So, you don't care much for us on the weekdays?Happy Easter weekend friends
She talks bad about us to all her nurses, doctors, appliances installers, paint salesmen, and online fragrance friends.So, you don't care much for us on the weekdays?
She talks bad about us to all her nurses, doctors, appliances installers, paint salesmen, and online fragrance friends.
You really should.I DO NOT!
So, you don't care much for us on the weekdays?
Morning, Pops and all Y'all. Happy Easter.
Fertility and rebirth. That's what the Easter bunny and the eggs represent. The connection to Christianity is odd, but hey, I think all that stuff is odd.Morning Pops and Happy Easter to those that celebrate it and if not, A happy Funday Sunday to you. In either case, I hope you boiled and colored your eggs, got really drunk and hid them to awaken this morning and search for them. I completed the first and second parts of that but forgot to hide my eggs so my search was a short one when I found them in the refrigerator. It's OK. since I am retired, I was planning on hiding them all together anyway. One stop egg searching.
I get the origin of Santa and I can even buy the Tooth Fairy but a rabbit that enters your home illegally just to hide your hard boiled eggs and doesn't take anything is just not plausible. And why a rabbit, why not the Easter Chicken, come to rescue her unborn children? Wouldn't explain not just taking them instead of hiding them but does an animal invented for a day that has nothing to do with it really need an explanation? I think the Easter Salamander would have been much cooler. At first, I thought of the Easter Gila Monster but this is about kids so Salamander it is.
I will miss the annual frenzy at the Walmart in OK where I used to work. Tomorrow will be the day that can only be rivaled by TWINKIES ARE BACK DAY!!!! Peeps will be reduced by 50% and carnage will follow. They will have baskets loaded with all of the leftover Peeps (try to control your gag reflex) and they will be gone by 9am. I witnessed this phenomenon as I did TWINKIE DAY and my opinion of the human race has never been lower. Large people in a junk food frenzy isn't a pretty sight and I can only imagine them after the sugar kicked in.
I do miss my sons at that great dressing up Easter age, man do kids get any cuter than that? They will never look more innocent than that. And then Monday comes leaving parents to ask each other "are these the same kids in these photographs we took yesterday"? My older son misses my dramatic reading of "Green Eggs and Ham" which usually brought the crowd to it's feet in a stampede toward the exits.
Have a great day and if you are with family, as Leon is, it is indeed a most special day. Love and laughter be yours.
Let's just hope there's no screaming in the mountains. Bring your bear spray!Good morning Pops and Happy Easter Sunday to one and All.
Enjoy today, your families, hopefully a beautiful meal and let us not forget why we celebrate Easter.
For us, it will be a quiet Easter... I am preparing a rack-of-lamb with all the trimmings... Aside from more unpacking and arranging, today screams for a hike in the mountains.
Hike? Know what grizzly bears eat on Easter? I do. Lamb stuffed ColoCowboy.Good morning Pops and Happy Easter Sunday to one and All.
Enjoy today, your families, hopefully a beautiful meal and let us not forget why we celebrate Easter.
For us, it will be a quiet Easter... I am preparing a rack-of-lamb with all the trimmings... Aside from more unpacking and arranging, today screams for a hike in the mountains.
Bear spray and air horn firmly attached to my backpack.Let's just hope there's no screaming in the mountains. Bring your bear spray!
I used to tell my wife it'd be okay in the end, but she always said no.Afternoon Pops and Popsadoodles! I got great news from my doctor's office today. My appointment isn't until the 13th. I had a nurse show me how to use my blood sugar monitor (so that's where the blood was supposed to go).. She even set up the time and date for me. I don't believe it deserves to know the time or date, but who's to argue with someone punching buttons on my behalf. My blood sugar was actually quite low, so I made an immediate trip to the store for those blood sugar raising vitamins..
Speaking of forbidden fruit, my secret stash of those vitamins come wrapped in colored foil with wise sayings on them. Last week has a few mundane ones, but I saved one to share with y'all.
Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.