FEATURED Morning Pops!

Awe man, I had no idea....
I was one of the lucky ones, outgrew it. I guess. Had 3 major seizures, got on Dilantin, which made me want to kill people. Then tegretol, which put my mind in a haze. There was a spot on my brain for a couple MRI's, but then it was gone on the 3rd one. Docs had no idea if that had anything to do w/ seizures. So, about 20 years ago I decided to wean myself off the meds, and have been seizure free since then. I avoid artificial sweeteners like the plague, which are highly likely to be triggers.

I was lucky that this malady didn't control my life.
I was one of the lucky ones, outgrew it. I guess. Had 3 major seizures, got on Dilantin, which made me want to kill people. Then tegretol, which put my mind in a haze. There was a spot on my brain for a couple MRI's, but then it was gone on the 3rd one. Docs had no idea if that had anything to do w/ seizures. So, about 20 years ago I decided to wean myself off the meds, and have been seizure free since then. I avoid artificial sweeteners like the plague, which are highly likely to be triggers.

I was lucky that this malady didn't control my life.
Same boat brother. I'm off all my prescriptions. At one point I was on 2 different meds for borderline high blood pressure and it ruined me. I found a natural supplement that works great and zero side effects. And all the additives in food are simply toxic.
Glad you're doing better.
Same boat brother. I'm off all my prescriptions. At one point I was on 2 different meds for borderline high blood pressure and it ruined me. I found a natural supplement that works great and zero side effects. And all the additives in food are simply toxic.
Glad you're doing better.
Mine is genetic based. My grandmother, father, sister, and niece have all had seizures. I laugh when they claim there's no genetics involved.

MSG is also a big trigger. Sugar can trigger them.
Join the club. Like Runny, I can tolerate a couple of their songs and hate myself for it. I was only joking. Got to admit it took you out of hiding in a big way.
Lol! We all have our guilty pleasures. You guys love torturing yourselves with cat fight-like "music" and I like suggesting really bad ideas that people think is a good one. I have stories.
Unfortunately, I have an incredible visual imagination.
It's a blessing & a curse.
Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Xelda is now officially implanted in my dreams. Boyhowdy, hope the wifey don't hear me moaning in my dreams about those chaps and see thru top that Xelda is wearing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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