Phoenix-Talon said:
Alright I'll bite on this one ...
While my response is directed toward all of your post, I'd like to pin-point on "
I don't want to sit here for a second and believe any fan that would actually be upset."
McNabb's potential to
agitate his exisiting injury in the groin/chest are concerns that all Eagle fans have (classy or otherwise). Here's the difference, I don't have to be upset that an opponent player is injured to know what's appropriately stated or not. It takes just as much effort to say something encouraging than it does to say something disparagingly.
For example, if Bledsoe comes up lame in a game, what difference would it make for me to say ...I really wish his injury is not damaging enough to take him out of the game?
None! I choose to lean toward the positive because ...what goes around ...!
Besides, my statement is not going to make that injury any less/more severe anyway, so why not say the right thing.
Here's the difficult part. I realize that there are very classy Cowboy, Skins, Giants, and Eagles fans out there. But as such, there's the other element lurking too. It's difficult to defend against "the other elements" and not collaterally hit the class -- it's a delicate balance. So when I see the "cream of the crop," I let them know! Sometimes my hands get dirty trying to defend against the rift-raft.
Otherwise, I'll mix it up with you, because it's supposed to be fun, not hate! Even towards Cowboy fans
I believe everyone has the right to freedom of speech, and their own opinion. In my humble opinion, this politically correct stuff has gone WAY too far. I think it is entirely appropriate for a poster to say that he doesn't mind facing the Eagles at less than 100%.
I would guess that a full 90% of this board was pleased by the misery faced by the Eagles this past offseason with Owens' antics, the issues with Westbrook, et al. I will include myself in that category.
While I doubt most fans would wish injury upon a player that is life threatening, or causes permanent injury to a player I am sure that most fans WOULD be happy that IF a player was going to be injured, they would be happy it is an opponents' player rather than his own team, and that if an impact player on another team was going to be out of commission for a week, well then it might as well be the week we play them. To say otherwise, is, in most instances a fallacy.
I will carry it a step further, that, if most Cowboys fans were truthful, if a team HAD to have a player be injured that 80+ percent would say that they would choose an Eagles player be injured over most other teams based on the fact that the fans of YOUR team, the Eagles, cheered while M. Irvin lay motionless on the ground, POSSIBLY paralyzed. That was REALLY classless.
I respect the fact that many of you say you really want to face the Eagles at 100%. I also respect the fact that many posters have the fortitude to buck political correctness and say they would be pleased to face the Eagles at less than 100%. I fully support posters right to advocate both positions.
Our founding fathers fought and DIED for, among other things, the right to freedom of speech. Do not surrender that right for any reason, for any purpose, no matter the rationale.
Ok, I am off my soapbox now.