FEATURED Morning Pops!

Good afternoon Pops and Popsadoodles. I'm as aggravated as heck and I'm not going to take it anymore. I'm trying to do the install on my dishwasher myself. (I'm on break right now.) The problem is the original hose is cemented to the back of the machine and I can't get it loosened. I admire my ingenuity and will be grateful to have a fully operational dishwasher. Screw hand washing! Besides, I didn't do a good job of it. After that, who knows what I'll find to get into next. Oh, I decided to replace a tile under the dishwasher. Yep, I'm on fire today.

Dabz, those are some unnatural skinny ninnies but she's over the top promoting them. This is what happens when you don't pay attention in school and plan to get by on your helium filled hussy horns. I have a ton more, but got to get back to my job. My plumbers are 24/7 so I'm covered in case of disaster. Have a good Thursday all.
Good afternoon Pops and Popsadoodles. I'm as aggravated as heck and I'm not going to take it anymore. I'm trying to do the install on my dishwasher myself. (I'm on break right now.) The problem is the original hose is cemented to the back of the machine and I can't get it loosened. I admire my ingenuity and will be grateful to have a fully operational dishwasher. Screw hand washing! Besides, I didn't do a good job of it. After that, who knows what I'll find to get into next. Oh, I decided to replace a tile under the dishwasher. Yep, I'm on fire today.

Dabz, those are some unnatural skinny ninnies but she's over the top promoting them. This is what happens when you don't pay attention in school and plan to get by on your helium filled hussy horns. I have a ton more, but got to get back to my job. My plumbers are 24/7 so I'm covered in case of disaster. Have a good Thursday all.
Best of luck, Xelda!

I still don't understand why the install wasn't part of the purchase.
Good afternoon Pops and Popsadoodles. I'm as aggravated as heck and I'm not going to take it anymore. I'm trying to do the install on my dishwasher myself. (I'm on break right now.) The problem is the original hose is cemented to the back of the machine and I can't get it loosened. I admire my ingenuity and will be grateful to have a fully operational dishwasher. Screw hand washing! Besides, I didn't do a good job of it. After that, who knows what I'll find to get into next. Oh, I decided to replace a tile under the dishwasher. Yep, I'm on fire today.

Dabz, those are some unnatural skinny ninnies but she's over the top promoting them. This is what happens when you don't pay attention in school and plan to get by on your helium filled hussy horns. I have a ton more, but got to get back to my job. My plumbers are 24/7 so I'm covered in case of disaster. Have a good Thursday all.
I read this, got up and went into the kitchen and hugged my dishwasher and told it from now on it will be my "Pretty Baby". Not letting some old nasty buttcrack plumber come near her.
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Best of luck, Xelda!

I still don't understand why the install wasn't part of the purchase.
Because she got all snitty with them and started singing "anything you can do I can better" and now she's stuck. Think any of the instructions called for using cement on the back of it? I ain't a handyman but I know not to put cement on appliances.
Good afternoon Pops and Zoner Friends,

So, back-up cat #2 and I were inspecting the fence at the back of our property early, early this morning -- our property backs up to a rather large cattle ranch and every so often their bull gets a bit randy and attacks various parts of our fence. Anyway, the cat was assessing the damage when a rather pathetic looking coyote darted through the underbrush very near where we stood. My initial thought was, "isn't nature grand?". Moments later, a rather large black bear came out the brush as well. Nature was no longer so grand.

I've read all the national parks and wildlife material related to bear encounters, viewed the "what to do/what not to do" YouTube videos and, you know, they mean absolutely nothing at the time you actually come face-to-face. The only thing I remembered to do was, not run. Fortunately, the cat knew exactly what to do... he hissed, arch his back the way cats do and started walking sideways TOWARD the bear. The bear turned and ambled away. The cat is now asleep on our bed apparently unmoved by the bear encounter. The cat is now in my will.

As hair-raising as that encounter was, I will continue taking my walks in the woods... next time, though, I will remember to bring my airhorn... and the cat, of course

So, how is your day going??
Best of luck, Xelda!

I still don't understand why the install wasn't part of the purchase.
It was! The first hose was too short and the second hose leaked... or at least I thought it did. He said I should call a plumber and the leak is at the faucet and not the hose. :eek: So the new hose wasn't necessary, but I did get it on once I figured out that I was loosening things in the wrong direction. :oops: Dyslexia, the gift that keeps on giving. I always do things backwards. It provides for a more interesting life.
I read this, got up and went into the kitchen and hugged my dishwasher and told it from now on it will be my "Pretty Baby". Not letting some old nasty buttcrack plumber come near her.
Appreciate the things in your house that work. I can't turn my hot water heater off or the dishwasher on. I thought everything's hooked up now, let's hear this baby purr. She was astoundingly quiet and then I realized I'd forgot to turn the hot water on and that's when I found out about the source of the leak. :banghead:

That's an interesting story, Montanalo. :omg: I'm glad the back up cat came to your rescue. Go buy your guard cat some fresh tuna.
Good afternoon Pops and Zoner Friends,

So, back-up cat #2 and I were inspecting the fence at the back of our property early, early this morning -- our property backs up to a rather large cattle ranch and every so often their bull gets a bit randy and attacks various parts of our fence. Anyway, the cat was assessing the damage when a rather pathetic looking coyote darted through the underbrush very near where we stood. My initial thought was, "isn't nature grand?". Moments later, a rather large black bear came out the brush as well. Nature was no longer so grand.

