FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and visit the thread today.

Well, work seems to be pissing me off lately. A lot of stuff but nothing that's bringing in any money. I hate this! What's going on with you guys?

I'm looking at maybe going camping here if I can get away. I haven't been in awhile and I could use a little time to just get away from everything. Just me maybe, I don't really need a big deal, just time to fish and relax a little bit. I haven't really had a vacation in several years so maybe just a couple days, if I can get away.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all doing well. If not, go camping!

Everybody, have a great rest of the week!

Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and visit the thread today.

Well, work seems to be pissing me off lately. A lot of stuff but nothing that's bringing in any money. I hate this! What's going on with you guys?

I'm looking at maybe going camping here if I can get away. I haven't been in awhile and I could use a little time to just get away from everything. Just me maybe, I don't really need a big deal, just time to fish and relax a little bit. I haven't really had a vacation in several years so maybe just a couple days, if I can get away.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all doing well. If not, go camping!

Everybody, have a great rest of the week!

No camping. You get out there and pitch your tent, and I am already for the hotel room and the little bar in the room, and climb in that sleeping bag and there you are, all served up for a bear. You know what bears call human filled sleeping bags? Twinkies.
No camping. You get out there and pitch your tent, and I am already for the hotel room and the little bar in the room, and climb in that sleeping bag and there you are, all served up for a bear. You know what bears call human filled sleeping bags? Twinkies.

LOL..... Have you ever even seen a Bear up close and personal? Mostly they stay in the high country but occasionally, they come down into town and then you gotta be smart. I'm not worried about the bears Caoch. I figure, your slower then me so I'm good!

LOL..... Have you ever even seen a Bear up close and personal? Mostly they stay in the high country but occasionally, they come down into town and then you gotta be smart. I'm not worried about the bears Caoch. I figure, your slower then me so I'm good!

Well, podnah, ole CC's got two speeds, regular and a bear is chasing me. Besides that, I'm older and more likely to cheat and pour honey on you while you're sleeping.
Well, podnah, ole CC's got two speeds, regular and a bear is chasing me. Besides that, I'm older and more likely to cheat and pour honey on you while you're sleeping.

LOL...... I've got that covered. I will have whiskey and cigars, which naturally means that you will either be passed out and unable to carry out your plan or will be unwilling to run away from the Whiskey so either way, I feel like I'm covered Coach.
Morning, Pops and all. My condolences to you, Jan and may Aunt Trudy RIP.
I spent a couple of frustrating hours this morning setting up my new computer, but it all seems to be working now. Take care!
Thank you. I appreciate the thoughts. Sorry for the late reply/acknowledgement. Storms that ripped through Iowa and Illinois Monday midday knocked out power for a few days along with internet and e-mails. I got power back at home yesterday but some are still out. We still don’t have internet /emails at work. What a mess.
Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. Yesterday will go down in history as the great bear debate. We still don't know who survives that one.

I want to tell y'all about a dream I had the night before last. Fortunately, I sprained my imagination and had no dreams last night. Here goes...I was sick of humanity and found there was new technology in use to send people to a distant planet with a different sun. It took about 24 hours to get there. I rode with two other women which were strangers to me.

We arrived in a small settlement which was darned close to the old western movies. Everything was kind of brownish red dirt colored on the outside. It looked to be about 40 people there. They were friendly, helpful and handed me a gun.. There were little creatures that would come up and the regulars would shoot them. They told us of abandoned places we could settle in. I went to the east and found a super nice suburb with pretty colors. The creatures were all over the place. They looked pitiful until they got up on us and would use their sharp teeth. Some were domesticated, but I couldn't tell which was which. Through out the dream except at the castle, I heard constant gun fire.

I had a guide take me to the suburb. He'd shoot at all of them, which was unsettling. We left there and went north to a castle with more critters. It looked like the Disney castle on the outside but was torn up on the inside. By this point, my guide told me he had chosen me for his wife. I was dumbfounded but played it off since I didn't know exactly how crazy he was. We headed by to the original settlement and I started scheming to get off this rock. Our original vessel was some sort of unsanctioned Elon Musk invention of which the government did not approve. If we chose to return, the vehicle was 75% used up and the return trip was not guaranteed to be successful. Some were leaving and I tried to get in with them. I don't know what happed with my original crew, but I wanted a safer way off. The dream ended before I could find my ship. Typical!

Weird, huh?
Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. Yesterday will go down in history as the great bear debate. We still don't know who survives that one.

I want to tell y'all about a dream I had the night before last. Fortunately, I sprained my imagination and had no dreams last night. Here goes...I was sick of humanity and found there was new technology in use to send people to a distant planet with a different sun. It took about 24 hours to get there. I rode with two other women which were strangers to me.

We arrived in a small settlement which was darned close to the old western movies. Everything was kind of brownish red dirt colored on the outside. It looked to be about 40 people there. They were friendly, helpful and handed me a gun.. There were little creatures that would come up and the regulars would shoot them. They told us of abandoned places we could settle in. I went to the east and found a super nice suburb with pretty colors. The creatures were all over the place. They looked pitiful until they got up on us and would use their sharp teeth. Some were domesticated, but I couldn't tell which was which. Through out the dream except at the castle, I heard constant gun fire.

