FEATURED Morning Pops!

Good afternoon Pops and everyone.

So, here’s what’s going on lately for me… and since I have nobody else close by at the moment to tell this to, y’all are my captive audience:

Another 5” of snow last night into today. it’s about 21 degrees outside. I got my errands done first thing this morning, then shoveled, made some beer battered home-fried chicken tenders and doing some wash. Also finally got the Apple Watch set up that my daughter and son-in-law got me for Christmas. I’m curious to see what features it has in comparison to my Fitbit.

Hoping to get out for a jog sometime today. Got my yaktrax this past week for my running shoes and my new cold weather gloves. I last did any real exercise on December 13 (my Fitbit tattled on me) so it’s time to get moving again. Signed up for a few virtual races that I need to do in the next four weeks and I’m signing up for some classes at one of the local community colleges to give my resume a little shine.

“Sam” has been absent the past few weeks so I haven’t seen him. He had surgery and is having an extremely rough recovery, along with taking care of some personal matters of his own so… we Instagram each other a couple times a day but it’s not the same as being able to curl up with the big guy and have some cuddle time (he’s almost a foot taller and a good 100# heavier than me :rolleyes:). I miss him… and I’m sad with this being alone all the time nonsense.

ONE REQUEST FOR ANYONE HERE WHO HAS MAGIC POWERS OR KNOWS SOMEONE ON THE INSIDE OF THE ORGANIZATION… please contact the Cowboys team or powers-that-be and let them know that their fans are desperate for this team to kill it in the playoffs? I can’t take anymore disappointment right now, and I’m not the only one.

Further breaking the diet also for this weekend… chili cheese dogs and lots of beer for the games tomorrow if anyone is in the neighborhood and wants to stop by. :thumbup:
Good morning Pops and welcome to premature elimination Monday.

I'm headed to the gun range this morning and wearing my Dallas Cowboy's ball cap. No, I am not using the cap for target practice and no, I am not taking my frustrations out on some poor, unsuspecting target. This is a regular, monthly "date" with my neighbor (former detective and firearms instructor). I figure if I own a handgun for home protection, the least I can do is maintain my skill and safety level.

But... while packing my things for the range (l am OCD methodical), I couldn't help not reflecting on the game. And, while I would love some sort of "statement" move from Jerry, I don't expect anything earth-shattering... maybe some tweaking around the edges. I have to remind myself that while Dallas is my team, the NFL, with all its history and glory, is entertainment.

In contrast to @GrammaJan we have crawled our way out of snow and near zero weather. It looks like we have several days ahead with temperatures in the mid-20's to the mid-30's.

On to the range.
Good morning Pops and welcome to premature elimination Monday.

I'm headed to the gun range this morning and wearing my Dallas Cowboy's ball cap. No, I am not using the cap for target practice and no, I am not taking my frustrations out on some poor, unsuspecting target. This is a regular, monthly "date" with my neighbor (former detective and firearms instructor). I figure if I own a handgun for home protection, the least I can do is maintain my skill and safety level.

But... while packing my things for the range (l am OCD methodical), I couldn't help not reflecting on the game. And, while I would love some sort of "statement" move from Jerry, I don't expect anything earth-shattering... maybe some tweaking around the edges. I have to remind myself that while Dallas is my team, the NFL, with all its history and glory, is entertainment.

In contrast to @GrammaJan we have crawled our way out of snow and near zero weather. It looks like we have several days ahead with temperatures in the mid-20's to the mid-30's.

On to the range.
Remember, that's not our offense standing in front of the targets. No need to empty your clip all at once!
Good morning Pops and welcome to premature elimination Monday.

I'm headed to the gun range this morning and wearing my Dallas Cowboy's ball cap. No, I am not using the cap for target practice and no, I am not taking my frustrations out on some poor, unsuspecting target. This is a regular, monthly "date" with my neighbor (former detective and firearms instructor). I figure if I own a handgun for home protection, the least I can do is maintain my skill and safety level.

But... while packing my things for the range (l am OCD methodical), I couldn't help not reflecting on the game. And, while I would love some sort of "statement" move from Jerry, I don't expect anything earth-shattering... maybe some tweaking around the edges. I have to remind myself that while Dallas is my team, the NFL, with all its history and glory, is entertainment.

In contrast to @GrammaJan we have crawled our way out of snow and near zero weather. It looks like we have several days ahead with temperatures in the mid-20's to the mid-30's.

On to the range.

Good morning Pops and friends. Same here Colo. wearing my Cowboys cap same as during the season. I’ll wear it another month or so until I put it away and grab my Astros cap. Yes Sports is entertainment but this movie seems to always have a bad ending. The saga to be continued….

Hope everyone is doing well.
Good morning Pops and welcome to premature elimination Monday.

I'm headed to the gun range this morning and wearing my Dallas Cowboy's ball cap. No, I am not using the cap for target practice and no, I am not taking my frustrations out on some poor, unsuspecting target. This is a regular, monthly "date" with my neighbor (former detective and firearms instructor). I figure if I own a handgun for home protection, the least I can do is maintain my skill and safety level.

But... while packing my things for the range (l am OCD methodical), I couldn't help not reflecting on the game. And, while I would love some sort of "statement" move from Jerry, I don't expect anything earth-shattering... maybe some tweaking around the edges. I have to remind myself that while Dallas is my team, the NFL, with all its history and glory, is entertainment.

In contrast to @GrammaJan we have crawled our way out of snow and near zero weather. It looks like we have several days ahead with temperatures in the mid-20's to the mid-30's.

On to the range.
No offense intended Montanalo, but if I saw someone today wearing a Cowboys hat and carrying a gun, I would run the other direction. I wouldn't blame them too awful much, but I'd still run.
Morning, Pops and everyone. I have decided to be an early adopter of the new reservoir implant in the eye, which will deliver the medicine continuously for six months or more. Then I can avoid having shots in my eyes every four weeks. My doctor takes a conservative approach as far as avoiding anything potentially dangerous to my eyes, and he is super high on the new treatment.

It dispenses a medicine that has been on the market for years through injections and is proven to be safe. The implant technology is almost identical to the pressure valves they implant for glaucoma patients. I feel safe going this route. The implant in the first eye (my worst one) will be late February or March.

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