Okay you convinced me. I'll get ripped, but I don't care. First let me re-post the picture.
First let me give Vinny the advantage he is due. He has 17 years in this league.
The first thing I notice is the position of the head. This is one of my big gripes with Q. He looks down like he is looking at the RBs feet. He does this a lot, and it really irks me. A QB needs to be looking up at all times. Tacklers and weapons are not down low. They are at eye level. Notice Vinny's frame of reference. Eyes on where the RB is supposed to be, looking at chest level.
Right arm placement. When you take the snap from center you want to turn with both hands on the ball and the ball concealed by the torso. These guys are in textbook position. Bad form is when that right arm is away from the body. The reason that is bad form is because a defender still shielded from the ball can see that the ball is not in the throwing hand and he knows it is not a pass. Remember ball fakes are critical to selling a play. Both guys right arms are perfect. 2 years ago, Q's right arm would come out wide. If you remember Parcells wanted him to work on his ball fakes. They are better.
Left arm, again bad form by Q. Firt thing I want you to notice is the attitude of the ball. Vinny's is positioned so it hits the RB flat in the stomach. Q's is pointed at the stomach. Harder for the RB to get a firm hold. Greater chance of fumbling. I do not like this at all. The other noticable thing is his arm is bent whereas Vinny's is locked. Also bad form by Q. The quicker that ball is in the RBs stomach and hands the faster the play develops the quicker the defense has to react. One last thing, notice the height of the ball. This is due to the arm extension.
Okay now legs. Vinny is too stiff legged. Notice how Q is crouched. You want to be more flexed like that. Legs advantage goes to Q here.
Now the feet, seperate from the legs. Yet again, bad form on Q. Vinny is striding back to meet the RB, if this is a ball fake he will also be faster to keep the ball and set up for the pass. Q is selling the MLB that this is a run and all he has to do is react. Q is clearly waiting for the RB to come take the ball whereas Vinny is getting the ball back there to the runner. He's flat footed and his feet are too close together as well. If this is anything but a run, he is not ready for the play to happen.
The biggest problem with Vinny's mechanics in this picture is that he is stiff legged. This means he will move slower setting up. Everything else is very much textbook.
I said enough about Q to be hated for days. I'll refrain from summarizing. Suffice it to say that is painful for me to even look at.