I had a guide take me to the suburb. He'd shoot at all of them, which was unsettling. We left there and went north to a castle with more critters. It looked like the Disney castle on the outside but was torn up on the inside. By this point, my guide told me he had chosen me for his wife. I was dumbfounded but played it off since I didn't know exactly how crazy he was. We headed by to the original settlement and I started scheming to get off this rock. Our original vessel was some sort of unsanctioned Elon Musk invention of which the government did not approve. If we chose to return, the vehicle was 75% used up and the return trip was not guaranteed to be successful. Some were leaving and I tried to get in with them. I don't know what happed with my original crew, but I wanted a safer way off. The dream ended before I could find my ship. Typical!

Weird, huh?
Aw hell, come on back, you don't have to be my wife, we can just be friends with benefits. And I'll load the dishwasher.
Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. Yesterday will go down in history as the great bear debate. We still don't know who survives that one.

I want to tell y'all about a dream I had the night before last. Fortunately, I sprained my imagination and had no dreams last night. Here goes...I was sick of humanity and found there was new technology in use to send people to a distant planet with a different sun. It took about 24 hours to get there. I rode with two other women which were strangers to me.

We arrived in a small settlement which was darned close to the old western movies. Everything was kind of brownish red dirt colored on the outside. It looked to be about 40 people there. They were friendly, helpful and handed me a gun.. There were little creatures that would come up and the regulars would shoot them. They told us of abandoned places we could settle in. I went to the east and found a super nice suburb with pretty colors. The creatures were all over the place. They looked pitiful until they got up on us and would use their sharp teeth. Some were domesticated, but I couldn't tell which was which. Through out the dream except at the castle, I heard constant gun fire.

I had a guide take me to the suburb. He'd shoot at all of them, which was unsettling. We left there and went north to a castle with more critters. It looked like the Disney castle on the outside but was torn up on the inside. By this point, my guide told me he had chosen me for his wife. I was dumbfounded but played it off since I didn't know exactly how crazy he was. We headed by to the original settlement and I started scheming to get off this rock. Our original vessel was some sort of unsanctioned Elon Musk invention of which the government did not approve. If we chose to return, the vehicle was 75% used up and the return trip was not guaranteed to be successful. Some were leaving and I tried to get in with them. I don't know what happed with my original crew, but I wanted a safer way off. The dream ended before I could find my ship. Typical!

Weird, huh?
How did the li'l critters taste?
No camping. You get out there and pitch your tent, and I am already for the hotel room and the little bar in the room, and climb in that sleeping bag and there you are, all served up for a bear. You know what bears call human filled sleeping bags? Twinkies.
Roughing it is when the hotel makes you wait til 3 to check in!!!
Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. Yesterday will go down in history as the great bear debate. We still don't know who survives that one.

I want to tell y'all about a dream I had the night before last. Fortunately, I sprained my imagination and had no dreams last night. Here goes...I was sick of humanity and found there was new technology in use to send people to a distant planet with a different sun. It took about 24 hours to get there. I rode with two other women which were strangers to me.

We arrived in a small settlement which was darned close to the old western movies. Everything was kind of brownish red dirt colored on the outside. It looked to be about 40 people there. They were friendly, helpful and handed me a gun.. There were little creatures that would come up and the regulars would shoot them. They told us of abandoned places we could settle in. I went to the east and found a super nice suburb with pretty colors. The creatures were all over the place. They looked pitiful until they got up on us and would use their sharp teeth. Some were domesticated, but I couldn't tell which was which. Through out the dream except at the castle, I heard constant gun fire.

I had a guide take me to the suburb. He'd shoot at all of them, which was unsettling. We left there and went north to a castle with more critters. It looked like the Disney castle on the outside but was torn up on the inside. By this point, my guide told me he had chosen me for his wife. I was dumbfounded but played it off since I didn't know exactly how crazy he was. We headed by to the original settlement and I started scheming to get off this rock. Our original vessel was some sort of unsanctioned Elon Musk invention of which the government did not approve. If we chose to return, the vehicle was 75% used up and the return trip was not guaranteed to be successful. Some were leaving and I tried to get in with them. I don't know what happed with my original crew, but I wanted a safer way off. The dream ended before I could find my ship. Typical!

Weird, huh?

This one sounds like it's going straight to On Demand..........
Aw hell, come on back, you don't have to be my wife, we can just be friends with benefits. And I'll load the dishwasher.

LOL........ I can just see it in my mind. Coach writes "Come on back, I'll load the dishwasher." and Xelda is thinking in her mind, "Only if you mean, you're loading that dishwasher up on your back and heading the hell out!" LOL............

I can't with you guys right now............

Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. Yesterday will go down in history as the great bear debate. We still don't know who survives that one.

