FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning, Pops and peeps. Welcome to the Weekend! I'm glad CC's test was negative. @Diehardblues I hope your Mom is okay; I said a prayer for her. We are supposed to "cool down" below 100 this weekend so maybe I can get some yard work done without melting.
Morning, Pops and peeps. Welcome to the Weekend! I'm glad CC's test was negative. @Diehardblues I hope your Mom is okay; I said a prayer for her. We are supposed to "cool down" below 100 this weekend so maybe I can get some yard work done without melting.
I dunno Leon, I would use the heat index as a good excuse to stay out of that yard. Unless you're going to fetch some mint for the Mojitos.
Good Saturday Pops and a good Salacious Saturday to you all. Donchya just love a word that means naughty that sounds naughty? And it fits the day that most choose to be naughty or bathe or both.

Talked to my son with kids (and silently thanked God the other one doesn't have any once again) in Austin and they had to get tested because a friend of theirs, a doc in med research, tested positive after over 100 straight negative tests. There are quite a few within the medical research field that are doubtful about the effectiveness of the testing but they have to follow protocol.

There is a lot of apprehension from the parents about school and some of their friends are single parents and need their children to be in a school environment. My son is lucky that he can work form home and his wife runs a home business so they can oversee their 3 kids and we're lucky that all 3 a re little sponges about knowledge. I miss playing the "What or Why Game" with them because that gave me a chance to be creative. I am one of those Grandpas that comes with a disclaimer "Attention all grandchildren, this nice old man is for entertainment purposes only and his information is not to be trusted. Thank you, his sons".
It's Saturday Pops and Popsadoodles. The day we get to pretend we're retired and the day is ours Manhattan free, crazy customers free, doctor's appointments free and general tearing of our very being to be what we don't want to be. There's a whole lot of space between comments to fill in so when is football starting? It's July, that time of the year when I worry about my favorite veterans on the team playing in the heat fully suited up. I'd be on the sidelines snatching stuff off between series. I picture myself as a quarterback or wide receiver. I rarely get what I want, so I'd probably get stuck at center or something. I'd let them know when the play starts by screaming as the ugly people on the other team bear down on me to get to the quarterback. I would have loved to play football as long as I didn't get tackled. Oh well.

Have a good Saturday everyone.
Good afternoon Pops and friends. Once again I managed to blow Saturday doing not a whole lot. Impressive, I know! I was about to push myself to do something when there was a knock on the front door. Momma brought me some home cooking. I haven't had anything but dessert because I know she wanted to see how it came out, but I'm certain everything is going to be good. I had to hand wash more dishes and I'm not happy about that, but they're clean... sort of.

This picture kept puzzling me. I finally figured out what was wrong. I don't have the good sense to run. I'd be like Michael Irvin on the football field talking trash to the opponents. How about them Cowboys! I know 94 ways to kill you with my bare hands, Five with a pine needle and at least 50 with a stick! Now the stick or hands would be more fun, but I ain't averse to using that pine needle.

Now that I think about it, is Melissa McCarthy related to our new coach?

Have a good Sunday everyone, stay safe and avoid crowds!
Good Morning Pops and Zoner Friends,

We finally decided to put our Colorado home on the market rather than wait until Spring. While i don't relish the thought of a move right now, it is hard to ignore this really hot housing market. We don't start construction on the new home in Montana until after the first of the year, which means that we are likely headed to interim living arrangements for several months.

My wife on the other hand has already started packing and has sold a bunch of our furniture on Craigslist. I am afraid to check out her list of things to sell because I may find a picture of me with some kind of ad like, "well trained husband, high mileage but good working condition....."

Hope you have a great start to your week!!

Edit: we haven't told the cats we are moving; not looking forward to that conversation.
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Good Monday morning, Pops and friends. I spent a lot of time yesterday in my garage sorting through crates of junk. I found some stuff I saved because I might need it someday, but when the day came that I needed it I forgot I had it. Obviously I have two of a lot of things. Found a few things that I don't even know what they are used for. The only things I threw away were a couple of severely deteriorated bungee cords. I saved the rest because, you know, I might need it someday.
Good Monday morning, Pops and friends. I spent a lot of time yesterday in my garage sorting through crates of junk. I found some stuff I saved because I might need it someday, but when the day came that I needed it I forgot I had it. Obviously I have two of a lot of things. Found a few things that I don't even know what they are used for. The only things I threw away were a couple of severely deteriorated bungee cords. I saved the rest because, you know, I might need it someday.
LMAO, that's why I didn't like garage sales. People would ask "what's this, what does it do?" and I would answer "hell if I know, if I did, I might not be selling it". My wife always got the need to add her "and he's not kidding" remarks. And at some time during the event, I would ask "ok, besides the cars, what DO we keep out here"?
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who stop in and visit this Monday!

How was everybody's weekend? Spent a bunch of time getting ready for another gender reveal.

I am jonesing hard for some decent Green Chile. We ran out about a month ago and it's getting kinda scarce around here so I might have to drive to Pecos and go buy some for a small fortune. There is a stand out there that sells great Green Chile but it's stupid expensive. It's a three hour plus drive at a time where I don't really have three hours to spare but, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope all of you had a great weekend! If any of you have some spare time, I have plenty of work around here I could use a hand with. I can offer cold beer, two inch steaks, good whisky and pretty decent cigars!

Everybody, have a great Monday, a better work week and lets get back to the weekend! On a side note, I am not sure why I say this? Seems like I have more work to do on the Weekends lately! :laugh:


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