Monday Night Football opening skit - FCC

mcnabbmcnow said:
I actually immediately emailed the FCC in disgust. I am an Eagles fan and like Terrell Owens, but that opening skit was so out of bounds and classless.

For those who didn't see it, TO is in uniform in a steamy locker room with some blonde haired lady in nothing but a towel. She says she wants him about 3 times but he says he has to play football. Then she drops her towel and he reconsiders and forgets football, as she jumps naked into his arms. This at 9PM, 6PM on the west coast, with millions of kids watching. This was a desperate network trying to promote Desperate Housewives. I think ABC should be fined for this and it has not place in football. Thoughts?

that chick is HOT. i told my son i hope when he grows up he gets a hottie like that.
There is too sexual content with the cheerleaders. Just because you don't recognize it, but others see it. You half to look at both sides.
I have innocent eyes. I am still a child in my heart. When I see breasts thrust at the tv screen by cheerleaders, I see that as sex. Pure and simple.
calicowboy54 said:
that chick is HOT. i told my son i hope when he grows up he gets a hottie like that.

Oh you're not fooling anybody, you just want to plant a hidden camera in the ceiling over the bathroom shower, so when they come for Thanksgiving you can videotape her, and sell them on the Internet!

Ya cyber-PRE-vert, you!

P.S. how much do you think you're going to sell them for?? :p
There is too sexual content with the cheerleaders. Just because you don't recognize it, but others see it. You half to look at both sides.

I said sexual inuendo. Not cleavage. Big difference. Most women have that. But most women don't act like that woman. It was inappropriate for the program.
Big difference? Showing breasts close to the camera, bouncing up and down, is not sexual inuendo? What is it then, promoting the healthy lifestyle of the uniform? Get real. So, someone can be naked, but if they don't show implied sexual content, then it's no difference. Right....
If you all that think this is a travesty are serious, maybe you should take a look at yourself. I am not saying this was justified or right, but if you were uncomfortable with a twelve year old sibling you need to ask them what they know about sex.

The reason you are uncomfortable is that you have not discussed sex with your kids. When I was 12 I knew plenty about sex and your kids probably know more than we did. That is just the unfortunate facts of life.

I don't think this skit was justified or right, actually I can see how some of you are upset. But maybe you should take these type of moments to ask some questions of your kids.

I am not trying to justify the skit nor am I attacking anyone, just pointing out the reason some of you may be uncomfortable.
5 Super Bowls said:
If you all that think this is a travesty are serious, maybe you should take a look at yourself. I am not saying this was justified or right, but if you were uncomfortable with a twelve year old sibling you need to ask them what they know about sex.

The reason you are uncomfortable is that you have not discussed sex with your kids. When I was 12 I knew plenty about sex and your kids probably know more than we did. That is just the unfortunate facts of life.

I don't think this skit was justified or right, actually I can see how some of you are upset. But maybe you should take these type of moments to ask some questions of your kids.

I am not trying to justify the skit nor am I attacking anyone, just pointing out the reason some of you may be uncomfortable.

We discuss sex in the context in which it belongs. Not on Monday Night Football with some slut throwing themselves at some football player and making it seem like it's OK. It has nothing to do with whether or not sex has been discussed with a 12 year old. It has to do with the inappropriate nature of the skit, the placement of the skit and the fact that the network which has to have a warning on their shows refused to put the same warning on something as explicit as this was.
cajuncowboy said:
Man, you couldn't be more wrong. The NFL targets the young kids all the time. With trading cards, youth football programs and NFL for Kids programs why would you think they don't target kids. But if as you say they don't want kids watching MNF, then why all the marketing to them. YOu can't have it both ways. My daughter wants to spend time with me and learning the game and I have to get her out of the room becasue of something like this? YOu are dead wrong.
So you are a parent that chooses violence because you believe it is an All American game, as I have chosen with my son. What I was asking is why is it Ok to see someone get cleaned out, knocked out, or leg broken? or how about taunting, teasing, and show boating? Is all of that ok with you? It's not with me, but I'll still let my son watch football, because I can share with him the lessons between what's right and what's wrong. Monday night football is NOT targeted for kids, the NFL is NOT MNF. Check all of the commercials and you'll see who the target is. Now, my son knows what it means when I tell him to close his eyes. It means something is on that he is not ready for, and he'll learn about it when he is the right age. If he doesn't want to close his eyes, then he can't watch the show. Neither sex nor violence is appropriate for children, unless you can be a parent and guide them.
I was in no way offended by the MNF intro skit, but I was definitely suprised that they carried it out as far as they did, especially when the woman jumped on TO.... they clearly could have stopped at her dropping the towel. I was kind of suprised that a NFL player would actually agree to doing the skit.... but I guess that's TO for you. I can't even fathom the thought of any Cowboy player agreeing to the skit and the team approving.... but maybe that's Philly for ya. With that said, I do agree that it was unneccesary, especially with no warning beforehand. I'm in their target demographic and I just thought it was a rediculous promotion. If they are going to do some cheesy promotion of another show, at least make it about football somehow, not just sex.

