Monday Night Football opening skit - FCC

Maybe it would have been more tasteful had she dropped her towel and had a Ray Lewis jersey on underneath. ;) When will ABC learn that MNF is a "family show" unlike Desperate Housewives?

As Hos already pointed out, at least it was better than that stupid "You've been Sacked" segment. How lame!
Waffle said:
Maybe it would have been more tasteful had she dropped her towel and had a Ray Lewis jersey on underneath. ;) When will ABC learn that MNF is a "family show" unlike Desperate Housewives?

As Hos already pointed out, at least it was better than that stupid "You've been Sacked" segment. How lame!

I actually liked the "sacked" this time. Not becasue the idea was funny, but the kid ripping into Tiki did it so well, like she really wanted to do this. That was funny.
cajuncowboy said:
I actually liked the "sacked" this time. Not becasue the idea was funny, but the kid ripping into Tiki did it so well, like she really wanted to do this. That was funny.
I'll admit I didn't watch last night's "sacked" segment because they are usually sooooo bad. I instead made a cheeseburger.
Yeah, I agree totally with this post, I am going to write the FCC too... those scantily clad Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders were very digusting, lame, over the top, and out of bounds, and made me have feelings I didn't understand.

A new low for ABC :rolleyes:
cajuncowboy said:
UM, none of the cheerleaders were coming on to the players, ripping their clothes off and jumping in their arms naked. Explain to me why this should be shown on a MNF game? Especially without any warning as to the content. My kids don't need to see this stuff.
Sex and violence go together. That's why they have cheerleaders. Also, their target audience wasn't intended for 10 yr olds, it's men. I don't get how it's ok for your kids to watch someone to get knocked unconscious, but look out for the sexual inuendo. Get real, which do you think is most likely to happen in life, someone coming on to you or you giving someone a concussion? I rephrase that. Which would you RATHER have? :D
Since were on the about all those erectile dysfunction ads that are always appearing now during football games. I know thats how they reach their target audience (adult men) but its getting pretty annoying.

The NFL needs to back off from some of these sponsors and protect their image. I'm sure they can get plenty of other advertisers, but I guess money talks.

Most of these ads right now are kind of subtle with their sexual inuendo, but before you know it...they will start getting more graphic in nature. Its only a matter of time. Something needs to be done...this is a disgrace.

I dont have any kids, but if I did...I wouldn't want them exposed to this garbage.
Norm on the Ticket just ripped the Desperate Housewives skit calling it "tacky." He didn't watch the "sacked" segment either he claims.
I agree 100%. Thankfully I live on the East Coast and my kids were in bed before kickoff. It's not a good thing.
dallas2G said:
Since were on the about all those erectile dysfunction ads that are always appearing now during football games. I know thats how they reach their target audience (adult men) but its getting pretty annoying.

The NFL needs to back off from some of these sponsors and protect their image. I'm sure they can get plenty of other advertisers, but I guess money talks.

Most of these ads right now are kind of subtle with their sexual inuendo, but before you know it...they will start getting more graphic in nature. Its only a matter of time. Something needs to be done...this is a disgrace.

I dont have any kids, but if I did...I wouldn't want them exposed to this garbage.

How are you going to pay the players, and with what, animal crackers. Advertising is the main source of revenue for sports teams (football, baseball, etc).

If you don't like what you see turn it off, or don't buy the product.
Paniolo22 said:
Sex and violence go together. That's why they have cheerleaders. Also, their target audience wasn't intended for 10 yr olds, it's men. I don't get how it's ok for your kids to watch someone to get knocked unconscious, but look out for the sexual inuendo. Get real, which do you think is most likely to happen in life, someone coming on to you or you giving someone a concussion? I rephrase that. Which would you RATHER have? :D

Man, you couldn't be more wrong. The NFL targets the young kids all the time. With trading cards, youth football programs and NFL for Kids programs why would you think they don't target kids. But if as you say they don't want kids watching MNF, then why all the marketing to them. YOu can't have it both ways. My daughter wants to spend time with me and learning the game and I have to get her out of the room becasue of something like this? YOu are dead wrong.
Actually in that time slot the networks target SUV buying, beer guzzling, tool packing men like us, not 12 year olds. Right or wrong thats free market enterprise, the American way.
O Skuul said:
Actually in that time slot the networks target SUV buying, beer guzzling, tool packing men like us, not 12 year olds. Right or wrong thats free market enterprise, the American way.

