Mo Clay to Baltimore?*** signs with Jets***merged


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Counting on rookies to make immediate impacts is foolish. And at this point, we might be counting on multiple rookies to have to be immediately impacts in our secondary.

I was all for redoing the secondary. I had no issue with Church being sent packing and one or Carr or Claiborne. But right now, CB is much worse than what we had at CB at the end of the year. Carroll is a turd. And now you've put yourself in a situation where you have to force picks at CB and multiple picks at that AND then not only use multiple picks at CB but have them all hit and be impact players immediately.

That's about as risky as it gets.
We counted on rookies last year, and it was a veteran that made the key mistake against GB.


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And you have to get him in the first.

Then you have 5 picks left in the draft and you probably will have to use 2 on CBs.

I think the ideal situation was to bring Claiborne or Carr back. Carr got overpaid. I am curious to see what Claiborne got if this report is true.

The notion that Carroll slides in and fills the void left by Carr or Claiborne is laughable.
Plenty of DBs in this draft

Should trade some 2018 picks for more picks this year since we are getting 4 comps next year


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I'm sorry, just not really that worried. Brown played as well as Carr and Claiborne last year. Claiborne has never stayed healthy and everybody and their brother didn't want Dallas to resign him last year. Carr has been on everyone's hit list for 3 years now. Is Carroll a savior, nope but just as good as Carr and Claiborne. Scandrick will be better this year especially a year removed from the ACL.

There are still a CB or two that could be signed as backups and we didn't overpay. Really how many actually believe Carr is worth 6 mil a year and Claiborne 7 mil a year. Not me, by a long shot.

And for those saying we have to draft a CB with our 1st pick, be prepared to be disappointed because Dallas will stick to their draft board and maybe it will be a BPA CB at 28 but just as likely be a OT also so can't wait until the rants about we should have done this or that, you know sort of like when we drafted Frederick.


Cowboy for Life
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And Scandrick...

It always stinks to lose players but it seems like we just didn't want to resign these guys.

Change can be good, people complain about our defenses year in and year out and a lot of our starters have been the same for awhile. Time to switch it up.

Im stoked. Finally a new look to this defense. Get some young players in...


"You want some?"
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
You mean rush end?

We could use one new pass rushing end for sure and we could also use a legit 1 tech. I like Paea but he's a short term solution. Not sure if that's a rebuild but the DL needed help in this draft.

Thornton and Paea are the 1 tech DT's.


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We counted on rookies last year, and it was a veteran that made the key mistake against GB.

We didn't count on rookies. Brown proved he could play and earned his spot. But he wasn't in the Top 3 on the CB depth chart at the beginning of the year.


"You want some?"
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I'm sorry, just not really that worried. Brown played as well as Carr and Claiborne last year. Claiborne has never stayed healthy and everybody and their brother didn't want Dallas to resign him last year. Carr has been on everyone's hit list for 3 years now. Is Carroll a savior, nope but just as good as Carr and Claiborne. Scandrick will be better this year especially a year removed from the ACL.

There are still a CB or two that could be signed as backups and we didn't overpay. Really how many actually believe Carr is worth 6 mil a year and Claiborne 7 mil a year. Not me, by a long shot.

And for those saying we have to draft a CB with our 1st pick, be prepared to be disappointed because Dallas will stick to their draft board and maybe it will be a BPA CB at 28 but just as likely be a OT also so can't wait until the rants about we should have done this or that, you know sort of like when we drafted Frederick.

I'm not either.

I'm saying right now the pass defense will be as good if not better in '17 that it was in '16.


"You want some?"
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Did you not read my post? Paea isn't a long term solution. So yes, we could use a longer term option at the 1 tech.

It's not a big need. And I doubt the Cowboys target a 1-tech DT. They've pulled 3 1-tech DT's out of free agency (McClain/Thornton/Paea) and they can do it again next season when they have even more cap space.


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Wonder if losing Carr/Mo improves our comp picks. The 4 we have, 4th, 5th, and 2 6ths. If any can be moved up to the 5th round (the 6ths).

I understand we can only be awarded four. So does that mean if we have more than four our 4th round picks could be moved to a third or our lower picks can be combined and we'd move up the compensatory ladder?


Texas Ranger
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Was hoping we had resign Carr, he was "ok" not good not terrible, but you could always count on him being on the field unlike a lot of our injury prone secondary.