Mincey: Tension grew in Cowboys locker room with Greg Hardy

My bro. who used to work for the Boys, still has many friends there in differing departments and will still go hang with them a couple of games a year. The guys nickname is Tardy Hardy....which I'm sure is common knowledge by many. Basically the guy didn't care to make an impression and it seems the team didn't care to go talk to him and rein him in. Just cut him

I agree with you. I would be incline to cut slack on a SB winning team but when we just sank to 4-12 it is time to cut out the non sense and tell players how things will be and if they can't manage that then they need to be shown the door. NO Exception
perhaps the guy in charge of the rules is the problem???

and I will side with coach over a player who is constantly late to meeting, he is showing himself by his action and Garrett or any HC damn well has a right to call him or any player out because of it. Seem you would have lunatics running the asylum
Bash Mincy for answering a question w
Did anybody see A Football Life with Charles Haley?

It wasn't like he was beloved by everybody in the Cowboys locker room.

The difference is that we had a coach that didn't have a problem dealing with somebody like that because he was the an integral part of the defense. Now we have a coach who can't be bothered to do his job and actually motivate a troubling player and keep peace in the locker room. He's too busy clapping and talking about 'accountability' while he shows ZERO accountability for him and his staff.


The difference is, Charles Haley was a Hall of Fame football player.
Did anybody see A Football Life with Charles Haley?

It wasn't like he was beloved by everybody in the Cowboys locker room.

The difference is that we had a coach that didn't have a problem dealing with somebody like that because he was the an integral part of the defense. Now we have a coach who can't be bothered to do his job and actually motivate a troubling player and keep peace in the locker room. He's too busy clapping and talking about 'accountability' while he shows ZERO accountability for him and his staff.


Not the best comparison. You are asking guys to look past accusations (complete with pictures) of domestic violence. I expect a good number of the players in that room have had moms or sisters treated that way. Those guys may try to accept him at first but things will easily sour if he's not on his best behavior.

Haley was a jerk but he didn't have that sort of baggage. He also had two superbowls and a DPOY under his belt.
This is more proof of how much last off season killed this team. To many important pieces let go, and too many other ones brought in.

Team chemistry is real. A close team where everyone is tight, and it's more of a family like locker room is where great teams are built. The FO destroyed that last off season.
and I will side with coach over a player who is constantly late to meeting, he is showing himself by his action and Garrett or any HC damn well has a right to call him or any player out because of it. Seem you would have lunatics running the asylum

How many times was he late?

What other players were late?

You are making a ton of assumptions.
I side with Hardy because he is 28 years old with 40 sacks in 75 career games.

Garrett has 45 wins in 88 games.

One is a freak and outlier, the other is right down the middle as average as you can be.
It takes outliers to win.
Usually players aren't dumb enough to allow a journalist to print their name with a quote especially when about a fellow player. But Mincey either feels like he's retiring or he's not coming back to the Cowboys.
This is another of my pet peeves and one I alone must deal with. This wasn't a situation involving an important event where words would inflict real collateral damage on surrounding men, women and children.

This example should not have anything to do with intelligence or lack thereof. This was a situation where a player was posed a question. The player has a choice to either stand by his statements or not say anything at all. If it's the former, a player should allow their name to be published if they feel strongly enough about what they are saying and deal with the consequences, if any. If it's the latter, a player should not say anything because they fear reprisal for telling truth that doesn't truly endanger anyone but themselves.

For all the overt drama implied by some, the franchise will not be shaken to its core if the truth reveals that Hardy created tension in the locker room. It will not even rock the boat. Would it give the media something to run with for awhile? Sure. Would media heads slobber over themselves? Yes. Would some fans scream and yell and command others to repent? Of course. But real damage done to the franchise itself? Not really.

National security will not be threatened. Mincey answered the question and didn't hide from his words. Good for him. There are very few instances where statements given by players, coaches, general managers, owners, league officials, etc., will harm franchises and the NFL or have truly legal ramifications for anticipated or ongoing legal issues.

For me, people shouldn't hide behind the press for commenting about topics requiring nothing to be shielded from. In short, people talking to the media should man up or shut up about a bunch of nothing.
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How many times was he late?

What other players were late?

You are making a ton of assumptions.
I side with Hardy because he is 28 years old with 40 sacks in 75 career games.

Garrett has 45 wins in 88 games.

One is a freak and outlier, the other is right down the middle as average as you can be.
It takes outliers to win.

You can side with whom ever you like. I did not see 31 other teams jumping over each other to grab Hardy Dallas took a chance on him and he has failed.
Not the best comparison. You are asking guys to look past accusations (complete with pictures) of domestic violence. I expect a good number of the players in that room have had moms or sisters treated that way. Those guys may try to accept him at first but things will easily sour if he's not on his best behavior.

Haley was a jerk but he didn't have that sort of baggage. He also had two superbowls and a DPOY under his belt.

Haley DID have that kind of baggage.
And MUCH worse stuff.
He was showing his junk in teammates faces and urinating on their cars in broad day light.
He was literally insane and had to be medicated for his bipolar disorder.

Hardy had one DV incident, ONE that occured more than a year before he became a Cowboy.
Haley DID have that kind of baggage.
And MUCH worse stuff.
He was showing his junk in teammates faces and urinating on their cars in broad day light.
He was literally insane and had to be medicated for his bipolar disorder.

Hardy had one DV incident, ONE that occured more than a year before he became a Cowboy.

Comes down to whether or not you find beating women entirely unacceptable or not. Haley has a medical disorder. Hardy beats women.
The guy was asked about Hardy, It is no secret about hardy as we have been hearing about it from different sources this week.

Now the guy is honest and he gets belittled because his production is not great.

Well...nobody said his production was great.

I guess he could just say no comment when asked about Hardy, but if every player did that, we would never know anything about what goes on behind the scenes.

Or we could chalk it up to a former disgruntled player talking bad about the team...;wait...he is still on the team.

How about we just take the info given and realize there is a problem with Hardy and how others on the team viewed him instead of turning it on the person that said something about it.

I gave been critical of Hardy and what mincey says likely had truth to it, however it is also true that mincey is not someone who should be starting on s really really good DL which is where we want to go. Based on talent it would be Hardy no question if we had a coach and team culture that could keep him in line however that does not appear to be the case.

Maybe it should not be either/or, maybe it should be neither
Bash Mincy for answering a question w

The difference is, Charles Haley was a Hall of Fame football player.

How do you know that Hardy will not become a HoF'er?

The previous two seasons he played, he had 26 sacks. He had 15 sacks in 2013. Haley's largest total was 16 in 1990. He then had a whopping 7 sacks, 6 sacks and 4 sacks (the last 2 years in Dallas) before getting 12.5 sacks (w/o Jimmy Johnson) and 10.5 sacks.

Yet, Jimmy saw value in Haley and found a way to keep the peace. Our coach is too busy thinking about the RKG which doesn't always exist with great players instead of doing his job and trying to motivate a player because...people are actually different and have to be coached differently.

It's an embarrassment that our HC knows so little about coaching because the main tenet of coaching...in any sport...is that it's a people business first and foremost. And you have to understand people in order to get the most out of him. This clown thinks everybody should be the same.

My guess is that if Bruce Arians was coaching Hardy, he wouldn't be a problem.


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