Mo Clay to Baltimore?*** signs with Jets***merged


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It's hard to say how this will all work out. Our defense was so bad last season, this could just as well bring a much needed change.

I look at our points per drive surrendered and wondering why people are upset over this. We could pick up a bum off the street and at worst it's a lateral movement


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I think we're going to really appreciate our former dbs when our backfield is full of rookies and leftovers from other teams and they're getting roasted due to no pass rush.


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s drafted people didn't want Mo and wanted him ran out of town. Now we are rueing him leaving? Really?
Mo really improved......his game against JJones in 2015 changed me on him.... he will be missed

Carr was always too expensive to too generic.... all he did was chase and tackle


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Be real Claiborne only player in 7 games last year (Brown started 10)

This is the part I laugh about when everyone says no to Brown as the starter, or that he might be able to start. Last year he WAS the starter. And as a youngster he could and should very well improve with experience. So we're better at CB there next year. OScan had an ACL and that typically takes athletes not names AP 18 months to fully recover from. And he looked much better the last 3-4 weeks of the season. I really believe he's better that Carr right now, since Carr's best attribute is he can wear the uniform at least.

So I definitely don't think the sky is falling. Are these guys the legion of boom? Hell no, but our secondary has sucked for quite some time, and losing Mo and Carr is not exactly watching Prim Time leave.


"You want some?"
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1. Claiborne couldn't stay healthy and is not a zone corner. He's a press cover man. He improved a lot last year and wasn't a total liability as a tackler. But, he still got injured and with the way he's built with a small upper body and traps, I would imagine that tackling will always be an issue for him when it comes to staying healthy. I wasn't nutty about him getting a long term deal.

2. Carr has been a better overall tackler, but nothing great by any means. He's also not a zone corner. He came here for the same reason we drafted Mo...we had a Rob Ryan defense that plays heavy amounts of press man. We have wanted to move to zone coverage and he doesn't fit well. When we went to press man with Cover-1 in 2015, he just doesn't have the running speed he used to have to play it effectively. The biggest positive about Carr is he didn't miss games due to injury which is rare for CB's.

3. This draft is supposed to be enormously deep at CB in particular. There's talk of CB's with 5th round grades in this draft that would get 2nd round grades in other drafts.

4. I think it's clear that Marinelli has never had the type of CB's he wants. Rhonde Barber was a fixture at Tampa and was a zone corner and considered one of the best tacklers against the run for a cornerback in the history of the league. Brian Kelly was another zone corner, good tackler type. So was Charles Tillman, DJ Moore and Tim Jennings. The only CB that has fit more to what Marinelli likes is O-Scan (and now Brown).

5. Zone oriented schemes are usually more geared towards getting CB's on the cheap. Press-man schemes where a corner can possibly 'shutdown' another player are more willing to pay the price for that corner. Looking at the Patriots, Malcolm Butler was undrafted and Logan Ryan was a 3rd round pick that they let the Titans sign. While Richard Sherman is paid handsomely, he was a 4th round pick (and he played so well, you'd be stupid not to pay him). Brandon Browner came over from the CFL, Byron Maxwell was a 6th round pick and Walter Thurmond was a 4th round pick.

I think (and to a large degree, hope) that Dallas gets into that mindset of playing more zone and finding zone corners that they can pay less, draft later and put their focus in on the safeties. That's the main issue I have is that teams like the Patriots and Seahawks and the Monte Kiffin led Bucs had superior safety play. I'm not completely against Heath starting at SS, but I'm not sold on him either and I'd hate to see them pass up on a good SS prospect because they have Heath.

My guess is we'll now draft CB's and hopefully a SS, but we'll pick up a veteran CB or two that are more zone oriented corners to help out.

It's a bit of a pickle, but I can't say I was all that nutty of seeing another season of Mo and Carr. They are just not playmakers in zone coverage.



They aren't zone corners.


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I love all of the hand wringing over losing two guys that most fans would have personally driven to DFW airport to get them out of the metroplex.

Yes, they need to add bodies to the secondary. But, let's not act as if the Cowboys lost two cogs from a dominant defense. The secondary needed upgrading ahead of time. They can look to target two hold the fort guys in Alterraun Verner and Patrick Robinson, both of whom are under 30 and have good size on the perimeter. If they want another slot/nickel corner, they can look to add Nickell Robey-Coleman. There are still options that at the very least will allow them to maintain their previous level, and they can look to the draft to add a younger guy to develop.


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I think we're going to really appreciate our former dbs when our backfield is full of rookies and leftovers from other teams and they're getting roasted due to no pass rush.

Our secondary was good in the redzone. Who knows what our secondary will do now there. Gotta think we are drafting a cb high.


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This is highly despressing. This is the same secondary that went 12-4 and 13-3 with adequate QB play. I don't want to hear how the cowboys sign their own. We let 4 starters walk and have regressed this offseason. It's embarrassing because we have NOT given ourselves the opportunity to draft BPA. We need a SS 2 starting CB's and as far as I'm concerned a new starting FS. The funniest thing is that Jones was probably the worse out of Church,Wilcox,Claiborne and Carr. Yet this organization wants to build the secondary around him. From 13-3 to 9-7. No chance in hell were going to the Super Bowl next year.


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This is highly despressing. This is the same secondary that went 12-4 and 13-3 with adequate QB play. I don't want to hear how the cowboys sign their own. We let 4 starters walk and have regressed this offseason. It's embarrassing because we have NOT given ourselves the opportunity to draft BPA. We need a SS 2 starting CB's and as far as I'm concerned a new starting FS. The funniest thing is that Jones was probably the worse out of Church,Wilcox,Claiborne and Carr. Yet this organization wants to build the secondary around him. From 13-3 to 9-7. No chance in hell were going to the Super Bowl next year.

Pretty sure Brown is a starter.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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They can look to target two hold the fort guys in Alterraun Verner and Patrick Robinson, both of whom are under 30 and have good size on the perimeter.

I don't even think this organization will do that and be content.

They will probably somehow talk themselves into the idea that they really are okay with the pass rush and have a draft devoted to the secondary.


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I don't like Claiborne. But relying on Scandrick putting in a whole year is a little foolish. Was hoping to keep Carr


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Our secondary was good in the redzone. Who knows what our secondary will do now there. Gotta think we are drafting a cb high.

It's perplexing this notion that many here think that all of the guys in our secondary were garbage. Our secondary was actually above average, especially given the fact we had no kind of consistent pass rush. Stuffing our secondary with cheap FAs and rookies is a recipe for disaster, especially given the fact that we will be drafting near the bottom of each round.


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i feel like front office plan for the next couple years is gut the defense, and improve DL and Secondary with low draft picks, like we did with our offensive line. it went from a weakness to a strength. not holding too much hope for a long playoff run this year.

The problem with this is that they are really far behind.

If they want to capitalize on the window of the core guys on offense, they really need to do something to jump start the defense.

They’ve missed so often on defense in the draft, they’ll need to make some trades or sign legit free agents.