Mick Shots: Deeper Dive into Dak's Playoff Record


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If he stays here and the salary cap goes way up the 60 million can work ( at least Howie Roseman can make it work) but I want to see a new HC and a new QB AND more importantly a real GM that changes the culture here

And that's asking alot
I have everything I need, if the cowboys win, that's just icing on the cake for me. Honestly, I enjoy the game and support the team, but I've seen a lot of real life, so this is just not as important to me as it used to be. Only reason I come on here is for the banter and to laugh at some of the ignorance....


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
That is right. So Coach me up and tell me or the forum, what have the Cowboys done so far to get you excited as a Cowboy fan. I mean right now, coach me up because I can't see anything really positive to look forward too?
I won't waste my time guessing and spewing crap that I have no insight on. But, you go ahead and share your knowledge, if you want..I'll go get some popcorn. Lol


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It's a typical Mick homer piece.

For example, note this last line from him............

"The reason" for the GB loss was more than one reason. He totally glosses over the fact that a big factor in the Cowboys being down 27-0 was that Dak was atrocious in the first half. The fact he can't even admit that reality shows he just doing the same thing he's ripping people for just the other way to protect Dak.

He also totally avoids the reality that in two other playoff games the defense played decently and Dak wasn't all that consistent in those games. Funny how that doesn't get mentioned in this puff piece.
Does he mention that Dak averages one pick per playoff game? That's a pretty big factor in why Dak is 2-5 as a playoff starter.


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I have everything I need, if the cowboys win, that's just icing on the cake for me. Honestly, I enjoy the game and support the team, but I've seen a lot of real life, so this is just not as important to me as it used to be. Only reason I come on here is for the banter and to laugh at some of the ignorance....

If you really felt this way then you wouldn't attack other forum members for "wrongfan" all the time the way you do.

"Banter" isn't what you are doing. Being a bully is what you are doing.


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Mickey shows some good stats and reasoning here.
Dak is 0-3 when the defense gives up 30 or more points. Take a look at some SB winning QB's, and their playoff records when their respective teams have given up 30 or more points.
Dak has been mixed in the playoffs.

The Tampa game may have been the best performance I've ever seen by a Cowboys qb, in the playoffs. Don't get me wrong it wasn't a great Tampa team and we were playing wildcard round. Nonetheless he was fantastic.

The Seahawks game he willed us to a win.

Both niner loses were rough. Dak was not good. His rookie year vs GB we started terribly, but he did come back and play well.

Dak was trash this year against GB.

NOW FOR THE CONTEXT. If he doesn't have a run game and run defense he will not ever win consistently and consecutively when we need him to.

This is the same SAWFT team that got gutted by the Rams almost a decade ago. Our FO is criminal for their inability to recognize or correct that.


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Micky lived across the street and a house over from a neighborhood friend of mine growing up...

True story...we played baseball with a tennis ball as the ball...used to pelt his garage door on a regular basis. As in...it was a home run for me bay-beeeeee....

This is back in like '90 to '94.


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That is right. So Coach me up and tell me or the forum, what have the Cowboys done so far to get you excited as a Cowboy fan. I mean right now, coach me up because I can't see anything really positive to look forward too?
The problem with a lot of people is they think Realists are just being negative. Realists usually have a better understanding of what is good AND bad with a situation and in this case the team. Every season is a new opportunity but with the way the current team is constructed and the given evidence of past performance, it is hard to expect anything than the previous sample results.

Thinking it is going to be different next time they get to the playoffs is almost like expecting the "Pillsbury doughboy" to jump out of a can the next time you open the biscuits. After you open a few, you kind of know what you are getting if you aren't a kid or childish. LOL!


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Does this mean we won't be holding hands?
AC and mr badger!


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan

If you really felt this way then you wouldn't attack other forum members for "wrongfan" all the time the way you do.

"Banter" isn't what you are doing. Being a bully is what you are doing.
I have good banter with some and laugh at the ignorance of others....how is that BS? At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what you or me or anyone else thinks around here, it only matters if you let it get to you. I'm sorry you feel bullied


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Throw away the stats. Answer this simple question:

Divisional playoff round. Dallas vs SF. I don’t care where they play.

How many of you feel confident we win with Dak under center?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Throw away the stats. Answer this simple question:

Divisional playoff round. Dallas vs SF. I don’t care where they play.

How many of you feel confident we win with Dak under center?
I won't feel confidence in Dak until he does. In the meantime he's pretty much all we got, right now.


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When the defense doesn't give up 30 or more points

  • Joe Montana: 16-4 .800
  • Brett Favre:13-4 .764
  • Drew Brees: 9-4 .693
  • Ben Roethlisberger: 13-3 .813
  • Aaron Rodgers: 10-5 .667
  • John Elway: 13-2 .867
  • Tom Brady: 33-8 .805
  • Peyton Manning: 12-8 .600
  • And just for grins, Troy Aikman 11-3, Roger Staubach 11-3 .786 each
Dak 2-2

So honestly it doesn't get much better compared to them anyway when the defense doesn't give up that many.

Only one on that list anywhere close to .500 is Peyton Manning, so lets not act like he is anywhere near them. Any of them.
I don’t think the point was he was “near them”….the point was if the greats couldn’t win giving up 30 how could a “bum” like Dak do it?