MLB playoffs 2017

Boxer!!! Wow! Is that on your property???

That fang is 3/4 inch. Fer de Lances rarely do a “dry bite”

You could’ve sold it’s venom to Panama for good money, brother the farm. I get more than 1 a month. Nailed a few corals over the yrs. They are much easier. Pretty snake.
Boxer, Coral venom is extremely expensive. It’s an incredibly lucrative trade as corals do really bad in captivation. They don’t breed well and have to be force fed
Thank you, so much, for sharing, Jack. I think when I get older I will own exotic snakes. All venomous.
Boxer, Coral venom is extremely expensive. It’s an incredibly lucrative trade as corals do really bad in captivation. They don’t breed well and have to be force fed
No kidding? Whats it worth by the MG. I could probably catch the corals. Lance..mmm too aggressive..and far more deadly. Anybody that dies from snake bites here die for the lance bites. Never heard of anyone dying from a coral bite.
No kidding? Whats it worth by the MG. I could probably catch the corals. Lance..mmm too aggressive..and far more deadly. Anybody that dies from snake bites here die for the lance bites. Never heard of anyone dying from a coral bite.
By the mg?? Extraordinary amounts, Jack. They don’t milk much. I don’t know the exact figures, but I know that FSU pays a pretty penny for the Coral venom. FSU is also trying to identify all of the NA sub-populaces of Coral. Right now, I think they have 13, but their herp professors expect there are upwards of 30, distinct, sub-populaces in NA alone.

Fer de Lance venom would also net you a large chunk of change. They milk heavy and are great in captivity
By the mg?? Extraordinary amounts, Jack. They don’t milk much. I don’t know the exact figures, but I know that FSU pays a pretty penny for the Coral venom. FSU is also trying to identify all of the NA sub-populaces of Coral. Right now, I think they have 13, but their herp professors expect there are upwards of 30, distinct, sub-populace’s in NA alone.

Fer de Lance venom would also net you a large chunk of change. They milk heavy and are great in captivity
Better get off the MLB thread. I will PM you.
Trout will beat him in WAR, R, Hits. His OPS is crazy but I’d love to see what his WRC+ is, and how it stacks against Trout.

I’d bet good money Trout has a higher WRC+

I'd tap the brakes on Trout beating Ruth's WAR... Trout is still 120-some behind Ruth. Also doubt he beats Ruth's number of runs scored.
I'd tap the brakes on Trout beating Ruth's WAR... Trout is still 120-some behind Ruth. Also doubt he beats Ruth's number of runs scored.
I’d like to see a scaled WRC+ from Ruth’s playing days to Trout’s, now.

If I had to guess, the only one who is comparable to Trout in WRC is Cobb
According to Fangraphs, for Ruth, his typical season would result in a wRC+ of 197, for Trout it's 169.
But that was Ruth’s wRC+ in his day.

That’s why I’d love to see an adjusted metric. Even tho wRC+ adjusts for ballpark metrics, is there a stat that adjusts for eras?
But that was Ruth’s wRC+ in his day.

That’s why I’d love to see an adjusted metric. Even tho wRC+ adjusts for ballpark metrics, is there a stat that adjusts for eras?

No... not that I know of.

How would you adjust for era? I mean what measurable variables do you have?
Mike Trout is a great, great player.

But there was only ONE greatest player.

And that's Ruth.

Sorry Trouty! :)
I think Cobb is the GOAT, myself, followed by Joe Jackson, then Ruth.

But I adore Ruth. I adore his HBO Docu, and the work Ken Burns has done on him. I adore Ruth, Mike. But I think the two aforementioned have him beat. Cobb by a wide margin, and Shoeless Joe by a hair
No... not that I know of.

How would you adjust for era? I mean what measurable variables do you have?
I don’t know. You proved my WRC theory wrong.

I guess you’re right, Mike. Compared to his contemporaries, Ruth dominated. But so does Trout.

I hate it when people belittle Gretzky on my hockey forum, saying Crosby or Ovechkin are better. I might sound like that now. Let me slow my role.

I have Cobb, Jackson, Ruth, Bonds. Trout is still in his infancy of his career (remarkably), so it’s not fair to compare him to those greats.

I apologize for the rah rah comparison. Ruth is so damned amazing. As American as Chevy and Apple Pie. So misunderstood (like Cobb). I adore these players. And I am never one to get caught up in the moment. But Mike, Trout is truly one in a generation player
I think Cobb is the GOAT, myself, followed by Joe Jackson, then Ruth.

But I adore Ruth. I adore his HBO Docu, and the work Ken Burns has done on him. I adore Ruth, Mike. But I think the two aforementioned have him beat. Cobb by a wide margin, and Shoeless Joe by a hair

Well the stats do not support that POV but hey to each his own.

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