FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning, Pops and pen pals. The flag pole arrived yesterday and, fortunately, it fit right into the old anchor pipe. Easy peasey. I plan on playing golf this afternoon if the wind doesn't blow too hard. Take care everyone and enjoy your TGIF!
Morning Pops and everyone.

Woke up with a pounding headache. It’s pouring rain outside right now so that explains that. Nice to see my weather head is still functioning.

I agree with Leon about vegging out... except that I’m notorious for interfering with my own plans. I ended up bringing work home to do on Sunday. Today is a trip to moms for a visit and to check in on her. She’s got 15 doz fresh free-range farm eggs that need temporary homes so I rounded up buyers for all of em. After that I think I’ll go home and shower to wash the farm smell off (she has way too many cats) and then go see the guy that sold me my car. Gonna get it fitted with some of those fancy floor liners (great use for part of my stimulus check to protect that investment). I need a haircut too so I’ll have to work that in.

May watch some of the March Madness tourney this weekend as well. We have 7 people working at our office (4 staff, 2 full time (owner) attorneys and 1 part time attorney). Someone always works up a bracket sheet this time of the year when we hit the Sweet 16 and we do a blind draw @ $2 ea. for teams. I drew two this year since we had a few teams left outside the owners family, and I got Baylor and Bama. Whoever wins takes the $ so I’m either up $28 or down $4 by the end of the tourney. I like bball but really don’t follow the college teams until we get to tourney time.

Enough rambling from me. Think I’ll fix me some herbal chai and watch the rain fall on the park for a bit. Church has reopened so it’s time to get back to that tonight too. Have a good day everyone.
Morning Pops and our two veg out planners which is so foreign to me. I am into spontaneous veggin'......since 2011.

Jan starts out with a veggin' plan and then wrecks it. And if I had a Mom confused about the barnyard and ending up with too many cat eggs, I'd help her out as well. I dunno, I am a city boy but if she has too many cats, that explains the cat egg surplus. I know what cats do. Never seen them but I've heard them and was afraid to look.

I am not going to tell you I am veggin' out, I am so into veggin', I drop the g like a good Southren boy. Not a typo, that's how we say it down here, down yonder to you yankees and midwesteners.

Y'all know how the midwest got it's name, dontchya? Well then, grab a corn crate and sit a spell. (I know, there's probably no such thing as a corn crate, I am not entirely blind to my ignorance) The Midwest was named by Ephraim Tunnel, one of the laziest pioneers in recorded, or in this case, unrecorded, history. He and his kin responded to Horace Greeley's declaration "Go West, young man, go West" and they headed out in a wagon train to establish themselves and a whole new life in the Wild, Wild West.

Ephraim liked the sound of the West, what he didn't like was the Wild, Wild part and talk of wild savages taking scalps, wild animals taking body parts and rattlesnakes. He was so lazy, he'd sit out in the afternoons, during one of the many rest stops (he was also the father of the rest stop but that's a story for another time) with a book open, waiting for a breeze to come along and turn the page. He sat the wrong way one time, fell asleep and had to start the book over.

So when they reached Iowa, like most Americans he didn't know the difference between that and Idaho, he announced that was as far as they were going. When Jebidiah said "but Ephraim, this ain't the West, there ain't no ocean". Ephraim responded "can you see across this here lake"? "No, I can't". "Then how the hell (Ephraim was a sinner) do you know that's not the ocean"? Point was well made and Ephraim named this new land the Midwest. He also forbade accents in the new land and instructed them to all speak the same. He exiled a family from Boston.

Well now, I've already lied, storytellin' ain't veggin', it's workin' so I'll just counter that by droppin' all the g's.

Have a great weekend, Popsadoodles.
A very suspect morning Pops and Popsadoodles. My friendly bladder woke me with a strong 'get up' signal. I told it I was too sleepy and could do it later. It told me 'it's only going to get worse' so I got up and couldn't get back to sleep. It's not the best start to the day, but it is a start.