So if the networks showed a Charlie Brown Christmas at 9 pm est, and had Lucy taking off her clothes and trying to make out with Charlie you would be ok with that? Oh and it wasn't 9 pm in the Central time zone or the Pacific time zone.
I didn't see anyone naked. All I saw was her neckline from top to her head, and her calfs down to her feet. They didn't show any cleavage, which the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders show implied thrust into the camera on timeouts. They show the howard stern show with prostitutes at around this time on other stations, so whats the difference.
Good point about the Central and Pacific timezones.

However with the Charlie Brown thing... That's intellectual property of Charles Schultz, there would be a problem there, would never make it on the air. American free enterprise
O Skuul said:
How are you going to pay the players, and with what, animal crackers. Advertising is the main source of revenue for sports teams (football, baseball, etc).

If you don't like what you see turn it off, or don't buy the product.

Well thanks for the info genius.... I never knew advertising is the main source of revenue!!

No one said stop advertising. The NFL just needs to be more SELECTIVE who they allow to sponsor during their games. All these sex drug pills have come about in the last ten years or so. The NFL made plenty of money and managed fine without them.
I didn't see anyone naked. All I saw was her neckline from top to her head, and her calfs down to her feet. They didn't show any cleavage, which the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders show implied thrust into the camera on timeouts. They show the howard stern show with prostitutes at around this time on other stations, so whats the difference.

The difference is the content. Not just what you see but hear as well. Again, there was no sexual context to the cheeleaders. But this crap that ABC trotted out last night was all about sexual inuendo. YOu should not have to worry about that kind of thing when watching a football game. Pure and simple.
I didn't see anyone naked. All I saw was her neckline from top to her head, and her calfs down to her feet. They didn't show any cleavage, which the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders show implied thrust into the camera on timeouts. They show the howard stern show with prostitutes at around this time on other stations, so whats the difference.
This isn't rocket science. Responsible parents don't let their 6 year old daughters watch the Howard Stern show. They do let them watch sports. Also, ABC is a broadcast medium which is governed by the FCC. They know better.

Look, I support the first amendment. I am not religious. But I shouldn't have to explain sexual innuendo to my children, not when they're tuning in to watch a football game.

Maybe you need children to understand my perspective?
O Skuul said:
Good point about the Central and Pacific timezones.

However with the Charlie Brown thing... That's intellectual property of Charles Schultz, there would be a problem there, would never make it on the air. American free enterprise

First, it was an example. Second, the point stands because there is no way that it can be justified.
mcnabbmcnow said:
I actually immediately emailed the FCC in disgust. I am an Eagles fan and like Terrell Owens, but that opening skit was so out of bounds and classless.

For those who didn't see it, TO is in uniform in a steamy locker room with some blonde haired lady in nothing but a towel. She says she wants him about 3 times but he says he has to play football. Then she drops her towel and he reconsiders and forgets football, as she jumps naked into his arms. This at 9PM, 6PM on the west coast, with millions of kids watching. This was a desperate network trying to promote Desperate Housewives. I think ABC should be fined for this and it has not place in football. Thoughts?

Ummmm, :confused: .... you're gay!!!??

What'd I win!!??
cajuncowboy said:
The difference is the content. Not just what you see but hear as well. Again, there was no sexual context to the cheeleaders. But this crap that ABC trotted out last night was all about sexual inuendo. YOu should not have to worry about that kind of thing when watching a football game. Pure and simple.
This hits it on the head. It was the context and sexual innuendo, not any actual "skin" or "cleavage" or whatever. It's NFL football on open air TV at 9PM or earlier, not trashy shows on MTV or E!.

While I'm not advocating a FCC e-mail blast, the skit was out of place and unnecessary in my opinion.

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