News: Michael Irvin files $100 million lawsuit vs accuser and Marriott (Renaissance hotels)

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Then, after listening to the two witnesses I am beginning to think it was something Irvin said in 30 seconds.
Reggardless of what he said, being drunk in public is already stupid, especially at his age.
I love Michael yes he has made some mistakes in his life. Heck, we All have skeletons in our closets. Some of us are just lucky we never got caught lol
I've tried not to make too much of it waiting on the complete story to come out. I have heard several on here say that He made a statement about him having drinks and didn't really remember. Even though that sounds bad it is not an admission. He is a celebrity it is one of the busiest events SB week. Meeting so many people. After meeting and talking to so many people when asked what I did I'm sure the last thing on m mind is someone that I stopped to have a 1 min conversation. So I don't pay too much onto his comments about drinking and going straight to his room.
I've pondered as I am sure most of you have is what could Michael say in one minute that would have him removed from the hotel and sent home by NFLN?
I've also pondered why are we only hearing one side. Why s NFLN quiet and why is the Hotel quiet? Am I the only one that finds that odd? She is an employee there and Michael staying there could there have been another encounter?
I would like to believe that surely the NFLN and Marriott have a legal team to counsel them on this matter. Just to make an accusation without proof could show liability on both parties to have a person removed from the hotel then removed from his job and sent home on just he said she said. If there was an accusation of sexual misconduct then the Police would have been involved Right?
I have to believe that there is more to this story that has yet to be heard.

I mean this is America injustice just can't take place here. sarcasm
After hearing what the 2 witnesses had to say you have to think she is trying to get paid.

Glad he is fighting back!
too drunk and stupid to remember what he said, but he's suing somebody. yep, that sounds about right.
I don't see where anyone mentioned that he was hammered with alcohol (yes, he admitted he had been out drinking, which was his truth) but was a BAC done to determine "how drunk" he was?

Any good lawyer will tell you NOT to answer immediate questions, particularly when you're put on the spot and someone wants answers now. Some will argue that's so you can get your story straight and lie if you need to, but the reality it could be difficult to answer any question honestly in your opinion when you're put on the spot accurately without given yourself 24 hours depending on the situation, and any inaccuracies on your end perhaps by a simple mistake could be held against you.

As far from what I've read, Irvin told the truth in that he was out drinking, but if nothing really happened with this woman in question, was there actually anything of any importance to remember on Irvin's end?

When a guy from Philly states that Irvin use to be the enemy (or to that extent) "back in the day", and he basically says Irvin didn't do anything out of the normal, I have to believe the Philly fan wasn't lying.

Reality is no one at this point has any clue on what was said and apparently the video shows Irvin didn't do anything at least physically with the woman?

Long time ago when I worked two jobs, got called in the managers office on my part time job because a woman had field a sexual harassment complaint against me. Worked with this woman for about 8 months, we were casual work acquaintances who would go out to eat with the other employees when work was done. This girl never seemed happy working for most of the time I knew her, but one day she was pretty jovial and I joked with her by asking "you get lucky last night?" (she laughed and said no) That's what I said, and that's what I was going to get written up over. I told the manager that I was only joking and never IMO had acted inappropriate with her and that I was going to fight it over the principal (this was back in the 90's). I was pissed because I thought I knew this girl well enough that if she had a problem with what I said, she could at least first address it directly with me, but I was going to get written up over it. I didn't need the job (got the job because of the great employee discounts) and I just told the manager that if they were going to give me an official "strike", I would just leave (I know I would also end up saying something to this girl which would have gotten me in more trouble) so I just left.

In hindsight what I did was wrong by implying a sexual question, but I treated her like I would have treated any of my friends at the time. Gave me my first rude awaking you need to be careful with some people, particularly of the opposite sex.

Thing is, and the biggest question I'm curious about, is if this were anyone but Michael Irvin, would the woman still make the complaint over exactly what was said or done?
so saying he can't remember, means he was sober. okay, whatever. Maybe he and the little killer joseph was upstairs playing monopoly too.
so saying he can't remember, means he was sober. okay, whatever.
Saying he can't remember was the smart play by Irvin's end.

Whatever Irvin says he runs a good chance of only putting his foot in his mouth because he may actually not have a clue why people were questioning him.

Added, ever go to city out of state, stay at a hotel, then go out and do some bar hopping seeing the sights? I'm sorry, but I'm willing to bet that anyone in that position would be able to remember everything that happened the night before. Myself, I'm old enough to realize don't leave the hotel when on work because nothing good can come out of it (nothing learned by my own actions, but watching others and some problems they had LOL). Swear to God, middle age married men can act like school kids at night when traveling for work.

Irvin wasn't charged with anything, and this is over someones feelings apparently butt hurt over something on what was said. From my understanding the actual video on the woman's interaction with Irvin shows nothing looking like Irvin acted improperly. It now comes down to "he said she said" when Irvin didn't do anything physically wrong.

