News: Michael Irvin files $100 million lawsuit vs accuser and Marriott (Renaissance hotels)

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It's hard to believe, but it's happening. He wasn't even being fired. Just take the L and don't drink so much the next time.
It's not hard to believe though when you have people around saying they heard nothing that would suggest he said anything inappropriate to her. It's not looking good for the accuser thus far.
It's not hard to believe though when you have people around saying they heard nothing that would suggest he said anything inappropriate to her. It's not looking good for the accuser thus far.
I'm under the impression he doesn't really remember what he said. You don't have to be super drunk for that to happen. It seems like they think she purposely acted with malice. You think that's the case? Or do you think he might have said something she didn't like? What's more likely here? What would you bet 1000 bucks on?
The NFLN can do whatever they want, he can't sue them because they took him off the coverage. In fact, I can argue the network was the one placed in a no win situation. He has history and they could open themselves up to a civil suit by not taking action.

And all the NFLN has said is that he is not on the coverage team. He wasn't suspended and that looks like the only action taken so far. They looked to diffuse and cool down the situation.

Irvin's first defense was I had too much to drink to remember. Do you think any network is going to ignore that statement? Think they sent him there to get hammered to the point of affected memory?

bb, there is also the element of "what does the NFLN network know that we do not know"? Could this possibly not be the first time Irvin has had too much to drink and he was counseled by management before hand to keep it together?
Why do you act like he was trashed? You saw the video and could clearly see he was not trashed or hammered. But that didn't fit your narrative or agenda. He meets a lot of people daily. He's not going to remember a random 30 second convo not would he think that convo was anything to talk about cause it was normal. Plus he has eye witnesses who said nothing happened. I know you saw that but again it doesn't fit your agenda.
Burn em Mike You saw certain people on here, casting dispersions on Mike, calling him.guilty. because of their prejudice, because of his past. Burn
all s@#$. It'll make em pay.They Ain't gonna punish em
I'm under the impression he doesn't really remember what he said. You don't have to be super drunk for that to happen. It seems like they think she purposely acted with malice. You think that's the case? Or do you think he might have said something she didn't like? What's more likely here? What would you bet 1000 bucks on?
From those around it was a simple greeting, handshake, and the two parted ways. That's exactly how the two witnesses are describing it - so unless something lese happened later in the night, as of now, seems like BS story from the employee.
If Irvin wasn’t a former Cowboy great those defending him would be bashing him too.
As usual with the NFL there are so many unanswered questions. First, why publicize the removal of Irvin from the Super Bowl coverage but not reveal the nature of the allegations? No one is asking to reveal the woman's identity, but certainly they can provide something indicating the seriousness of the allegations that would warrant actions against Irvin. If they are not going to reveal the allegations then don't cancel him.

Now we have multiple witnesses who claim they saw nothing untoward, but again, without knowing the specific allegations do we even know if their statements are relevant.
Irvin should know better, he is a media celebrity, and he needs to act appropriately in public settings.
Getting intoxicated in public setting is not a good idea.
it is a job not a party lol.

Yeah, I just saw this. Like I was saying before. He's definitely a clown on air and with his whole Stephen A. Smith-like persona, and that doesn't help his credibility in this situation. But I'm pretty sure this is something more personal from the Marriot's staff. It's more likely a managerial employee making a shady power play by insinuating Mike did something wrong, when he really didn't, and they are trying to leverage their dislike for him and his previous reputation to harm the Cowboys somehow by targeting Irvin over some petty vendetta.

This kind of person would not be able to foresee the kind of lawsuit that could arise from something like this and likely didn't think Irvin would have access to the court of law, by underestimating his current status, because of his previous lifestyle.

They say, defamation is difficult to prove. But this fits the scope, in my lay opinion.

+1 for Irvin.

What's surprising is how the NFL reacted to this complaint when there was no need for police involvement.

He can't sue the employer, I presume, because he can't prove it was due to race, religion or something of that nature, and employees can discriminate however they want, aside from that.
If Irvin wasn’t a former Cowboy great those defending him would be bashing him too.
Nobody would care. But really if anybody would have done anything they wouldn't have done it in a packed bar. The whole thing sounds suspicious. And people thinking he's guilty off the bat are using his past against him too. If there is video of it then it should clear it up.
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