I've read all the national parks and wildlife material related to bear encounters, viewed the "what to do/what not to do" YouTube videos and, you know, they mean absolutely nothing at the time you actually come face-to-face. The only thing I remembered to do was, not run. Fortunately, the cat knew exactly what to do... he hissed, arch his back the way cats do and started walking sideways TOWARD the bear. The bear turned and ambled away. The cat is now asleep on our bed apparently unmoved by the bear encounter. The cat is now in my will.

As hair-raising as that encounter was, I will continue taking my walks in the woods... next time, though, I will remember to bring my airhorn... and the cat, of course

So, how is your day going??
You need to notify the U of Cincinnati and let them know you have the Bearcat to be the real mascot.
It was! The first hose was too short and the second hose leaked... or at least I thought it did. He said I should call a plumber and the leak is at the faucet and not the hose. :eek: So the new hose wasn't necessary, but I did get it on once I figured out that I was loosening things in the wrong direction. :oops: Dyslexia, the gift that keeps on giving. I always do things backwards. It provides for a more interesting life.

Appreciate the things in your house that work. I can't turn my hot water heater off or the dishwasher on. I thought everything's hooked up now, let's hear this baby purr. She was astoundingly quiet and then I realized I'd forgot to turn the hot water on and that's when I found out about the source of the leak. :banghead:

That's an interesting story, Montanalo. :omg: I'm glad the back up cat came to your rescue. Go buy your guard cat some fresh tuna.
I appreciate the one thing in my house that doesn't work, me.
Coachadoodles doesn't have Covid!!!! The world celebrates! (That's fireworks Runny commissioned. Between you and me, I think he's trying to burn down New York City as much as he is celebrating the good news.) We've got you by the gomers now Sir Mixalot, so stay safe and stop scaring us.


A happy and peaceful Sunday to everyone. I did a little work yesterday. It wasn't much, because I am on to my guilt trip ways and they rarely work any more. I need to find something else to get me going now. Have a good Sunday.
Great picture:yourock::yourock::yourock:
Good afternoon Pops and Zoner Friends,

So, back-up cat #2 and I were inspecting the fence at the back of our property early, early this morning -- our property backs up to a rather large cattle ranch and every so often their bull gets a bit randy and attacks various parts of our fence. Anyway, the cat was assessing the damage when a rather pathetic looking coyote darted through the underbrush very near where we stood. My initial thought was, "isn't nature grand?". Moments later, a rather large black bear came out the brush as well. Nature was no longer so grand.

I've read all the national parks and wildlife material related to bear encounters, viewed the "what to do/what not to do" YouTube videos and, you know, they mean absolutely nothing at the time you actually come face-to-face. The only thing I remembered to do was, not run. Fortunately, the cat knew exactly what to do... he hissed, arch his back the way cats do and started walking sideways TOWARD the bear. The bear turned and ambled away. The cat is now asleep on our bed apparently unmoved by the bear encounter. The cat is now in my will.

As hair-raising as that encounter was, I will continue taking my walks in the woods... next time, though, I will remember to bring my airhorn... and the cat, of course

So, how is your day going??

Yeah..... I got Daughter like that Colo............... ~ ABQ shakes head, gets up and looks for his can of Dip....~
Afternoon Pops. Afternoon Fellas and good afternoon to all who stopped in to visit the thread before they start their weekend.

Well, glad that I've made it to another Friday. I'm hoping to get a few things done around the house before the end of the weekend. We are pretty much booked up solid through the Summer with family events or what have you. This weekend is really the only time I have to get some things done that I need to get taken care of.

What's everybody got going this weekend?

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all good!

To everybody in Cowboy Nation, go out and enjoy the weekend. Be reasonable, be smart, do the right things but have some fun. You can be smart and have fun, even I can do that and I'm here to tell you that my Wife is convinced that I am not the sharpest tool in the yard, never mind the shed. Be careful, be safe but have fun!

Kinda go in here late today so gonna leave you with this one for a Friday afternoon. This is Starland Vocal Band and Afternoon Delight.......

Afternoon Pops. Afternoon Fellas and good afternoon to all who stopped in to visit the thread before they start their weekend.

Well, glad that I've made it to another Friday. I'm hoping to get a few things done around the house before the end of the weekend. We are pretty much booked up solid through the Summer with family events or what have you. This weekend is really the only time I have to get some things done that I need to get taken care of.

What's everybody got going this weekend?

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all good!

To everybody in Cowboy Nation, go out and enjoy the weekend. Be reasonable, be smart, do the right things but have some fun. You can be smart and have fun, even I can do that and I'm here to tell you that my Wife is convinced that I am not the sharpest tool in the yard, never mind the shed. Be careful, be safe but have fun!

Kinda go in here late today so gonna leave you with this one for a Friday afternoon. This is Starland Vocal Band and Afternoon Delight.......

I thought I was so cool when I figured out what Afternoon Delight referred. Ha!

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