MJ vs Elvis Who will be remember as the biggest icon?

Hostile;2826029 said:
It's the red light thingy. Your memory has been erased.


See what I mean about hundreds of references to Elvis in TV, Movies, etc.? It was ironic that I happened to see that while goofing around in this thread. It was actually on exactly when I was posting the Michael Jackson video from Super Bowl XXVII. I had a good laugh at that.

Segue time...

My wife was pregnant with our 1st daughter and due around the time of the Super Bowl. It had been 15 years since Dallas had last won a Super Bowl. 14 years since they had last played in one. I kept begging the baby, "not during the Super Bowl. Not during the Super Bowl."

At halftime she started kicking my wife to the beat of Michael Jackson's music. I was in panic mode that she was coming and the game was not over. She was born 10 days later. One of the first things I said to my daughter was, "thank you for letting me watch the Super Bowl."

True story.

It doesn't matter how often Elvis is referenced, most will probably go over my head. However, when I hear a song or see something that references MJ, it is distinctive and I remember. Like in 13 going on 30 where they played and danced to Thriller, or the MJ reference in Keri Hilson's new song "Knock Me Down." This is just what I grew up with, so when other things reference it, I remember, but beyond saying Elvis's name, most other references about him would not have been noticed.

LOL about the story. If I was ever pregnant around SB, and the Cowboys would be playing, and I was due any day, I'd probably get an induced labor a couple of days prior to the game.
The fact people still talks about Elvis says it all. Up until Jackson died no one cared about him. The stations were not even playing his music that much any more.
VietCowboy;2826048 said:
It doesn't matter how often Elvis is referenced, most will probably go over my head. However, when I hear a song or see something that references MJ, it is distinctive and I remember. Like in 13 going on 30 where they played and danced to Thriller, or the MJ reference in Keri Hilson's new song "Knock Me Down." This is just what I grew up with, so when other things reference it, I remember, but beyond saying Elvis's name, most other references about him would not have been noticed.

LOL about the story. If I was ever pregnant around SB, and the Cowboys would be playing, and I was due any day, I'd probably get an induced labor a couple of days prior to the game.
I suppose this is true and I shouldn't be shocked. I actually have a niece who was on Jay Leno's "Jaywalk All Stars." She thought everybody (and I do mean everybody) was John F. Kennedy. I bet if she saw a picture of Elvis and you asked her who it was, she'd guess it was Kennedy. You'd do the same. Elvis never mattered after all. He never did a video like Thriller. Just some hack that died years ago and interest in him (according to you) is dwindling rapidly.


You never heard of Elvis. Your family never heard of Elvis. The song Hound Dog might as well have never existed. 1 billion people never watched Aloha from Hawaii...kid, we need a bigger light. This is a lot of erasing to do.
Yeagermeister;2826056 said:
Hopefully he's better at MA than writing movies.

The book is funny as hell ..... its supposed to be campy and stupid.
First off, MJ stands for Michael Jordan not Michael Jackson. (Jordan has always been called MJ)

Michael Jackson was bigger than Elvis fanbase wise. The reason for that is during Elvis' days the world population was smaller, and world wide media coverage wasn't anywhere close back then compared to what it is today. (or in the 80s for that matter)

Now, Elvis had a higher saturation of fans within the US during his reign than Michael Jackson did. Meaning, a higher percentage of the US population during Elvis' era where fans of Elvis vs US population precentage were fans of Jackson though Jackson had more fans overall. (you have to look at it that way due to US population levels - US population in 1965: 194,302,963, Population today: 303,824,640) That is about a 33% increase, or 100+ Million more people that could be Jackson fans vs Elvis fans.
Doomsday101;2826053 said:
The fact people still talks about Elvis says it all. Up until Jackson died no one cared about him. The stations were not even playing his music that much any more.

heh except the media when he would do something idiotic! :laugh2:
nyc;2826061 said:
heh except the media when he would do something idiotic! :laugh2:

True or Jackson would grant an interview and people saw what a messed up freak the guy was. Don't get me wrong I thought Jackson was extremely talented and even liked much of his work but like many others were turned off because of his actions and his interviews which showed a man with some serious mental issues.
zrinkill;2826057 said:
The book is funny as hell ..... its supposed to be campy and stupid.

The movie was just stupid not even Bruce Campbell could save it. :laugh2:
Doomsday101;2826053 said:
The fact people still talks about Elvis says it all. Up until Jackson died no one cared about him. The stations were not even playing his music that much any more.
Please I can't remember the last time the news or something reported something about Elvis or playing his music. You try to discredit Michael but it seems like statement applies more to Elvis than Michael.
mldardy;2826068 said:
Please I can't remember the last time the news or something reported something about Elvis or playing his music. You try to discredit Michael but it seems like statement applies more to Elvis than Michael.
In the immortal words of Alannis Morrisette, "isn't it ironic, a little too ironic..."