I want to tell y'all about a dream I had the night before last. Fortunately, I sprained my imagination and had no dreams last night. Here goes...I was sick of humanity and found there was new technology in use to send people to a distant planet with a different sun. It took about 24 hours to get there. I rode with two other women which were strangers to me.

We arrived in a small settlement which was darned close to the old western movies. Everything was kind of brownish red dirt colored on the outside. It looked to be about 40 people there. They were friendly, helpful and handed me a gun.. There were little creatures that would come up and the regulars would shoot them. They told us of abandoned places we could settle in. I went to the east and found a super nice suburb with pretty colors. The creatures were all over the place. They looked pitiful until they got up on us and would use their sharp teeth. Some were domesticated, but I couldn't tell which was which. Through out the dream except at the castle, I heard constant gun fire.

I had a guide take me to the suburb. He'd shoot at all of them, which was unsettling. We left there and went north to a castle with more critters. It looked like the Disney castle on the outside but was torn up on the inside. By this point, my guide told me he had chosen me for his wife. I was dumbfounded but played it off since I didn't know exactly how crazy he was. We headed by to the original settlement and I started scheming to get off this rock. Our original vessel was some sort of unsanctioned Elon Musk invention of which the government did not approve. If we chose to return, the vehicle was 75% used up and the return trip was not guaranteed to be successful. Some were leaving and I tried to get in with them. I don't know what happed with my original crew, but I wanted a safer way off. The dream ended before I could find my ship. Typical!

Weird, huh?

Good afternoon Pops and friends. X Hopefully this dream is to be continued....

I wanna know how you got back to our planet and hopefully how you got rid of your husband ....err I mean guide...

Have a great day everyone!

It’s Friday ;) ......for me :)
Morning Pops, morning Fellas and good morning to all who stop in and check out the thread today.

So here we go again, we are half way through Thursday and headed to another Friday! What do you guys got going today? I guess I'm going to finish up the day and maybe think about going and buying some butter milk and some chicken. I might think about setting up the Disco and frying up some Chicken for tomorrow. Don't know why but I've been craving Fried Chicken and I've also been wanting to frying it on the Disco. No idea if it will work or not but something different. If it doesn't, I can just jump in the truck and head over to KFC. But if it works, that means that I can take it camping and have some Chicken and Gizzards for supper! That's living y'all!

Anybody watching Baseball right now? Kinda interested to see where the interest is.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, hope all your days are going well. Finish it up and lets get to Friday!

Everybody, I hope you are all headed for a great Friday, Saturday and Sunday! If you aren't sure, it's not to late to change it up and make it better.

Aw hell, come on back, you don't have to be my wife, we can just be friends with benefits. And I'll load the dishwasher.
Wasn't you, Coach. We'd have been laughing our butts off about something.
How did the li'l critters taste?
That was left out, but they were eating them. I was trying to get back before the wedding and a cook out.
This one sounds like it's going straight to On Demand..........
I shared an over view of it because it seemed so bizarre. My brain is always working on things so this was an unguarded moment. It felt like a movie.
Good afternoon Pops and friends. X Hopefully this dream is to be continued....

I wanna know how you got back to our planet and hopefully how you got rid of your husband ....err I mean guide...

Have a great day everyone!

It’s Friday ;) ......for me :)
The dream ended before I could cement any plans to leave, but I was determined to return without that Elon Musk pod.

I may finish my bathroom this weekend if I can nag myself into it. I might buy groceries. The possibilities are endless. My slow cooker and cookbook will arrive tomorrow. It will be unboxed and studied like a coke bottle in a monkey's hands.
You do realize that every male in this thread has vivid dreams about Z, but we'd get kicked off if we wrote about them!!!!
Morning, Pops and peeps. I'm headed to the ophthalmologist this morning, then will be trying to stay cool the rest of the day. ABQ has got me hankering for some fried chicken and fried taters. Maybe some beans and bacon to go with them.
Morning Pops & Peeps!

Interesting camping story.

I live in Western NY and drove 5 hours to PA to go camping. Rather limited where I'm "allowed" to travel. I check online prior and it looked nice and private. My friends and I got there and instantly found that PA State parks don't allow alcohol. (You have got to be ****** kidding me.)
Strike 1.
So we drove to the site and upon arrival we noticed that you could spit accurately on the sites on either side of us and the 18 person camping party to the left were within hugging distance. Private my ars. I mean these sites were right on top of each other and there was people walking around everywhere. I could have put up a tent in my front yard and got more privacy.
Strike 2.
We sat in the truck a few minutes to absorb all of this and here comes a park Ranger. He questioned our alcohol supply, which consisted of numerous handles of booze, wine and more booze. When I camp, I get right after it. He said he needed to take it because it wasn't allowed. I asked "what if we leave?" and he replied we could then keep it.
Strike 3.

I didn't even get out of the truck, we all agreed to leave. So I drove 5 hours home.

The next morning I found an amazing camping spot in NY (PM me if anyone is interested).


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