Men are stupid and women are crazy

:lmao: no,Man! Just the opposite after that afternoon,,, I'd kinda started looking at them in a different illuminated plane of creaturedom,,,not just merely "Targets"o_O
No, they don't make good targets. They make better projectiles.
Mu uncle used to use 'em for trotline bait to catch big yellowcats.
Man,I used to love running that river strung taut line at midnight
( all beered up/half in the bag drunk),,, Colman Lantern doing it's faint hissing bag of brilliant light thing,,, LIGHTING THE NIGHT,,,ya never really knew just what that RIVER would yield,,, SHEESE! A 20LB. snapping turtle wasn't all that uncommon, though they'd generally work theirselfs Free/or drown out,,, gars flipped into the boat all lively & pissed off, WILL kick start yer' midnight CASING-LINERo_O

Man,I used to love running that river strung taut line at midnight
( all beered up/half in the bag drunk),,, Colman Lantern doing it's faint hissing bag of brilliant light thing,,, LIGHTING THE NIGHT,,,ya never really knew just what that RIVER would yield,,, SHEESE! A 20LB. snapping turtle wasn't all that uncommon, though they'd generally work theirselfs Free/or drown out,,, gars flipped into the boat all lively & pissed off, WILL kick start yer' midnight CASING-LINERo_O

When my uncle caught a gar, he'd simply pick up the trotline and beat it w/ a baseball bat until it fell off the line. We caught one that was like 6 foot long one time, and he would not bring it into the boat. Even after he shot it in the head w/ a .22.

"Schtinkia Alde Shise" he'd proclaim. Which is German for "Stinky Old Poop".
When my uncle caught a gar, he'd simply pick up the trotline and beat it w/ a baseball bat until it fell off the line. We caught one that was like 6 foot long one time, and he would not bring it into the boat. Even after he shot it in the head w/ a .22.

"Schtinkia Alde Shise" he'd proclaim. Which is German for "Stinky Old Poop".
:lmao: they are about one of the most prehistoric aquatic varmints out there,,,they are kinda' fun to bow shoot with a recurve stick bow & a Fred Bear bowfishing Rig all duct taped onto yer' bow, cuz' they fight hard& will come up to sun themselves just about 2 inches under the water in the spring out on the backwater river slews,,, Man Alive ,:lmao::lmao::lmao: a 6 footer ,I'd probably avoid that one:lmao2:
:lmao: they are about one of the most prehistoric aquatic varmints out there,,,they are kinda' fun to bow shoot with a recurve stick bow & a Fred Bear bowfishing Rig all duct taped onto yer' bow, cuz' they fight hard& will come up to sun themselves just about 2 inches under the water in the spring out on the backwater river slews,,, Man Alive ,:lmao::lmao::lmao: a 6 footer ,I'd probably avoid that one:lmao2:
They say their backstrap is good eating. I'd be willing to try, but we don't have many gars around here close. Rest of 'em is just too full of bones.
They say their backstrap is good eating. I'd be willing to try, but we don't have many gars around here close. Rest of 'em is just too full of bones.
Now,a sturgeon is boneless and almost as prehistoric looking as a gar with those thumbnail sized scales, but that gar fish has a a bizarre looking breast bone
( seeing one dead on the river bank) ,,,,I made a spear outta' one of them& used it as the needle pointed tip while hiding out, camped down on the river one summer.:)

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