News: Michael Irvin files $100 million lawsuit vs accuser and Marriott (Renaissance hotels)

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Irvin’s beef is with his employer. If a business feels a customer has been a problem or mistreats an employee or other customers, they are well within their rights to refuse service.
If the NFL Network decided to suspend Irvin, that is not the hotel issue. His suit should be with his employer not the hotel.
Anyone here ever have one too many and have the establishment decline to serve you or ask you to leave? It’s well within their rights.
If you're innocent then you fight back. You have to do that especially in today's culture.
Innocence has little to do with it. Going on the offense is a pretty good defense.

Act like the harmed party and those who want to believe, will believe.

At first he tells the hotel he didn't talk to anybody, then there is a video and then it becomes he can't recall what he said. So, exactly what is he suing her and the hotel for without even being to defend himself with his "he said" against her "she said"?

Sure looks like he should have talked to his lawyer well before filing the suit.

And does anyone know who the woman is? I'd read that she was with the network but haven't seen that substantiated. I also haven't seen hooker or skank substantiated.
If the NFL Network decided to suspend Irvin, that is not the hotel issue. His suit should be with his employer not the hotel.
If an employee at the hotel made a false claim against Irvin, while on the job- then certainly the hotel has some liability.
I agree the NFL Network should also be held accountable.
if he wins this in anyway even without a big money judgment the next target is NFL network for falsely removing his from his job without a real investigation or cause which caused defamation etc. That where the big$$$$$$ money is.
The NFLN can do whatever they want, he can't sue them because they took him off the coverage. In fact, I can argue the network was the one placed in a no win situation. He has history and they could open themselves up to a civil suit by not taking action.

And all the NFLN has said is that he is not on the coverage team. He wasn't suspended and that looks like the only action taken so far. They looked to diffuse and cool down the situation.

Irvin's first defense was I had too much to drink to remember. Do you think any network is going to ignore that statement? Think they sent him there to get hammered to the point of affected memory?

bb, there is also the element of "what does the NFLN network know that we do not know"? Could this possibly not be the first time Irvin has had too much to drink and he was counseled by management before hand to keep it together?
Still don't know what misconduct means. Anyone can accuse anyone of misconduct.
Catchall for bad behavior and that is open to interpretation.

The problem is he looks guilty because he said he didn't talk to anyone and they have a video, then he said he had too much to drink and doesn't remember what he said to her and when he got back to Dallas told DMN all he did was shake her hand. This is conflicting information so it makes him look bad in the public eye. Either he is lying or he really can't recall what happened and that's a stretch to me. If anyone is that drunk, that's evident to see.

His defense is to go on the offense against her and the hotel. Where is his proof? Because he can't even use his own memory by his own admission. And now if he says he recalls everything, think that would fly with a judge or jury?
Read a recent news report of 3 guys in the lounge area when all this took place. Apparently there on business, no relationship with Irvin at all.

Stated the conversation lasted all of about 30 to 60 seconds max, and nothing that they saw would leave them to believe anything happened.

Irvin was't charged with anything by anyone.

If this woman was a employee of the hotel, I honestly think she may regret her 15 minutes of fame.

I mean the reality is when this news story first broke, you have to admit it didn't make Irvin look good.

Will be curious to see how this plays out, and if indeed nothing happened, I'm certain the hotel may be sweating it out because according to Irvin, he was escorted off the premises and really had no clue as to why (in his opinion).
This is at least the second time he’s been accused of misconduct with a female. Even if nothing can be proven with this current situation he could end up being dropped by NFL network, and no one else might want to have anything to do with him. Just the accusations can kill a career.
How do you know he was intoxicated? Having a few or been drinking and you get he is intoxicated?
Do you recall every 45 second conversation you had with a stranger? Especially in passing and if it is not important?
Irvin himself is the one that said he didnt remember BECAUSE he was drinking.

But intoxicated or not, the fact he admitted he didnt remember is the key point here.

If you dont remember what you said, drunk or not, how can you dispute it?

Only way is if there were other witnesses around Irvin that heard the conversation and can testify on Irvins behalf as to what he said since he himself cant remember.
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The case isn't about the NFL Network actions. It's the woman lying and hurting his reputation thus causing his current and future earnings to be affected.
Yeah, I was talking as if the NFLN fired him. Because as far as his lawsuit goes, he's not getting a dime. Watch.
Interesting. Since the specific accusations are not known publicly, then how could he be cancelled? If he is cancelled on the rumors of accusations that seems pretty awful too.

If he has multiple witnesses to back up his claims against 1 woman's story it will be interesting to see what happens next. Do the companies that cancelled contracts with him apologize like nothing happened? Or do they continue to act only on the accusations of the woman. It is a complicated world we live in today.

People judging Irvin without the facts are not acting in good faith. If this is another false accusation he should sue everyone who looked at him cross-eyed. That's the only way this stops.

They already pull him off the SB coverage. I bet you already lost money off that. Plus is employment with ESPN/NFL may be at stake too.
Irvin’s beef is with his employer. If a business feels a customer has been a problem or mistreats an employee or other customers, they are well within their rights to refuse service.
If the NFL Network decided to suspend Irvin, that is not the hotel issue. His suit should be with his employer not the hotel.
Anyone here ever have one too many and have the establishment decline to serve you or ask you to leave? It’s well within their rights.
That's what I found weird about this. The person in question has no control over what his employer does. And the hotel is within their rights to remove him. He must be claiming she acted with malice. Good luck proving that.
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