Mincey: Tension grew in Cowboys locker room with Greg Hardy

Haley was a jerk but he didn't have that sort of baggage.

Are you kidding me?

Steve Young has said that he literally can't tell you Charles Haley stories because they are not fit for TV. Like the time he got so angry at a Defensive Coach that he walked into the coach's office and urinated all over his desk.

Yeah...he didn't have baggage. And I have oceanfront property in Kansas up for sale.

The guy was asked about Hardy, It is no secret about hardy as we have been hearing about it from different sources this week.

Now the guy is honest and he gets belittled because his production is not great.

Well...nobody said his production was great.

I guess he could just say no comment when asked about Hardy, but if every player did that, we would never know anything about what goes on behind the scenes.

Or we could chalk it up to a former disgruntled player talking bad about the team...;wait...he is still on the team.

How about we just take the info given and realize there is a problem with Hardy and how others on the team viewed him instead of turning it on the person that said something about it.

It's a general principle in sports to have leaders taht play and play well. He wasn't that.

I twas also speculated that Mincey was the leak itself. Sure seems that way.
Mincey of course, Marinelli is not going to say anything bad about a player. Mincey spoke his mind and gets trashed for it. Garrett didn't give a glowing endorsement either, nor did the Jones boys.

Don't really agree with that. Marinelli went out of his way to compliment Hardy and his work ethic plus how much it could impact the future of the d-line. Mincey on the other hand is in direct competition with Hardy essentially for the same spot.
just wish minceys production on the field was a good as his mouth.

I do too, but this is proof for all those who say, "Please cite one teammate who says Greg Hardy is a problem."

Thank you Mr. Mincey. :)

Coaches normally take the positive road when dealing with players and talking to reporters unless it is a player that they feel would benefit from being called out in the media. I doubt the coaches feel like Hardy is the type that would
benefit from the coaches talking about him in a negative manner. Mincey is probably just being asked questions and being honest.

So...If Rod is sugar coating it, If Red is sugar coating it...but Mincey is talking like that...I believe Mincey.

This is not a case of a former player that we let go so they are disgruntled and trying to start something.

Exactly. I believe Mincey. Actually, he has more to lose by commenting publicly on Hardy's role in the locker room and teammates' attitudes about him.

Coaches normally take the positive road when dealing with players and talking to reporters unless it is a player that they feel would benefit from being called out in the media. I doubt the coaches feel like Hardy is the type that would
benefit from the coaches talking about him in a negative manner. Mincey is probably just being asked questions and being honest.

So...If Rod is sugar coating it, If Red is sugar coating it...but Mincey is talking like that...I believe Mincey.

This is not a case of a former player that we let go so they are disgruntled and trying to start something.

I agree but now do you ever trust Mincey not to discuss the family's dirty laundry? I don't.
I will also add...I think there were reports out of Carolina that said he had a problem with being late to meetings. I could be wrong on that, I do recall his teammates liked him but I also seem to recall that he was late to meetings with that team.

it's a tough season to judge him on. The media and the NFL were out to get him and to say he might have been distracted & depressed would be an understatement. Sad,,, a stellar season would have helped him a lot.
The guy was asked about Hardy, It is no secret about hardy as we have been hearing about it from different sources this week.

Now the guy is honest and he gets belittled because his production is not great.

Well...nobody said his production was great.

I guess he could just say no comment when asked about Hardy, but if every player did that, we would never know anything about what goes on behind the scenes.

Or we could chalk it up to a former disgruntled player talking bad about the team...;wait...he is still on the team.

How about we just take the info given and realize there is a problem with Hardy and how others on the team viewed him instead of turning it on the person that said something about it.

Coming from Mincey that is big, Mincey and Hardy were close especially when Hardy first came to Dallas.

Doing rap and music together, if he is saying this it certainly gets my attention.

Mincey does have a dog in the fight with his comments, yet he is explicit with his remarks.

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I thought Garrett controlled the locker room with his RKG process?

Sounds more like a clown show.

Garrett just sat there and watched Hardy throw a tantrum and knock the clipboard out of the coache's hands, had to talk to him multiple times about his behavior, and yet no playing time taken away.
I will also add...I think there were reports out of Carolina that said he had a problem with being late to meetings. I could be wrong on that, I do recall his teammates liked him but I also seem to recall that he was late to meetings with that team.

Yep, that was one of his issues with Carolina, even before the infamous incident. There were a few other flaky moments that I can't recall off the top of my head. I know there was one game where they benched him for a play or two for being late, but generally he wasn't disciplined until the media got on the team after the Ray Rice scandal.

I'm fine with Greg coming back at the right price, but someone should tell him to cut out the passive aggressive bs. I could be wrong since you never know what someone is thinking, but the frequent tardiness just seems like it could be his way of saying "deal with that." A guy his and size shouldn't act like a little girl. If he has problems with authority he should be able to find an adult way to address it, not the 12-year-old girl way.
Probably the most interesting part of the story

On one hand Hardy is the more talented player. Mincey I think is a real leader. I've said it before but he put the battery in this defense' back and was the voice and engine behind that performance in Seattle last year. He's a valuable player to have on the team (not saying that Hardy isn't).

Mincy was the vocal leader on defense before Hardy was here. Therefore i think what he's saying is valid and hes speaking for more then himself. Takes some balls to speak up. Clearly this team was fractured. Players can also have strong beliefs about domestic violence and hitting women. Hardy constanly being late for meetings without any punishment can certainly rub people the wrong way. Especially when you have people thrown off the team for violating dress code. Im sure even those who were released had good friends on the team. Lets face it......Hardy had a chance and he blew it. No one person is bigger then the team.
How do you know that Hardy will not become a HoF'er?

The previous two seasons he played, he had 26 sacks. He had 15 sacks in 2013. Haley's largest total was 16 in 1990. He then had a whopping 7 sacks, 6 sacks and 4 sacks (the last 2 years in Dallas) before getting 12.5 sacks (w/o Jimmy Johnson) and 10.5 sacks.

Yet, Jimmy saw value in Haley and found a way to keep the peace. Our coach is too busy thinking about the RKG which doesn't always exist with great players instead of doing his job and trying to motivate a player because...people are actually different and have to be coached differently.

It's an embarrassment that our HC knows so little about coaching because the main tenet of coaching...in any sport...is that it's a people business first and foremost. And you have to understand people in order to get the most out of him. This clown thinks everybody should be the same.

My guess is that if Bruce Arians was coaching Hardy, he wouldn't be a problem.

I don't know that Hardy won't be a Hall of Famer some day, but he looked far, far from Canton in '15, and I sure don't blame Garrett for that. Hardy had at least as much motivation as any player this year to keep his mouth shut, play well and produce at a high level, but he didn't, not even close. This past offseason, a total of two teams were willing to pay Hardy to play football. The whole world wanted to see him flop. The possibility of a big long-term deal with a bunch of guaranteed money obviously didn't motivate the guy. Hell, he couldn't even hit the escalators in his Dallas contract, so I don't know what Jason Garrett was supposed to have done, especially with Jerry running around undermining him as fast as he could.

Garrett may deserve to be fired, but Hardy's inability to perform is not among the many reasons why. At least not to me.
Is there a Hardy super thread somewhere? If not we probably need one for all of Hardy lovers on both sides.

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