you get the idea.

Who's to say Green Day hasn't put out a song that will still be played 20-30 years from now on an oldies station.

I don't know about you, but I'm not hearing Paul on any other stations than oldies and AM radio.

If the only prerequisite for playing half time in the Super Bowl is to have old-*** songs that are still played today, then why doesn't the NFL try to get Willie Nelson, Cher and Madonna to play the Super Bowl next year?

But it wouldn't surprise me if some of you would be happy to see that.

I agree with you..but please, McCartney isn't Willie Nelson, Cher or Madonna

He's friggin PAUL don't have a Green Day without the Beatles...they changed the face of rock music...and that is NOT an exaggeration.

Go back and listen to their stuff...and even if you don't like them (which is kinda odd because they recorded in so many different styles, to say you don't like them is almost tantamount to saying you don't like music) you'll notice they change styles, sometimes dramatically, from one album to the next. With the popularity they had, it would have been very tempting to just keep pumping out the same stuff just to cash in.

So, yeah, he's not a "current" artist...but ya know, here's the point:

It's not McCartney's "fault" he was asked to play...if there was a current band that had wide popular appeal, the network would have signed them for the half time show. To my way of thinking, McCartney being chosen has as much to say about his rich past as it does the lack of existence of a truly quality "current" band.

Ya know, the way I see it, it's just like the New England Pats...todays version of a "dynasty"...a team that would be blown off the field by past dynasties...
Go back and listen to their stuff...and even if you don't like them (which is kinda odd because they recorded in so many different styles, to say you don't like them is almost tantamount to saying you don't like music)

Wow, I don't agree with that at all. I have never liked the Beatles music. I understand the impact they have made on music and respect that, but I just never liked listening to their music. I am however a huge music fan. I grew up listening to Zep, Sabbath, Deep Purple... so I guess their music is a little to pop for me.
AmarilloCowboyFan said:
Wow, I don't agree with that at all. I have never liked the Beatles music. I understand the impact they have made on music and respect that, but I just never liked listening to their music. I am however a huge music fan. I grew up listening to Zep, Sabbath, Deep Purple... so I guess their music is a little to pop for me.

I am huge Zep fan as well...

"pop"... "I Am The Walrus"..."A Day In The Life"..."Helter Skelter"..."Strawberry Fields"..."Revolution 9"...."I Want You (She's So Heavy)"...."Come Together"..."Why Don't We Do It In The Road"..."Happiness is a Warm Gun".."She Said She Said"...and a bunch more, aren't what I'd call pop...

I brain can't wrap itself around someone saying they love music but don't like the Beatles...

I understand someone saying they love music and don't like Zep because they have a fairly narrow scope...

Whatever... :)

It's kinda like discussing religion and politics. :)
Oh...and one other thought about "pop"..

If you are talking about Barry Manilow...I'm right there with ya...Britney Spears...etc...

There are a ton of artists who made music KNOWING it was pop when they made it...recording with the INTENTION to sell...

Not so the Beatles...Sgt. Pepper BECAME pop because of the number of people who bought it...and the air play it fact, their original sound in the old stuff was one had done it before...and in fact, when Pepper came out, most people's jaws dropped because no one had EVER heard anything like it... same for the White a degree, even Rubber Soul...

So to somewhat dismiss them as "pop" is inaccurate...

It's not their "fault" that they released music that was beyond what anyone had ever heard...and it just happened to sell a bazillion copies...
Juke99 said:
I agree with you..but please, McCartney isn't Willie Nelson, Cher or Madonna

He's friggin PAUL don't have a Green Day without the Beatles...they changed the face of rock music...and that is NOT an exaggeration.

Go back and listen to their stuff...and even if you don't like them (which is kinda odd because they recorded in so many different styles, to say you don't like them is almost tantamount to saying you don't like music) you'll notice they change styles, sometimes dramatically, from one album to the next. With the popularity they had, it would have been very tempting to just keep pumping out the same stuff just to cash in.

So, yeah, he's not a "current" artist...but ya know, here's the point:

It's not McCartney's "fault" he was asked to play...if there was a current band that had wide popular appeal, the network would have signed them for the half time show. To my way of thinking, McCartney being chosen has as much to say about his rich past as it does the lack of existence of a truly quality "current" band.

Ya know, the way I see it, it's just like the New England Pats...todays version of a "dynasty"...a team that would be blown off the field by past dynasties...

Yeah, I do agree with you there. I actually have always kinda liked The Beatles' music, but I just thought it was a weird choice to get Paul playing when they've been targeting the half-time show to a younger crowd.

I would actually have liked to see a field-goal contest between several regular people. The person who kicks the most field goals or the longest field goal would win a bunch of money. That kinda stuff is always a lot more interesting than someone singing, in my opinion.
thewivil said:
Yeah, I do agree with you there. I actually have always kinda liked The Beatles' music, but I just thought it was a weird choice to get Paul playing when they've been targeting the half-time show to a younger crowd.

I would actually have liked to see a field-goal contest between several regular people. The person who kicks the most field goals or the longest field goal would win a bunch of money. That kinda stuff is always a lot more interesting than someone singing, in my opinion.

I agree completely...the spectacle of the Super Bowl has really gotten way outta hand...

But at least, if nothing else, this wasn't a half arse attempt by the network to look "hip" at half time...which leads to such disasters as Aerosmith, En Sync and Britney Spears singing "Walk this Way" together....

Lewis Black where are you? :)
thewivil said:
Yeah, I do agree with you there. I actually have always kinda liked The Beatles' music, but I just thought it was a weird choice to get Paul playing when they've been targeting the half-time show to a younger crowd.

I would actually have liked to see a field-goal contest between several regular people. The person who kicks the most field goals or the longest field goal would win a bunch of money. That kinda stuff is always a lot more interesting than someone singing, in my opinion.

The older crowd (30's and up) are the one shelling out the big money for the games to heck with the younger crowd for a change...LOL . As for the halftime show this is the SB it is one of the largest events taking place being seen around the world, there is no way the NFL in their right mind will treat this like some run of the mill halftime show with marching bands or some punt/pass and kick contest, that would be a joke.
Juke99 said:
I am huge Zep fan as well...

"pop"... "I Am The Walrus"..."A Day In The Life"..."Helter Skelter"..."Strawberry Fields"..."Revolution 9"...."I Want You (She's So Heavy)"...."Come Together"..."Why Don't We Do It In The Road"..."Happiness is a Warm Gun".."She Said She Said"...and a bunch more, aren't what I'd call pop...

I brain can't wrap itself around someone saying they love music but don't like the Beatles...

I understand someone saying they love music and don't like Zep because they have a fairly narrow scope...

Whatever... :)

It's kinda like discussing religion and politics. :)

Agreed...I have always thought that if someone has said they have not heard one beatles song or zep song they like...then they have not listened enough.

They covered many different styles...I would say Zep covered more but still....even if you like folk, rock, country, rock...or dare I say Rap....chances are you have heard a Beatles or Zep riff and did not even know it.
DefendeR said:
Please stop it.
Green Day has not put out anything that can stand the test of time.
They are a fake punk band...hard pop is what they are.

It may never be as famous as the other classics...but I do believe that their one song, which really was not like most of their stuff, Good Riddance: Time of your a song that will stand the test of time.

I am not a big fan of green day...but that was a good song and they do have talent.
BTW....I think it is time to move this to the off topic section...probably should have been done a long time ago.
BrAinPaiNt said:
BTW....I think it is time to move this to the off topic section...probably should have been done a long time ago.

Ya think?


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