Right before that, I had a dream where I was in Chicago for some odd reason. Like Yosemite Sam said "I gotta burn my boots now, they done gone and touched yankee soil". I had to pay $5 to walk across a toll bridge and while waiting to pay this government approved extortion a little boy walked up to his pregnant momma and said "I'm sorry the doctor said you weren't able to have pretty children". In my dream, I laughed. She moved him away from me. Must have had something to do with my growing bladder.

Well, this isn't funny in the least but I have to repaint my bathroom because the new paint doesn't match the paint I've already applied to the walls. I was doing some touch up and thought the paint was lighter only because it was wet. That evening, the paint was still off and dry. Yesterday was local pout about the paint day. Today is get over it and get back to painting.

The moral of that last story is if you can avoid the job, GOOD! If you can't, I don't know what to say. I should work on a new playlist. Happy Saturday!
A very suspect morning Pops and Popsadoodles. My friendly bladder woke me with a strong 'get up' signal. I told it I was too sleepy and could do it later. It told me 'it's only going to get worse' so I got up and couldn't get back to sleep. It's not the best start to the day, but it is a start.

Right before that, I had a dream where I was in Chicago for some odd reason. Like Yosemite Sam said "I gotta burn my boots now, they done gone and touched yankee soil". I had to pay $5 to walk across a toll bridge and while waiting to pay this government approved extortion a little boy walked up to his pregnant momma and said "I'm sorry the doctor said you weren't able to have pretty children". In my dream, I laughed. She moved him away from me. Must have had something to do with my growing bladder.

Well, this isn't funny in the least but I have to repaint my bathroom because the new paint doesn't match the paint I've already applied to the walls. I was doing some touch up and thought the paint was lighter only because it was wet. That evening, the paint was still off and dry. Yesterday was local pout about the paint day. Today is get over it and get back to painting.

The moral of that last story is if you can avoid the job, GOOD! If you can't, I don't know what to say. I should work on a new playlist. Happy Saturday!
And it's about time!!! Been a whole week since you painted your bathroom! That's like Wolf Brand chili, well, that's too long.

I think your bladder likes the present bathroom color and was awakening you to get it's "goes" in before the color wheel changed again.

I let my organs make decisions. As long as my heart is beating, I ain't changin' nuthin!
A very suspect morning Pops and Popsadoodles. My friendly bladder woke me with a strong 'get up' signal. I told it I was too sleepy and could do it later. It told me 'it's only going to get worse' so I got up and couldn't get back to sleep. It's not the best start to the day, but it is a start.

Right before that, I had a dream where I was in Chicago for some odd reason. Like Yosemite Sam said "I gotta burn my boots now, they done gone and touched yankee soil". I had to pay $5 to walk across a toll bridge and while waiting to pay this government approved extortion a little boy walked up to his pregnant momma and said "I'm sorry the doctor said you weren't able to have pretty children". In my dream, I laughed. She moved him away from me. Must have had something to do with my growing bladder.

Well, this isn't funny in the least but I have to repaint my bathroom because the new paint doesn't match the paint I've already applied to the walls. I was doing some touch up and thought the paint was lighter only because it was wet. That evening, the paint was still off and dry. Yesterday was local pout about the paint day. Today is get over it and get back to painting.

The moral of that last story is if you can avoid the job, GOOD! If you can't, I don't know what to say. I should work on a new playlist. Happy Saturday!
Have you considered wallpaper?
Quite often actually. I've put in so much work smoothing the walls and have two full gallons of expensive paint that I'm determined to get on walls. One must suffer for their art, I guess.
This has been going on longer than any one bathroom repaint should. I think maybe you should just dim the light in there. That might help on those pre-coffee mornings too.
Quite often actually. I've put in so much work smoothing the walls and have two full gallons of expensive paint that I'm determined to get on walls. (I was hoping for different walls.) One must suffer for their art, I guess.

Here we go again Pops and Popsadoodles, another Moanday unless you're a hair dresser or work at my favorite jewelry store. It's probably a work day for them. While the rest of us are at work, they're at the grocery store. All manner of evil stirs this day with the DMV and government workers back at it. Same as it ever was, I guess.
You need a boyfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've got y'all.

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