FEATURED Morning Pops!

I spent a winter building houses up near Mt. Washington. We were on top of a mountain where we could see Mt. Washington only a few miles away. It was so cold, we'd work for ten minutes, then sit in the van for twenty. I almost died up there, because it was so cold, the frost on the roof wasn't visible, and I took a couple of steps, then went sliding down the roof on my butt. It was a two story house, and where I was headed was toward a 100-150 foot cliff. We had 2×4's nailed across near the bottom of the roof, so I planted my feet, closed my eyes and hoped like Hell it held....Clearly it did.
You're a man that lived to tell all about the importance of safety precautions. I am glad you didn't go off that roof because I would miss you. Even before I knew you, I knew I would encounter a Humor Brother. And I got Xelda as a Humor Sister.

Seriously, you two help make my days better days because laughter is life sustaining and you guys never disappoint.

I see people getting down on technology and in particular, the perils of the internet, and while I do agree there are dangers, I think about the people on the old site and here that I have communicated with for many years and that makes my heart warm. I am not a social media person but I do understand the value for some people and I wonder how much worse this pandemic would be a on a lot of people without that lifeline. It's not a human connection but it is a connection to other humans.
You're a man that lived to tell all about the importance of safety precautions. I am glad you didn't go off that roof because I would miss you. Even before I knew you, I knew I would encounter a Humor Brother. And I got Xelda as a Humor Sister.

Seriously, you two help make my days better days because laughter is life sustaining and you guys never disappoint.

I see people getting down on technology and in particular, the perils of the internet, and while I do agree there are dangers, I think about the people on the old site and here that I have communicated with for many years and that makes my heart warm. I am not a social media person but I do understand the value for some people and I wonder how much worse this pandemic would be a on a lot of people without that lifeline. It's not a human connection but it is a connection to other humans.
Now you understand why I always keep some sheepies close.
You're a man that lived to tell all about the importance of safety precautions. I am glad you didn't go off that roof because I would miss you. Even before I knew you, I knew I would encounter a Humor Brother. And I got Xelda as a Humor Sister.

Seriously, you two help make my days better days because laughter is life sustaining and you guys never disappoint.

I see people getting down on technology and in particular, the perils of the internet, and while I do agree there are dangers, I think about the people on the old site and here that I have communicated with for many years and that makes my heart warm. I am not a social media person but I do understand the value for some people and I wonder how much worse this pandemic would be a on a lot of people without that lifeline. It's not a human connection but it is a connection to other humans.
Aww, you do have a heart, Tin Man!
Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. I haven't had much to say lately. I am enjoying the down time of my so called vacation. I've already run about 10 loads of dishes and looking for ways to get more dirty. I pull the clean dishes out and wonder what was up with my old dishwasher. Things look brand new when they come out. It's pretty wonderful and I'm still learning about it, like what prongs can go down and why they were there in the first place. The rinse agent is actually working instead of going down to Fraggle town. This bear has a dish washer!

You're a man that lived to tell all about the importance of safety precautions. I am glad you didn't go off that roof because I would miss you. Even before I knew you, I knew I would encounter a Humor Brother. And I got Xelda as a Humor Sister.

Seriously, you two help make my days better days because laughter is life sustaining and you guys never disappoint..
Boom shaka laka! I've been adopted! I've got two new brothers to torment! I've exhausted the original and needed a challenge. This day is looking up.

Have a good Friday eve everyone.
Your "1st" mowing? I haven't mown my yard in three weeks, because it's only grown about an inch since then. With this tropical storm about to roll through today, maybe it'll get enough rain to start growing again, and maybe even turn green!
Yeah. We've been getting rain every few days followed by hot sunny days and the grass grows like mad. Haven't had rain for a few days now and it looks like I won't have to mow again this week, thank goodness....and knock on wood.
Good afternoon Pops and Popsadoodles. I had to pick up momma from the hospital today. I got there early. I was able to wait out the ransom period until they gave up and released her. In the mean time, I watched people come and go out of the hospital. One lady had dressed up her little girl, combed her hair back and put her in a dress. She seemed accustomed to the garb quite unlike an uncouth ape child put in her Easter dress. (Nothing like a Friday morning flash back.) I saw all manner of working class people, honky tonk badonkadonks and full blown pregnant women. I felt stronger and healthier after this parade. Then I got the call stating I was at the wrong pick up place. This hospital isn't very tall, but it's really long. I finally found momma and took her home.

That's a cutie, Dabz! Thanks for sharing.

I'm thinking I can get a few dishes dirty if I cook something, so I'm heading to the kitchen. Have a great Friday everyone!
Good morning Pops and Sin No More Sunday goers. I didn't misbehave enough yesterday so I may not be joining you today and might have to commit some minor, yet easily forgivable, sins.......at least by my standards.

I recently had some BP med added to my regimen and adapting to this is not easy. I spoke with my Cardiologist, Doc Inna Godda Da Vida, about it and she told me some patients do comment about dreams. I said comment or complain and she didn't respond. The dreams are not fantasy or nightmarish, they're just like being awake in real life with mostly people I do not know involved in discussions I am not really interested in but I can't leave......it's my freakin' dream! I am around boring people and forced to act interested, hell, I thought I left that behind when I retired. Be OK if it was someone else's because exiting another's dream is not considered rude, especially if they're engaged in naughty behavior unless it's with you. The other oddity and only recurring part is me driving a car really fast and coming up to a large dip in the road and actually accelerating to effectively launch the car into the air at which point I wake up. But it's not like that falling feeling where you jolt awake, I just wake up.

