FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops and fellow Popsadoodles glad they were not on that bus in Xelda's dream. I don't want to be on any bus in anyone's dream as I don't see that ending well.

Had our first taste of summer yesterday at 94 but the humidity level was OK so it wasn't bad at all. See this? It's the new me, not complaining about the heat in central Texas. I said after that storm, Uri, that I was not going to complain about the summer heat and I am keeping that promise through today. One hot day, no complaining and that's a new record so let's just be happy with that, shall we?

I am deliberating whether to sell my boat or keep it one more season. I am checking off on my things to do alone that are not really fun list and that's about at the top. Once I go fast and make circles all over the lake, I am out of things to do. And there is this really odd feeling that I do not get except on that boat, I am really and truly lonely. There is a difference between being alone and lonely and I can handle alone but that lonely feeling gets inside me.

There is this freedom I try and sell myself as I've been selling myself my entire life. I can do anything I want to do right now, I am footloose and fancy free, don't even have some misguided preacher trying to keep me from dancing. (Xelda gets Christopher Lloyd in her dreams, I get John Lithgow) When you can do anything you want, you have to come up with something and a lot of people would say "Hey man, you're on that nice boat with a packed cooler. A lot of people would be glad to change places with you right now". Well, they better gas up before they bring it back to me, bobbing around in the lake, with the cooler.....wishing I had a boat.

Make this a good weekend because you cannot count on it making that on it's own.
Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends,

@Xelda you have vivid and interesting dreams. I'm with @LeonDixson , though, and would have never let Paul drive.

Had a great week with little odd jobs around the mountain home culminating in a bbq with a few new neighbors. From our balcony one neighbor pointed out a variety of off-road trails for hiking or ATV'ing. He would end the description of each trail with a pleasant warning, "take a gun, lot's of bears". I pointed to one trail that seemingly went over the crest of the mountain - his response, "take two guns". Got to love the place.

I'll end with this happy weekend thought: we had our septic system inspected a couple of days ago. The technician ran a camera through the drain system. If this ever happens to you, don't stare at the video steam and ask, "what's that?". Trust me, you don't want to know.

Have a great weekend.
Don't ask to borrow that camera for some photos of your new neighbors either.
Good afternoon Pops and Popsadoodles. I'm supposed to be cutting up a limb that landed in my yard after the storm, but would rather be here. It will get done... eventually.

Your dream makes perfectly good sense to me, I only have one question. Why were you going to pick Lloyd up?
It was part of the deal. We dropped him off and had to pick him back up. He's not from this area.

My dreams get quite vivid and often feels like something I did rather than dreamt. 20/20 and Dateline must be watched in moderation around here. I can't read books about psycho serial killers either.

One night I had a dream about carrying on a conversation about current events with John Lennon circa Yoko Ono. The next day that subject came up and I said "John Lennon told me <fill in the blank>". Then I realized how preposterous it sounded and let it go. My dreams can have some famous guest stars even if they're no longer with us. I would wonder about my sanity, but I've had brightly colored nightmares and strong dreams my whole life.
Morning Pops and pen pals. The forecast says thunderstorms, some hard, this afternoon through tomorrow morning. I guess I better get the lawns mowed this morning.
@ColoCowboy , Do you have a large caliber pistol you can carry? Don't answer if you don't want to.
I have a 357 Sig that I carry when hiking. If we are in the back country, we will often carry a rifle - 300 Win Mag
Morning, Pops and pen pals. The sun rose this morning to cloudy skies and the promise of T-storms today and drenching T-storms tonight. I better turn the sprinkler system off for a couple of days. When my back flower bed's sprinkler was on this morning at 4:45, I noticed one was broken and water was just gushing out. Gotta fix that when I get around to it. I hope everyone has a fine day.
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Well Pops and Popsadoodles, I'm sitting up but not sure if I'm awake yet. The yellow snow of spring has every thing neck up acting up. It's cool outside, which is nice but there's that yellow business everywhere. I did some weeding in the ant bed so my flowers wouldn't get choked out. I keep putting stuff down to send them to the great mound in the sky, but have had no luck.

Sam's was clearing out their Egyptian cotton sheets so I bought two sets. I am used to my bamboo sheets and adore them. I tried the cotton ones and do not care for them one bit, but I seem to sleep more soundly in them. Probably just my body's way of ignoring the alleged down grade.

I can turn the grayest sky blue. I can make it rain, if'n I want it to. Oh, I... That's not it, I wish all of you a lovely Thursday.
Well Pops and Popsadoodles, I'm sitting up but not sure if I'm awake yet. The yellow snow of spring has every thing neck up acting up. It's cool outside, which is nice but there's that yellow business everywhere. I did some weeding in the ant bed so my flowers wouldn't get choked out. I keep putting stuff down to send them to the great mound in the sky, but have had no luck.

Sam's was clearing out their Egyptian cotton sheets so I bought two sets. I am used to my bamboo sheets and adore them. I tried the cotton ones and do not care for them one bit, but I seem to sleep more soundly in them. Probably just my body's way of ignoring the alleged down grade.

I can turn the grayest sky blue. I can make it rain, if'n I want it to. Oh, I... That's not it, I wish all of you a lovely Thursday.
I could use some sunshine.....

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