McCartney takes halftime show, makes it better

Juke99 said:
Ya think?


Stay strong buddy....Beatles, Zep, Stones, Sabbath,CCR.....some people just don't know good music. :)
BrAinPaiNt said:
Stay strong buddy....Beatles, Zep, Stones, Sabbath,CCR.....some people just don't know good music. :)

Hey...I'll tell ya what BP....Zep...metal bands have been trying to copy Plant's voice for decades...and NO ONE had outdone Bonham...

Add in, Cream and Hendrix...and that's one hell of a list...

Like them or not, that stuff was absolutely revolutionary....people tend to try to downplay their success with the "pop" label....

"Purple Haze" was about as far as the "envelope" could be pushed...and it was a 3 minute "pop" song because it was on the charts...
Juke99 said:
Hey...I'll tell ya what BP....Zep...metal bands have been trying to copy Plant's voice for decades...and NO ONE had outdone Bonham...

Add in, Cream and Hendrix...and that's one hell of a list...

Like them or not, that stuff was absolutely revolutionary....people tend to try to downplay their success with the "pop" label....

"Purple Haze" was about as far as the "envelope" could be pushed...and it was a 3 minute "pop" song because it was on the charts...

Plants voice, the distortion and down tuning to get a darker sound which was influenced by a side note Iommi down tuned to make it easier to play because of his bad finger tips, he wanted the strings to be a little looser.

Beatles in song arrangments, hooks.

I think some people think of the beatles just in their starting days with the I want to hold your hand and those poppy numbers....but man if that is all a person knows about the beatles then they really missed out.

Strawberry Fields forever with that drum line and the studio tricks.

Zepp and Jimmy page was a master with studio manipulations, he really is under rated in what he brought to guitar sounds and studio recording.

And really maybe we appreciate it more as we play guitar.....but the sheer number of great songs and riffs those bands came out with is just amazing.
Hell nobody will ever call Kieth Richards a great guitarist as far as his technical ability or tearing up the fret board, but look at the number of great songs he helped truly is amazing.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Plants voice, the distortion and down tuning to get a darker sound which was influenced by a side note Iommi down tuned to make it easier to play because of his bad finger tips, he wanted the strings to be a little looser.

Beatles in song arrangments, hooks.

I think some people think of the beatles just in their starting days with the I want to hold your hand and those poppy numbers....but man if that is all a person knows about the beatles then they really missed out.

Strawberry Fields forever with that drum line and the studio tricks.

Zepp and Jimmy page was a master with studio manipulations, he really is under rated in what he brought to guitar sounds and studio recording.

And really maybe we appreciate it more as we play guitar.....but the sheer number of great songs and riffs those bands came out with is just amazing.
Hell nobody will ever call Kieth Richards a great guitarist as far as his technical ability or tearing up the fret board, but look at the number of great songs he helped truly is amazing.

On the Nosey!

In fact, "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" was revolutionary...sure, it sounds like bubble gum today...but ya know, Jack Dempsey looks like a middleweight compared to guys who fought 50 years later....but it doesn't mean that he wasn't well beyond the guys in his era....

Stawberry Fields...backwards one did stuff like that..

Feedback on the guitar..."I Feel Fine"...first song that ever used feedback...and on and on...

Bass playing? No one played like McCartney until AFTER him...

Page, technically, isn't a great guitar player...but he didn't play a single line that didn't elevate any song he played on...

And Keith is one of my favorite rythm guitarists...listen to his licks on "Brown Sugar"...anticipated beats....upbeats...hell, Hos couldn't have done better!

maybe pop was the wrong choice of words. I just never liked listening to the Beatles. There are a few of their songs I like to be sure. "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" is a great song. I can listen to it over and over. But on the whole, I just don't like to listen to them.

This is definitely a subject like religion that can turn ugly fast. I always start an argument by saying I don't like the Beatles. I recognize the effect they have had on music and realize that most bands today wouldn't be here if not for them but I don't like to listen to them. Is that so bad? lol

Most country today has roots in old Bob Wills, George Jones and Hank Sr....but I don't like to listen to them either.
AmarilloCowboyFan said:
maybe pop was the wrong choice of words. I just never liked listening to the Beatles. There are a few of their songs I like to be sure. "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" is a great song. I can listen to it over and over. But on the whole, I just don't like to listen to them.

This is definitely a subject like religion that can turn ugly fast. I always start an argument by saying I don't like the Beatles. I recognize the effect they have had on music and realize that most bands today wouldn't be here if not for them but I don't like to listen to them. Is that so bad? lol

Most country today has roots in old Bob Wills, George Jones and Hank Sr....but I don't like to listen to them either.