Jackson tragedy kicks off Elvis-style hysteria

Source: Marketing Week
Author: Camille Alarcon
Published: 26 June 2009 13:15

The tragic death of pop icon Michael Jackson overnight has led to a surge in sales for his albums on Amazon.co.uk, with parallels now being drawn to the merchandising success story of Elvis Presley following his death in 1977.

This morning Amazon.co.uk saw Jackson's albums take 14 of the top 20 spots on its sales chart.

Naked Communications head of entertainment Matt Jagger says he expects to see a number of Jackson tracks reaching number one or the top ten in download sales on iTunes “very quickly”.

He adds that Jackson’s dramatic resurgence in popularity is likely to mirror that of Presley, who’s estate reaped millions from merchandising and turned his home, Graceland, into a tourist attraction.

In 2005 Forbes magazine named Presley the top-earning deceased celebrity for the fifth year running, grossing US$45m for the Presley estate during the preceding year.

However Jackson sold his amusement park styled 2,500-acre Neverland ranch in California to Sycamore Valley Ranch Company last year.

It is already expected that commemorative Jackson albums and DVDs will be launched, with record company Sony capitalising on the renewed interest in the artist’s back catalogue.

Five has also announced that it is airing a special programme tonight (June 26) hosted by Natasha Kaplinsky looking back at the life and career of Jackson.

Jack Horner, founder and creative director of music marketing agency FRUKT, says despite the tragedy, the eagerness of the public to buy tickets to his latest tour revealed the true strength of the “Michael Jackson brand”.

“What’s interesting is when he announced his tour, almost 15 years of troubled times were forgotten, as millions of tickets were sold out,” Horner says.

“People wanted him to come back as a hero, so if it had to happen, now is almost the best point that it could happen.”

Jackson was also the face for many big brands during his career, including Pepsi, Sony, LA Gear and Suzuki.

A big question that still remains is whether his assets will outweigh his liabilities, with some estimating he owed well over $400m.

Jackson, who died from a heart attack at his Los Angeles home, was due to begin the first of a 50 date concert series at The O2 arena next month.

Jagger says The O2 will now face the challenge of filling the arena in what should have been a pinnacle year for the entertainment venue.
mldardy;2826068 said:
Please I can't remember the last time the news or something reported something about Elvis or playing his music. You try to discredit Michael but it seems like statement applies more to Elvis than Michael.

People still flock to Graceland to this day, the only people going to Neverland is the LAPD. Hell until Jackson died no one was even playing his music now all of a sudden the out pour? I say this and I'm not even a big Elvis fan
Doomsday101;2826078 said:
People still flock to Graceland to this day, the only people going to Neverland is the LAPD. Hell until Jackson died no one was even playing his music now all of a sudden the out pour? I say this and I'm not even a big Elvis fan

right, because no one bought his world tour concert tickets.
MarionBarberThe4th;2825917 said:
Im sure Elvis is more beloved and what-not. But Michael Jackson was the bigger talent.

I dont even like Elvis' voice, nor have I sat through an entire song.

Im sure I could name several if I tried though
Ok I'll bite. What do you not like about Elvis' voice?

Do you like Michael Jackson's voice?
Maikeru-sama;2826027 said:
Some folks just can't understand the difference between "People knowing who Elvis is" vs "Not knowing much about him especially not being able to name any of his songs".

Bob Dylan is one of the most famous men in the world, but I couldn't name one song the guy has written/sung.

I don't know how much plainer you can make it.

I know who the Beatles are, but I can't tell you a name of one of their songs, hell I can't tell you the name of everyone that is the group.
One thing just struck me as very ironic that I had not thought about before.

Elvis died in 1977 right before he was going to go on a concert tour again after a long lay off.

Michael died right before he was going to go on a concert tour again after a long lay off.

Both died at home. Both had personal physicians keeping them over medicated.

Both had appearance changes that fans focused on until they died.
Avaj;2826083 said:
I don't know how much plainer you can make it.

I know who the Beatles are, but I can't tell you a name of one of their songs, hell I can't tell you the name of everyone that is the group.
mldardy;2826068 said:
Please I can't remember the last time the news or something reported something about Elvis or playing his music. You try to discredit Michael but it seems like statement applies more to Elvis than Michael.

Well then you've clearly not been watching any of the 144 movies that IMDB reports having have used an Elvis song in the last ten years (where Elvis was the performer, mind you.....this doesn't even include the movies that other performers have used Elvis' songs).

Hell, I just heard an Elvis song on a commercial not ten minutes ago...a hotel or travelocity commercial IIRC.

The people denying Elvis' impact are clueless.

Elvis has been dead 32 years people...and his presence is still very much alive. Just because many of you aren't familiar with it, doesn't mean it's not there.
VietCowboy;2826079 said:
right, because no one bought his world tour concert tickets.

I'm sure many did buy tickets to his concert it does not change the fact that he was not getting air play here in the US he pretty much dropped after his trial.

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