Mike Leach on QB accuracy


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How many elite passers are there?
The two best passers I have ever seen are Rivers and Rodgers and one has one ring and both have had to overcome teams too dependent on them to build around them. SD finally got smart and started building him a D. Brees might be in that category and the same thing about him, he would not have a ring if not for an opportunistic D.

And for all the raves about P. Manning, he had to have teams around him and he was the wunderkind of his time. Brady is great but look at the teams around him.

And here's the key to me and what we should be glad about. If we had one of those elite passers, think this brain trust would build around him or depend on him too much? They had a pretty good passer in Romo and even admitted they hadn't built around him.

With Prescott at QB, I believe he forces them into a "team" mentality and not a "player" mentality. What separates Belichick from everyone else is that he has the best QB in the game and it's still all about the team and there are no small parts, they're all critical.

Except for NE, does every one of these other teams with that QB not have the team overshadowed by the QB? I believe Prescott makes management more team focused.


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These are 15+ yard targets. (Balls thrown 15 yards or more in the air.)
Passer rating 2016-18
1 Wilson 114.7
2 Prescott 108.2
3 Smith 106.0
4 Brady 105.4
5 Ryan 105.0

Targets less than 15 yards
1 Ryan 109.2
2 Brees 107.4
3 Watson 103.9
4 Brady 102.5
5 Rodgers 102.3

14 Prescott 95.3

You'd like him to be better on the shorter passes. Interestingly, his passer rating was 111.3 to Cooper on these shorter throws.

Thank you as always for bringing these accurate, applicable, and enlightening statistics to the conversation. I apologize in advance for the agenda driven crowd completely ignoring them.


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These are 15+ yard targets. (Balls thrown 15 yards or more in the air.)
Passer rating 2016-18
1 Wilson 114.7
2 Prescott 108.2
3 Smith 106.0
4 Brady 105.4
5 Ryan 105.0

Targets less than 15 yards
1 Ryan 109.2
2 Brees 107.4
3 Watson 103.9
4 Brady 102.5
5 Rodgers 102.3

14 Prescott 95.3

You'd like him to be better on the shorter passes. Interestingly, his passer rating was 111.3 to Cooper on these shorter throws.

But the idiots will persist.


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when is the last time a mike leach qb has had a successful nfl career? they seem to have great college careers winging the ball, but I can't think of any who've gone on to be great nfl qb's. feel free to correct me if i'm wrong. so can it be mike leach doesn't really know that much about the accuracy subject? that possibility exists.


Regular Joe....
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These are 15+ yard targets. (Balls thrown 15 yards or more in the air.)
Passer rating 2016-18
1 Wilson 114.7
2 Prescott 108.2
3 Smith 106.0
4 Brady 105.4
5 Ryan 105.0

Targets less than 15 yards
1 Ryan 109.2
2 Brees 107.4
3 Watson 103.9
4 Brady 102.5
5 Rodgers 102.3

14 Prescott 95.3

You'd like him to be better on the shorter passes. Interestingly, his passer rating was 111.3 to Cooper on these shorter throws.

Catch radius, short area quickness and the fact that he just flat runs good routs. As a result, he is in a better position to adjust and make catches on balls that are not perfectly thrown in that short area. The longer the route, the more time you have to process the information that you see so the better it is if you are not one of those brains who has the ability to put it all together and be on the money with your throws in a fraction of a second. That, IMO, is why these stats reflect what they do. I just don't think that Dak is one of those guys who can put it all together in a slit second. He needs a little more time, which is why muscle memory is sooooo critical for him. I've said this over and over and over again, Dak needs to be throwing hundreds of balls to his WRs in the off season and he can not be one of those guys who you sit on the bench and save during the preseason because you think he has the offense down. He probably does have the offense down but he can't just come in cold and make throws the way some guys can.

BTW, this has nothing to do with how smart or intelligent or whatever else, he is. This is all about how your brain processes info and how quickly you can put all the right things together to make any throw. The short throws are bang bang, which means you have a fraction. That's why mechanics and muscle memory are so critical. You just gotta be able to throw that thing to that spot in a pitch black room, in the middle of the blackest night in the history of the world, in order to get consistent with that kind of thing.


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There is no coach that can teach Dak how to throw a football. You're either accurate, or you're not.

This isn't about poise. Dak has poise. So it isn't an experience fix that comes with getting "comfortable". Dak is comfortable.

And that's a problem because this just comes down to lack of ability.

Darius Jackson can practice all he wants, but he'll never be Zeke. Dak can work himself to the bone, but he'll never be an elite passer.