I might want to go to a dream interpreter, you can tell where they live by all of the fog coming from their home and the dream catchers placed like webs of a demented spider all about and they already know your coming because they recognize you from the dreams and they don't always answer the door. That concerns me more than the dreams, I am so boring in the dreams, they don't want to talk to me. It's not my fault! It's those people in my dreams.
Good afternoon Pops and Popsadoodles. I cleaned the outside of my refrigerator yesterday and it was shining this morning. I decided it could shine a little brighter, so I polished it again. It got good to me, so I cleaned my garage refrigerator. It wasn't willing to sparkle like the inside one.

I feel bad about school starting up. I just don't think it's the right time yet. Also, 6AM is just plain rude and should be stricken from our activity clocks. Doctors try to give me early morning appointments without a clue about my AM allergies. I can barely stand you at noon, you don't want to see me before then. Besides, I don't want to take an early bird's appointment time from them.

Ah Coachadoodles, I seem to be going through something similar. My dreams aren't worth mentioning these days. It's better than nightmares, but I had interesting dreams as well. Here's hoping it picks back up for both of us. Go ahead and blame the people in your dreams. I've been doing it for years.
Evening Pops and everyone.

You guys remember the video I posted a year or so back of my Great Aunt (Gertrude) Trudy that was a ‘Rosie the Riveter’ back in the day? She turned 100 this past May 29th. It is with a broken heart that I’m sorry to say we lost her Friday.

What an amazing woman she was... a God fearing woman who set the bar for how a truly decent human being should be measured. If I were ever deemed half the person she was, I would consider myself blessed.

She will be truly missed.

R.I.P., Aunt Trudy.
Evening Pops and everyone.

You guys remember the video I posted a year or so back of my Great Aunt (Gertrude) Trudy that was a ‘Rosie the Riveter’ back in the day? She turned 100 this past May 29th. It is with a broken heart that I’m sorry to say we lost her Friday.

What an amazing woman she was... a God fearing woman who set the bar for how a truly decent human being should be measured. If I were ever deemed half the person she was, I would consider myself blessed.

She will be truly missed.

R.I.P., Aunt Trudy.
RIP Aunt Trudy.. sorry for your loss Jan. Sounds like she led an interesting and eventful life.
RIP Aunt Trudy.. sorry for your loss Jan. Sounds like she led an interesting and eventful life.
Thank you. She was maybe all of 4’9”:rolleyes: and had control of any room she was in. Such a fun loving and good spirited woman and well respected. My grandmother (her sister) was a quiet baptist girl until she was about 85 and started to speak her mind. Strong-minded Swedish women:D. There will definitely be a noticeable emptiness in the family.
Evening Pops and everyone.

You guys remember the video I posted a year or so back of my Great Aunt (Gertrude) Trudy that was a ‘Rosie the Riveter’ back in the day? She turned 100 this past May 29th. It is with a broken heart that I’m sorry to say we lost her Friday.

What an amazing woman she was... a God fearing woman who set the bar for how a truly decent human being should be measured. If I were ever deemed half the person she was, I would consider myself blessed.

She will be truly missed.

R.I.P., Aunt Trudy.

So sorry for your loss Jan.

RIP Aunt Trudy
Good morning Pops and Sin No More Sunday goers. I didn't misbehave enough yesterday so I may not be joining you today and might have to commit some minor, yet easily forgivable, sins.......at least by my standards.

I recently had some BP med added to my regimen and adapting to this is not easy. I spoke with my Cardiologist, Doc Inna Godda Da Vida, about it and she told me some patients do comment about dreams. I said comment or complain and she didn't respond. The dreams are not fantasy or nightmarish, they're just like being awake in real life with mostly people I do not know involved in discussions I am not really interested in but I can't leave......it's my freakin' dream! I am around boring people and forced to act interested, hell, I thought I left that behind when I retired. Be OK if it was someone else's because exiting another's dream is not considered rude, especially if they're engaged in naughty behavior unless it's with you. The other oddity and only recurring part is me driving a car really fast and coming up to a large dip in the road and actually accelerating to effectively launch the car into the air at which point I wake up. But it's not like that falling feeling where you jolt awake, I just wake up.

I might want to go to a dream interpreter, you can tell where they live by all of the fog coming from their home and the dream catchers placed like webs of a demented spider all about and they already know your coming because they recognize you from the dreams and they don't always answer the door. That concerns me more than the dreams, I am so boring in the dreams, they don't want to talk to me. It's not my fault! It's those people in my dreams.
I dreamed I was dancing w/ Zelda, but then I looked at the clock and it was morning and she was asleep. Best dang sleeping dancer ever!!!!
Evening Pops and everyone.

You guys remember the video I posted a year or so back of my Great Aunt (Gertrude) Trudy that was a ‘Rosie the Riveter’ back in the day? She turned 100 this past May 29th. It is with a broken heart that I’m sorry to say we lost her Friday.

What an amazing woman she was... a God fearing woman who set the bar for how a truly decent human being should be measured. If I were ever deemed half the person she was, I would consider myself blessed.

She will be truly missed.

R.I.P., Aunt Trudy.
God bless the strong women in our lives. That "weaker sex" label that was coined years ago only spoke to physical strength and I would put some serious doubt on that. Pioneer women were birthing babies in the night and making biscuits in the morning while the menfolk, mesmerized by a wagon wheel, thought about cars of the future and women could birth babies in the back of a taxi.
Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. RIP Aunt Trudy and sorry for your loss, Jan. Instead of beating yourself up, you should appreciate all the virtues you possess.

Ok, last night I had another ridiculous dream and am ready to go back to boring.

Prepare yourselves, because it's Monday everywhere you go today.