Don't worry about it really.

Me and Juke can be uptight about music sometimes...Like I said I think not only the love of the great classics, but the idea that we play guitar and can appreciate it from another angle probably plays a large role in it as well.

Hey music is music, not everyone will agree and everyone has different tastes and so on.

Heck There are only a few songs I really like by The Eagles and Skynard...that is blasphemy to some but just my tastes, I would rather listen to Steve Miller band or Allman Brothers band then those two bands....just a matter of tastes.

Although I must admit I like Joe Walsh, more of his stuff away from the Eagles though...solo and James Gang stuff.
AmarilloCowboyFan said:

Yea I would disagree with that as not being technically clean I could go with, as there are times when his playing was sloppy, but then again so Hendrix....seen live videos of Jimi and he would play the strings so hard and pull on them and they would be coming out of tune.

But page really IMO was so versatile, playing different styles, different tunings and just had a great feel.
I was hoping they would have Ashlee Simpson just so she can screw up yet again and complete the trifecta of making a butt of herself on national t.v.
GTaylor said:
I was hoping they would have Ashlee Simpson just so she can screw up yet again and complete the trifecta of making a butt of herself on national t.v.

Have her come out and sing a Milli Vanilla Song? :p

They could be her backup/chorus singers....

Girl you Know it's true
We lip Synced and so did you.

Although I must admit I like Joe Walsh, more of his stuff away from the Eagles though...solo and James Gang stuff.

Funk 49!
AmarilloCowboyFan said:

Uh, sleep all day, out all night,

I know where you're going.


And a lyric from his solo days that I just love, because it is funny.

I go to parties sometimes till 4
It's hard to leave when you can't find the door.

AmarilloCowboyFan said:

I am not by any stretch knocking Page....he was revolutionary....had a style no one had prior...was melodic as hell...but he wasn't technically a great guitar player...

Listen to his solo on "Heartbreaker"'s phenomenal but sloppy...

Yngwie Malmsteen is beyond technically sound...bores me to tears..

But Page was one of the first...and that's what matters
BrAinPaiNt said:
Uh, sleep all day, out all night,

I know where you're going.


And a lyric from his solo days that I just love, because it is funny.

I go to parties sometimes till 4
It's hard to leave when you can't find the door.


Rocky Mountain Way...

Bases are loaded and Casey's at bat
Playing it play by play
Time to change the batter..

That song also has the greatest cymbal crashes ever recorded. :)
Yngwie Malmsteen is beyond technically sound...bores me to tears

Amen to that. I like Yngwie in moderation but a little goes a long ways.

I am currently listening to Eric Johnson's Ah Via Musicom. Great guitar work on it.
AmarilloCowboyFan said:
Amen to that. I like Yngwie in moderation but a little goes a long ways.

I am currently listening to Eric Johnson's Ah Via Musicom. Great guitar work on it.

Very underrated guitar player Eric Johnson is...

Eric Johnson, Steve Vai and my fav, Joe Satch....great great album...especially the song "Red House"

Of course, I could also listen for hours on end to Chet Atkins...
thewivil said:
but I would rather see someone a bit more exciting than an aging rocker.

Maybe some Ozzy?

Leader in the club house for the post of the year that makes you say, "HUH!!!???"
You know what's funny. I have been telling you guys how I don't like to listen to the Beatles. I bought my son a Squire pack for X-mas - his first guitar.

After I showed him a few basic chords he wanted me to show him a few song riffs to play. The first one I taught him to play was Daytripper. Followed by the opening to Hey Joe and Fade to Black.
Juke99 said:
I am not by any stretch knocking Page....he was revolutionary....had a style no one had prior...was melodic as hell...but he wasn't technically a great guitar player...

Listen to his solo on "Heartbreaker"'s phenomenal but sloppy...

Yngwie Malmsteen is beyond technically sound...bores me to tears..

But Page was one of the first...and that's what matters

Yep that solo is the sloppy work I was talking about.

But at the same time it is something that would be much easier to play if he had the knowledge of two handed tapping lol.

Yes he is sloppy in some areas and that is the only area where I can speak as a negative on him.
AmarilloCowboyFan said:
You know what's funny. I have been telling you guys how I don't like to listen to the Beatles. I bought my son a Squire pack for X-mas - his first guitar.

After I showed him a few basic chords he wanted me to show him a few song riffs to play. The first one I taught him to play was Daytripper. Followed by the opening to Hey Joe and Fade to Black.


Day Tripper....great line...and talk about something that was over the edge for it's time...lyrically...

I think you chose some great songs there...

How old is he??

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