With the baseball reference, Randy Johnson couldn't hit the broad side of a barn when he was drafted. He spent 3 seasons in the minors and then lead the AL in walks allowed during his first 3 Major League seasons.

He worked with Nolan Ryan and turned his career around.

He is now in the Baseball HoF.


Regular Joe....
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With the baseball reference, Randy Johnson couldn't hit the broad side of a barn when he was drafted. He spent 3 seasons in the minors and then lead the AL in walks allowed during his first 3 Major League seasons.

He worked with Nolan Ryan and turned his career around.

He is now in the Baseball HoF.

Ryan was the same way when he came up with the Mets.


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And I disagree!!!! However, there's simply no use in repeating ourselves any more!!!!!!

One last stab. Suppose a SS is slightly less accurate on his throws, and 2-3 more runners out of every 100 get on base because he makes an occasional bad throw that another guy wouldn't, but the other guy boots 3-4 more ground balls out of 100 that the guy with the slightly less accurate arm wouldn't. Now consider that the guy with the slightly less accurate arm is able to make another 2-3 plays out of 100 because he has the range and arm strength to get to a ball and make the throw that the guy with the more accurate arm can't. Now, net that out - the guy with the less accurate arm allows 2-3 more base runners out of 100, and the guy with the slightly more accurate arm allows 5-7 more base runners out of 100. Who is the better SS?


Vet Min Plus
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When he gets happy feet, it's because he knows he can't make the throw he should, so he holds it.

He likes to go down the deep sideline, and quick ins and outs and dump-offs. Seam routes or anything deep into windows in zone defenses is scary as hell to him. He just doesn't trust his arm.

He’s definitely not the most accurate passer but in regards to happy feet it’s primarily due to being used to having to run due to protection break downs in College. Now that he’s in the PRO’s it’s up to the coaches to teach him to step up or over and plant his feet properly before throwing a pass. He also doesn’t trust all his receivers yet either...


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Lmao. You are going to
Hold Cooper finishing 22nd in yards against Dak? What was his ranking in weeks 9 through 17?
The bigger question is what was it before. I’ve seen enough of Dak without Cooper or Zeke In 2017 to see what we have.

Imagine if we had a QB with Zeke or Amari talent level. Then we’d have something special.

Kinda of what we had in 2014 offensively. That’s what we need with this defense. Together we’d have a serious contender.


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Ryan was the same way when he came up with the Mets.

Exactly right. Even though Nolan didn't throw quite as hard (still damn hard though), he was a much better pitcher well into his 30's, and even upper 30's, than when he was younger because he learned to control his pitches.


Well-Known Member
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when is the last time a mike leach qb has had a successful nfl career? they seem to have great college careers winging the ball, but I can't think of any who've gone on to be great nfl qb's. feel free to correct me if i'm wrong. so can it be mike leach doesn't really know that much about the accuracy subject? that possibility exists.

Good point.

Maybe because Mike Leach is incapacble of developing a pro level QB, he thinks nobody can....... the man just might be biased by his own failures.


The Boognish
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Dak isn't accurate? Who knew? Thanks guys! Hard hitting stuff!

the issue is that he is not consistently accurate. there are times where he is spot on and other times where he is not. Many people have pointed out specific mechanics mostly to do with his legs that lead to the issues he has.

Now one can either take that knowledge and think that there are drills he can do to improve his mechanics and thus consistency or instead take some generalized notion that doesn't specifically speak to Dak and insist on it.


Regular Joe....
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One last stab. Suppose a SS is slightly less accurate on his throws, and 2-3 more runners out of every 100 get on base because he makes an occasional bad throw that another guy wouldn't, but the other guy boots 3-4 more ground balls out of 100 that the guy with the slightly less accurate arm wouldn't. Now consider that the guy with the slightly less accurate arm is able to make another 2-3 plays out of 100 because he has the range and arm strength to get to a ball and make the throw that the guy with the more accurate arm can't. Now, net that out - the guy with the less accurate arm allows 2-3 more base runners out of 100, and the guy with the slightly more accurate arm allows 5-7 more base runners out of 100. Who is the better SS?

It's the guy who can steal a 100 bases and hit 80 points over the Mendoza line.

What....... What did I say..........?


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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the issue is that he is not consistently accurate. there are times where he is spot on and other times where he is not. Many people have pointed out specific mechanics mostly to do with his legs that lead to the issues he has.

Now one can either take that knowledge and think that there are drills he can do to improve his mechanics and thus consistency or instead take some generalized notion that doesn't specifically speak to Dak and insist on it.
I appreciate the response, but like I said previously, I was merely mocking the repetitiveness of this topic.
I guess pretty poorly, looking back at it.