If YOU had a interaction with a strange woman that you only met for 45 seconds and in your mind said or did nothing wrong, exactly how would you feel if your workplace punishes you pretty much within 24 hours without at least some kind of investigation?
Did you mean for this post to be so ignorant?
Look who the poster is. He can’t help himself. He has some weird issues with Kellen, Dak and Irvin. I don’t know what it is. Now he’s mad at Irvin even with witness accounts from Eagles fans lol.
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Theee cases are wild to me. Mike can lose his career but the accuser can make any claim and have her reputation hidden.
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Theee cases are wild to me. Mike can lose his career but the accuser can make any claim and have her reputation hidden.
They already made their mind up. That's where we're at these days. Knee jerk "Guilty!!" before all the facts unfold. For them to drop Irvin without all the facts is exactly the problem. There are no standards.
They already made their mind up. That's where we're at these days. Knee jerk "Guilty!!" before all the facts unfold. For them to drop Irvin without all the facts is exactly the problem. There are no standards.
Maybe they know more.
Maybe they've had prior issues with him.
Maybe he's been talked to before and warned.

It's their business.
Maybe they know more.
Maybe they've had prior issues with him.
Maybe he's been talked to before and warned.

It's their business.
Both my grandfathers died in the coal mines before they hit age 55. By all accounts, they were basically screwed by their employer in the 1940's because they were expendable as they came off the boat in the early 1900's

When you say "It's their business" be careful. Just because you own a business does not give you a right to abuse your employees.

All one has to do is to look at the coal mining industry in the US in the 1800's and 1900's to understand why unions came into be (particularly when hard working men tried to ask for money and were killed by either the state or government for it).

For better or worse, this is why laws are created.
Why do you act like he was trashed? You saw the video and could clearly see he was not trashed or hammered. But that didn't fit your narrative or agenda. He meets a lot of people daily. He's not going to remember a random 30 second convo not would he think that convo was anything to talk about cause it was normal. Plus he has eye witnesses who said nothing happened. I know you saw that but again it doesn't fit your agenda.
I do not have an agenda because it doesn't really matter to me. However, I know enough about him at ESPN Radio that the benefit of the doubt is difficult with his history.

What doesn't make sense is what's her motive and what did security hear and see for them to take that action? If it was as harmless as those two say it was, it is more than a mistake, it is intentional.

And he is the one using "I had too many drinks" as his excuse not to remember, he could have just said he meets a lot of people and can't remember all of them. That, may be the grounds NFLN used to send him home. No one in the public eye can get by with that as an excuse without repercussions.

Maybe she has some vendetta against him, who knows? I don't know and neither do you.
Both my grandfathers died in the coal mines before they hit age 55. By all accounts, they were basically screwed by their employer in the 1940's because they were expendable as they came off the boat in the early 1900's

When you say "It's their business" be careful. Just because you own a business does not give you a right to abuse your employees.

All one has to do is to look at the coal mining industry in the US in the 1800's and 1900's to understand why unions came into be (particularly when hard working men tried to ask for money and were killed by either the state or government for it).

For better or worse, this is why laws are created.
Ok. We went from a millionaire ex athlete getting in trouble at work to coal mining in the 1800s.

Enjoy the journey, I'm not going there.
The NFLN can do whatever they want, he can't sue them because they took him off the coverage. In fact, I can argue the network was the one placed in a no win situation. He has history and they could open themselves up to a civil suit by not taking action.

And all the NFLN has said is that he is not on the coverage team. He wasn't suspended and that looks like the only action taken so far. They looked to diffuse and cool down the situation.

Irvin's first defense was I had too much to drink to remember. Do you think any network is going to ignore that statement? Think they sent him there to get hammered to the point of affected memory?

bb, there is also the element of "what does the NFLN network know that we do not know"? Could this possibly not be the first time Irvin has had too much to drink and he was counseled by management before hand to keep it together?
EVERYONES suable, it embarrassed him and with only a rumor they may have had no cause to do me..lawuits are filed for just about everything and anyone can be sued.
They already made their mind up. That's where we're at these days. Knee jerk "Guilty!!" before all the facts unfold. For them to drop Irvin without all the facts is exactly the problem. There are no standards.
They haven't dropped him and we do not know what his history is with them since he joined NFLN. They didn't suspend him, only sent him home. We don't know what the situation is with him and the network.

This is the league's network on their biggest week of the year. They could just be taking precautions and trying to diffuse the situation. If they left him there, what do you think is going to happen? Story gets legs or dies? There are over 2000 reporters from all over the world and he is a NFL celebrity.

He is suing her and Marriott, not the NFLN. He is assuredly upset with the network but he probably understands their response to this. They are going to be twitchy about anything that might tarnish that shield, especially this week. Do we think Goodell and whoever heads up that network haven't heard from most of the owners after this came down.

And he is the biggest homer in sports coverage on the network owned by the NFL, think all of the other owners are happy with that?
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