Mega Mike McCarthy is a terrible Head Coach who stinks and should be fired Thread **merged**


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If you want to blame this on coaching, then fire the Oline coach.
I agree, fire both of them. You’re right about the offensive line coach. It seems like everyone has taken a step back on the offensive line. In fact the only guys I’m truly happy about is Bass and Richards. Martin is giving up sacks, BDZ is doing well, Tyler is not as good as last year, Tyron is average, Steele is absolute trash.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Wasn’t Dak calling audibles and taking too long to snap? If MM called that QB run, then he should take blame but I suspect it had more to do with the QB pre-snap.


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It is his fault Dak didn't throw the ball out of the back of the endzone instead of trying to scramble in that situation or that Steele got beat.

Situational awareness matters, it is first down and there are over 20 seconds still on the clock.

Yall do know the qb either needs a receiver in the vicinity or to be outside the pocket, let alone a split second to chunk the ball right?

Every sack isn't on the qb.

It's flat stupid at this point and you only dilute your argument with crap post after a great game by the qb.


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lol Obvious troll is obvious.

Every week, he has multiple threads with stupidity like this. Why is this allowed to continue?
Yeah, I made that tweet with all of the reasons why we lost when we had the bowl in clear scoring position.
You’re the kind of fan Jerry Jones loves, just keep buying cowboy merchandise as the losses pile up.


Rising Star
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Yall do know the qb either needs a receiver in the vicinity or to be outside the pocket, let alone a split second to chunk the ball right?

Every sack isn't on the qb.

It's flat stupid at this point and you only dilute your argument with crap post after a great game by the qb.
Look at the replay he had time to set his feet, then tried to back peddle when he should have just thrown it out of the back of the endzone.

He clearly saw the pressure and should have been prepared and thinking about getting rid of it.

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Youre wasting your time. This is what the fanbase does. Points blame to everything other than the real problem.
LOL. The real problem is actually a trickle down of problems.

The GM and his son overvalue their skills as football guys. They have no real sense of how to build a roster. They tend to do things haphazardly with no real adherence to a belief system, etc. GMs often have a clear vision of what they want. That might be their own vision or they work within what their HC wants to do. Jerry and Stephen do not do that. They just collect players and hope their HC can slap together whatever they throw on the field. They are also control freaks of the highest order.

That then trickles down to who they pick for HCs. They need guys willing to work within the environment and guardrails they put in place. Most importantly, they need HCs that will allow them to control everything and meddle in the day to day operations of the team. That limits the pool from which they can hire a coach, which results in flawed coaching hires. Jerry doesn't want anyone bigger than himself. Jimmy Johnson was a larger than life character and after while, that just rubbed Jerry the wrong way. Jerry had to be the face of the team, not Jimmy. Given the extraneous requirements, it inevitably leads to hiring of coaches who are desperate for the gig and/or going to be loyal to a fault to Jerry. McCarthy was just that flawed coach. A man run out of GB for repeated failures and who was sitting on his couch when Jerry called. He was desperate for a HC gig again and he'd operate in whatever enviroment Jerry wanted him to operate in.

We can also get into the player issues but at the end of the day, they tie back to Jerry. It all starts with Jerry but thinking that if you could remove Jerry from the equation, a guy like McCarthy would thrive is a bad read on the situation. Thinking McCarthy's averageness is a product of Jerry's meddling is misguided. No, hiring a mediocre coach like McCarthy is a product of Jerry's flawed system. But it doesn't change the fact that McCarthy isn't a great HC.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
We have the ball first and goal on the 6 with 27 seconds left. Philly was down it’s 2 best CBs and we do this :

False start
Delay of game
Ball thrown short of end zone.

Nice work guys. Philly practically handed you the game and you refused to accept.


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Look at the replay he had time to set his feet, then tried to back peddle when he should have just thrown it out of the back of the endzone.

He clearly saw the pressure and should have been prepared and thinking about getting rid of it.

Dak has that Romo mindset of always making a play late .


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I’ve said before if they move on from him I’m fine with it. I gotta know who is actually being hired though. It’s not enough to just say “move on from McCarthy”.

Knowing this FO they will just hire Quinn which doesn’t instill any confidence either.
Quinn is just McCarthy all over again. But I've reached the point with this franchise and their ineptitude that I'll swallow the risk the next guy really sucks because I know the current guy isn't good enough. So why keep crossing the fingers and hoping it will.

But in reality, as long as Jerry and Stephen are picking the coach, my hopes of them finding the guy are about as high as the belief that Santa actually exists.

But having said that, I can also see how some are OK sticking with McCarthy because while he likely isn't great, he doesn't suck and maybe, just maybe, they get extremely lucky and make a serious run.

PS - I am not in the fire McCarthy now crowd. That'd be dumb. That being said, if the season goes like previous ones, where we spit the bit early in the playoffs for the 3rd year in the row, then yeah, I don't see the point in keeping this thing going.
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We have the ball first and goal on the 6 with 27 seconds left. Philly was down it’s 2 best CBs and we do this :

False start
Delay of game
Ball thrown short of end zone.

Nice work guys. Philly practically handed you the game and you refused to accept.
MM his usual approach, he’ll say we will be working on them penalty’s, again. Not sure what folks see in him.


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Look at the replay he had time to set his feet, then tried to back peddle when he should have just thrown it out of the back of the endzone.

Sure, but how many of his plays are made off of escaping the pass rush and rolling out. I hear what you're saying but damn you're setting an unachievable bar there.

I agree Dak holds the ball far too often. I'm not going to tear him up for this though. He was lights out and attempting to evade the rush and make a play. Considering our redzone troubles you're damned either way because this team can't waste downs in that area.

It was a collaborative effort backing up our offense for what should have been the game winner. If we really NEED to place blame Steele was getting bludgeoned.