Michael Irvin accused of rape at Seminole Hard Rock/ESPN 103.3 Show Canceled *Merge*

tunahelper;3267093 said:
If your logic is a lie detector can be beaten should we not consider the possibilty Irvin is guilty?

Similar circumstances with a non-athlete with a track record Irvin has would similiar consideration be given?

These are my only points not who is guilty or not.
He has a track record of rape? No, he has a track record of substance abuse.

Her story has a lot of holes in it. It was investigated. No charges are filed. She signed a waiver of prosecution. She has asked for money and got turned down.

Now, she wants him tried.

It stinks.
Rudy;3267046 said:
I'm sure it's an exaggeration, that this was probably stirred up to get money knowing that Irvin's rep can't take any more hits like this and would likely pay up quick just to shut it up. Even if it's completely true, I'd still trust him with my daughter...if I had one. Hell, I'd pray he'd be with anyone in my family. I'd kill to have that kind of leadership in my family tree!
Dumbest comment ever, Rudy.

Back to the OP, I hope the allegations are not true. Irvin and and some unidentified guy raping a woman and getting his brother to take her to another room to get rid of the evidence? It sounds too crazy to be made up, but you never know.
Hostile;3267097 said:
He has a track record of rape? No, he has a track record of substance abuse.

Her story has a lot of holes in it. It was investigated. No charges are filed. She signed a waiver of prosecution. She has asked for money and got turned down.

Now, she wants him tried.

It stinks.
My sentiments exactly. If the evidence proves that she is lying I hope she suffer the consequences.

What I find amusing is the amount of coverage Irving is receiving compared to the coverage that Big Ben received under a very similar situation.
adbutcher;3267104 said:
My sentiments exactly. If the evidence proves that she is lying I hope she suffer the consequences.

What I find amusing is the amount of coverage Irving is receiving compared to the coverage that Big Ben received under a very similar situation.
I haven't seen any besides this thread.
adbutcher;3267104 said:
My sentiments exactly. If the evidence proves that she is lying I hope she suffer the consequences.

What I find amusing is the amount of coverage Irving is receiving compared to the coverage that Big Ben received under a very similar situation.
It really isn't receiving that much coverage. It still isn't on espn.com which is the same treatment Ben got. I can't remember how many days it took before ESPN reported it.
mldardy;3267108 said:
It really isn't receiving that much coverage. It still isn't on espn.com which is the same treatment Ben got. I can't remember how many days it took before ESPN reported it.
I've had Mike and Mike on for 3 hours. Not a word on Irvin.
This is a good example of why it is not right to automatically print the guy's name while leaving the accuser anonymous. It is rediculous that someone's reputation can be ruined or, in the very least, tarnished for outlandish claims of a gold digger (allegedly).
dr.rob;3267117 said:
This is a good example of why it is not right to automatically print the guy's name while leaving the accuser anonymous. It is rediculous that someone's reputation can be ruined or, in the very least, tarnished for outlandish claims of a gold digger (allegedly).
Yeah I had this conversation with my wife last night. Why is ok to have the celebrities name all over a situation like this but the accuser gets to have her name in privacy. I know it is probably some law that requires this but it is not fair at all and it happens time and time again.
Sounds like a case of someone looking for a payday. I'm sorry but if Irvin did it then it should be a criminal case not a situation where you sit there 3 years then come back and say well 1 mill or 800,000 will make this all better.
Maybe the accusation of rape is false, but if Irvin had what he thought was consensual sex with her, he showed extremely poor judgment. I thought those days were behind him. I pray for his wife & kids.
Maybe the accusation of rape is false, but if Irvin had what he thought was consensual sex with her, he showed extremely poor judgment. I thought those days were behind him. I pray for his wife & kids.
I hate things like this because this is not about wanting justice it is about wanting money.
But I wonder if none of this would be happening now if Irvin hadn't put himself in a position to be extorted in the first place?

Chatting up a girl in a bar, then taking her up to his room for drinks (if that is indeed what hapened) is just asking for trouble. Why are such accusations never lodged against Emmitt, Woodson, Troy, Moose, etc.?

Because they don't put themselves in that position to begin with!
fgoodwin;3267146 said:
But I wonder if none of this would be happening now if Irvin hadn't put himself in a position to be extorted in the first place?

Chatting up a girl in a bar, then taking her up to his room for drinks (if that is indeed what hapened) is just asking for trouble. Why are such accusations never lodged against Emmitt, Woodson, Troy, Moose, etc.?

Because they don't put themselves in that position to begin with!

We don't know if he did, we know what she has accused him of.
Why does stuff like this even get reported? 2 1/2 years after? Just another person looking for a payday and the media is right there to give the story a big push.
Doomsday101;3267150 said:
We don't know if he did, we know what she has accused him of.

Understood -- still, why does Irvin stand accused (again), yet such accusations are never leveled at Emmitt, Darren, Troy & Moose? What's the difference?

Its because Irvin puts himself in a position to be accused, even if falsely. As I said, if he hadn't been chatting up this woman in a bar, he wouldn't be in this situation.
fgoodwin;3267162 said:
Understood -- still, why does Irvin stand accused (again), yet such accusations are never leveled at Emmitt, Darren, Troy & Moose? What's the difference?

Its because Irvin puts himself in a position to be accused, even if falsely. As I said, if he hadn't been chatting up this woman in a bar, he wouldn't be in this situation.

I agree that Irvin as we saw on his reality TV show presents a larger than life persona when he walks into a club and likes the attention. Given some things in his past he is an easy target for those looking to extort money from.

Right now a story like this a large percentage of people will say "He did it" given his history.

I don't know if Mike did anything wrong or not what bugs me is people like this woman who does nothing says nothing then all of a sudden she is playing the poor victim but not looking for criminal charges in seeking justice but civil court to seek a payday
jobberone;3266901 said:
I see both sides of the equation. Irvin should be presumed to be innocent. OTOH, we should be sensitive to any person who says they been abused.

Yep, we dont know. Now I hope he is innocent, cause i know and like the guy. Were not running buddies but I know him, and from what I know I dont think he would do this, but with something as sensitive as sexual assault, neither side should be verbally battered until something is proven.
Hostile;3267097 said:
He has a track record of rape? No, he has a track record of substance abuse.

Her story has a lot of holes in it. It was investigated. No charges are filed. She signed a waiver of prosecution. She has asked for money and got turned down.

Now, she wants him tried.

It stinks.

This is comin from a guy who is not fond of Irvin.
So much for espn.com not reporting on civil suits. It's on their website now. ESPN is full of ****.

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