Mick Shots: Deeper Dive into Dak's Playoff Record


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The jazzcat op specified "when the defense gives up 30 points"

You did not.

and you got the huevos to lecture other people about "reading the comment".

Don't blame me if your content is incorrect or incomplete.

Who is Kevin and why does he matter to you?
I literally copy and pasted it from Jaz’s artcle lol….go read the article then come back.


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Most likely many did not read it, or read that far into it.
I don't have any issues with your post...

but TMC never specified "when the defense gives up 30 points", as you DID!

That was what I questioned. It has nothing to do with with reading all the way through.

I do wonder though...the defense got dinged for the 7 points having to start inside the 20, after Dak's interception. That's very hard on a defense, let alone a struggling one.

America's Cowboy

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I don't have any issues with your post...

but TMC never specified "when the defense gives up 30 points", as you DID!

That was what I questioned. It has nothing to do with with reading all the way through.

I do wonder though...the defense got dinged for the 7 points having to start inside the 20, after Dak's interception. That's very hard on a defense, let alone a struggling one.
That was clearly defensive pass interference, and you know it.


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Donating? That was clearly defensive pass interference, and you know it.
Yes donating as in charitable bites at the apple. I'm sure you are used to that by now seeing as to how Dak likes to play Daddy Santa during the playoffs. How else do you think he attained thay worst playoff record in the league distinction?

America's Cowboy

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Yes donating as in charitable bites at the apple. I'm sure you are used to that by now seeing as to how Dak likes to play Daddy Santa during the playoffs. How else do you think he attained thay worst playoff record in the league distinction?
Back to your lies. That's all you've got to fall on. Doesn't change the fact Dak is your QB and soon will be for several more years.


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Most likely many did not read it, or read that far into it.

Not sure what your saying about the defense handing Dak a short field. What I was saying, is if you are going to isolate bad plays/outcomes from Dak as you suggest, then the same would have to be accounted for in the group of QBs that he was being compared to in the article to get a fair comparison, i.e. you can't apply a standard to one without applying it to all.

With respect to blame and salary/% of the cap, the amount someone is paid has no correlation to the amount of blame they should get for a loss. Again it is a team sport that requires 11 players on the field to work in unison to succeed along with coaches calling the right plays...there are lots of variables at play during every single play that contribute to the success and failure of a play that accumulates to a final outcome. Salary in no shape or form plays a role in that. Secondly, that assumption that the blame is more relevant also presumes that players salaries are based on merit and outcomes which is false...just look at Trevor Lawerence's contract this year or Kyle Murray's contract a few years ago just to name a couple.
OK, I need you to be consistent in your measure: On the one hand, it's a team game and we can't assign blame to any player and so salary is independent of performance. To substantiate your claim you picked *drumroll* an outlier contract like Trevor Lawrence that gets a ton of attention because it IS UNUSUAL to reward someone who has the ball in his hands that much and fails as much as Lawrence has. The # of touches of the ball is LITERALLY the difference between getting paid and not getting paid big money: tips, interceptions, fumbles recovered, catches, deflections....all incentives in contracts that are the difference between good and great money. Even just tackling the person with the ball is good enough. The point is those are metrics that the NFL directly coorelates to winning. It's why they keep the stats and use them in contracts and awards. Your attempt to separate the two - Trevor Lawrence lol - smells of Dak-fandom masquerading as analysis.

Of course, we can play the same game of parsing out the QB's share of the blame on the opposing side...and I would ...if I gave 2 you-know-what's about that team. I care about Dak's compensation so I'm looking at - again - his touches, his collapses, his culpability and his pay...because in the salary cap era the norm is pay for performance. The anomaly is to pay for potential.


Here comes the Sun...
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I am increasingly of the opinion it might not matter who we have at coach, QB whatever as long as Jethro runs things
Well, sorry my friend, but when JJ eats worms it won't get any better with his spawn. Once you have it made money wise, it won't even care how the Cowboys perform, as long as they have fools like me.
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Ranchero, is there any way to critique a player without hating them?

Do you think I really hate Dak or just want to see a change after 8 years of the same ending?

People were ready to move on from Tony, and rightly so, but I don't believe anybody actually hated the man
Of course, I do it myself. I have nothing against criticism, but if all you choose to see are the negatives and never acknowledge the positive... that's not criticism in my book..


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Of course, I do it myself. I have nothing against criticism, but if all you choose to see are the negatives and never acknowledge the positive... that's not criticism in my book..

I think it's obvious that Dak has had above average to great regular season stats ( just like Romo) but after 8 seasons we need to see him continue that in the playoffs

Now it's about salary cap burden as well. Is he worth taking up 25% salary cap in 2025? Can we afford to get him the help he needs and deserves?

Jerry's moves have made him unaffordable. But that's about the FO not Dakota

And for the record, I think that Rayne Dakota should get EVERY penny the market will bear......Kirk Cousins a 36 has done so, so why not Rayne?


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Of course, I do it myself. I have nothing against criticism, but if all you choose to see are the negatives and never acknowledge the positive... that's not criticism in my book..
So...you first have to go through all the positives....before criticizing?
Or how do you know someone hasn't done that in some other comment?

Just trying to get your take on how you demand others comment.