I also have to agree with the rediculous abundance of erectile dysfunction ads. I don't need to be seeing two of these every commercial break, they just annoy me... I think we get the idea already! Why don't they just start having commercials for penile implants at this point! Next will be the woman's version of viagra....Hey guy's, get your woman to want you again..give her this drug!....But don't worry, we can become a "drug" free america.... as long as the drug companies get paid for the "legal" stuff.
Big difference? Showing breasts close to the camera, bouncing up and down, is not sexual inuendo? What is it then, promoting the healthy lifestyle of the uniform? Get real. So, someone can be naked, but if they don't show implied sexual content, then it's no difference. Right....

Again, you don't get it. It has nothing to do with the uniform. The cheerleaders are not tearing off their clothes and jumping naked into the arms of a player and telling them she wants him. Can't understand why this is lost on some.
Paniolo22 said:
So you are a parent that chooses violence because you believe it is an All American game, as I have chosen with my son. What I was asking is why is it Ok to see someone get cleaned out, knocked out, or leg broken? or how about taunting, teasing, and show boating? Is all of that ok with you? It's not with me, but I'll still let my son watch football, because I can share with him the lessons between what's right and what's wrong. Monday night football is NOT targeted for kids, the NFL is NOT MNF. Check all of the commercials and you'll see who the target is. Now, my son knows what it means when I tell him to close his eyes. It means something is on that he is not ready for, and he'll learn about it when he is the right age. If he doesn't want to close his eyes, then he can't watch the show. Neither sex nor violence is appropriate for children, unless you can be a parent and guide them.

No, Football is a sport. And you can't insulate your shildren against injuries becasue they are generally accidents. This skit was no accident. And why should I have to worry about what my kid sees on a show that is not about sex. If it were a show about sex and she was watching it with me that's different, becasue she would not be watching it. But if she had then that would be on me. But this is on ABC.
The cheerleaders don't have to 'tear off' their uniform, because the breasts are almost fully exposed. You are the one who doesn't get it. You are regarding one thing, and disregarding another. So I guess for a 10 year old boy, it is okay for him to sit and watch breasts bounce up and down close up, because 'he' won't assume it has anything to do with sex.
cajuncowboy said:
No, Football is a sport. And you can't insulate your shildren against injuries becasue they are generally accidents. This skit was no accident. And why should I have to worry about what my kid sees on a show that is not about sex. If it were a show about sex and she was watching it with me that's different, becasue she would not be watching it. But if she had then that would be on me. But this is on ABC.
I know it's accidents, but it is caused by violence. Why is that ok? Don't get upset with the network because they make you work more as a parent.
some people are so sensitive.

who cares, if you didnt like it, move on. The only thing worse than a tattle tale is the FCC itself.

Protect your 1st ammendment rights!!!!
Paniolo22 said:
I know it's accidents, but it is caused by violence. Why is that ok? Don't get upset with the network because they make you work more as a parent.

It's not about making me work more as a parent. It's about the responsibility the networks have and continually shirk those responsibilities.
Bababooey said:
some people are so sensitive.

who cares, if you didnt like it, move on. The only thing worse than a tattle tale is the FCC itself.

Protect your 1st ammendment rights!!!!

1st amendment? WHy not just have porn on TV. Then you can yell about that as well being protected under the 1st amendment. Talk about an abuse of an amendment.
cajuncowboy said:
1st amendment? WHy not just have porn on TV

Me and every other red blooded American guy with a functioning ***** wishes they had porn on tv.
Bababooey said:
Me and every other red blooded American guy with a functioning ***** wishes they had porn on tv.

No, every hard up, ugly, can't get their own girl guy wants that. Some of us that do not have that problem don't need that crap.

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