FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. RIP Aunt Trudy and sorry for your loss, Jan. Instead of beating yourself up, you should appreciate all the virtues you possess.

Ok, last night I had another ridiculous dream and am ready to go back to boring.

Prepare yourselves, because it's Monday everywhere you go today.
What'd I do this time?
Evening Pops and everyone.

You guys remember the video I posted a year or so back of my Great Aunt (Gertrude) Trudy that was a ‘Rosie the Riveter’ back in the day? She turned 100 this past May 29th. It is with a broken heart that I’m sorry to say we lost her Friday.

What an amazing woman she was... a God fearing woman who set the bar for how a truly decent human being should be measured. If I were ever deemed half the person she was, I would consider myself blessed.

She will be truly missed.

R.I.P., Aunt Trudy.
I'm sorry for your loss, Jan. I'm sure you're a better person for having known her!
Good Tuesday Morning Pops and Zoner Friends.

We had a great visit this past weekend with the Louisiana grandkids (ages 10 and 11). We had a walking tour of New Orleans, ate way too much Cajun cuisine and visited the WWII museum. Surprisingly, the museum was a huge hit with the kids. If you are not aware, the museum is rated as one of the top 5 museums in the US and is incredibly well done... Certainly worth a visit if you are ever in the Big Easy.

Well, the CO home has been on the market for two weeks and we've 15 showings and three offers. Unfortunately, the offers all have contingencies (got to sell the current house first or need to get loan approval). We haven't accepted an offer yet but are somewhat encouraged by the interest.

Later this week, we drive to Montana with a Uhaul truck filled some of our possessions. I will be channeling my inner @Runwildboys as I barrel across interstate 90. When you're driving this far in a truck, it is definitely about the destination and not the journey

Hope you are all having a good start to the week.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decide to stop in and visit this thread.

Hope everybody is doing well this week.

Jan, sorry to hear the bad news. Life rolls on, we all know that but sometimes, it takes a minute. Heck, this entire thread that we post in is about taking a minute right? Keep the good, leave the rest and move forward is about the best advice I can give girl.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, hope you are all doing well.

Everybody, Tuesday is upon us. Back to the Salt Minds!
Morning Pops and Happy Twofer Tuesday or Taco Tuesday, whichever you celebrate and who has just one taco so combine the two and double your pleasure, double your fun.

We're in a HI warning for the rest of this week with the humidity at 80% or higher and is August good for anything? I do not like summer but specifically this month is the worst of the 12 and I just don't see why we can't fast forward through it. There are no holidays to celebrate except on Labor Day I celebrate the passing of August and the beginning of the football season and it's not looking too good for that right now.

I've been adjusting OK to this so far but not having my college game day rituals on Saturdays is going to be rough. That is an all day time waster and I go from 8a-12m most Saturdays and and just planning my menu and libation creations takes up some time during the week.
Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. It's Tuesday and I should probably go back to work. Yesterday I was hung over from my glorious two weeks off. I couldn't get in gear at all, so I guilted myself to do three projects I've been avoiding. I should stop talking to myself, but the voice gets stuff done. I'm not happy about it, but I know the voice is right. Another bad dream last night so I shouldn't have said anything about my dreams. I repent and will take boring or puzzling dreams over the resurrection of exes at their worst. Grumbles!

Have a good Tuesday everyone.
We're half way there Pops and Popsadoodles!

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