FEATURED Morning Pops!

Mornin' Pops and good Sunday to one and all.

The weather has decided to back off with the heat and maybe bring some desperately needed rain. We've already had 6 days over 100 but it's only sneaking into the 80's today.
Yesterday and today are in the 90's and humid here. First 90° days this year. I love it.
Ah, the sweet musings of the weather. First off if you like the 90s Runny, we'd love to send you a lot more days in exchange for some of the cool. I feel like we've been cheated out of some wonderful Spring temperatures with this crap. I went to the store the other day bright and early to avoid those higher temperatures. The only problem was I was so sleepy that I didn't care about groceries. Now I'm going to have to eat what I was throwing in the cart. I won't bore y'all with details. Just know it ain't pretty.

We are here for you Jan. You might stumble upon a balm of words through some of our ramblings. Look to Coachadoodles over me here. I try, but I've been hurt too many times to risk getting hurt that deeply again.

Relationships aren't easy to let go of. That stupid little muscle in the middle of our chest just loses it and makes us suffer. It's not alone, it has the brain to remind it why we were last seen bawling our eyes out. I decided my heart is too stupid to make these kinds of decisions on it's own. I need to involve all my faculties before making a romantic decision. Henceforth, I am single and easily provoked. Don't lean on me, don't wrap arms around me or I will bite the **** out of you. How's that working for me? Eh.

Actually, I do have a heart for y'all and shamelessly find it safer to love y'all. Each one in their own unique way. My faculties decided distance is good. I believe that makes me a coward. It's on my resume but not highlighted.

Do y'all have time for my dream last night? Over the winter I purchased the full 11 seasons of Fraiser and have been watching it quite a bit. Last night's dream had me on the set as it was being filmed. A producer walked over to me and offered me the show for a dollar. BARGAIN! I snapped it up only to find all the actors quit and the set was cleared. I was left with a nice printer, a cereal box and all the set workers which turned out to be all American Indians. This is by no means a slander against them, but these were ugly American Indians. I have to put a show on immediately with the printer, cereal box, ugly stars and no script. I was in the middle of a slow meltdown. Watching Fraiser is the only tie I have to this dream.

I have thought enough today, have a great one everybody.
Morning Pops and I want to be the first to wish all of you a Twofer Tuesday. And in case you are a Taco Tuesday person, I wish you dos tacos, which is about as far as I get because I do not speak Spanish and do not want to mislead anyone so they start speaking it to me. I have mastered (barely) a Tex-Mex menu enough not to ask the waitress "what the hell did you bring me" anymore.

My world was shaken when they recalled Jif peanut butter and I looked at my newly purchased jar of Natural Jif and lo and be glory, there was one of the treacherous numbers. I emailed them to ask them if Natural Salmonella was as bad as regular Salmonella and haven't heard back. I figured as long as they were reading that I would ask them why no one ever wrote a children's book "A Salmon Named Ella". I am expecting a snide comment about my first question but I might get a decent answer to that children's book because that seems like such a natural to me.

I hope you don't mind me sharing what's on my mind with you as I find that it's good to get that out of my mind before it has a chance to take root and begin to grow. A germ of an idea can go epidemic in a fertile fantasy playground like mine.

Which reminds me, what exactly is a flight of fantasy and do I have to deplane? What do the flight attendants wear? Garter belts loaded with shot glasses? Oh, yeah, you men are wanting to get on my flight now, aren't you? Before you were thinking 'how absurd and ridiculous' but not now. Oh no, you're asking yourself 'where do I get a boarding pass'?
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Morning Pops and I want to be the first to wish all of you a Twofer Tuesday. And in case you are a Taco Tuesday person, I wish you dos tacos, which is about as far as I get because I do not speak Spanish and do not want to mislead anyone so they start speaking it to me. I have mastered (barely) a Tex-Mex menu enough not to ask the waitress "what the hell did you bring me" anymore.

My world was shaken when they recalled Jif peanut butter and I looked at my newly purchased jar of Natural Jif and lo and be glory, there was one of the treacherous numbers. I emailed them to ask them if Natural Salmonella was as bad as regular Salmonella and haven't heard back. I figured as long as they were reading that I would ask them why no one ever wrote a children's book "A Salmon Named Ella". I am expecting a snide comment about my first question but I might get a decent answer to that children's book because that seems like such a natural to me.

I hope you don't mind me sharing what's on my mind with you as I find that it's good to get that out of my mind before it has a chance to take root and began to grow. A germ of an idea can go epidemic in a fertile fantasy playground like mine.

Which reminds me, what exactly is a flight of fantasy and do I have to deplane? What do the flight attendants wear? Garter belts loaded with shot glasses? Oh, yeah, you men are wanting to get on my flight now, aren't you? Before you were thinking 'how absurd and ridiculous' but not now. Oh no, you're asking yourself 'where do I get a boarding pass'?
I believe it's a "flight of fancy", which makes it even less likely that I could guess what it means.

I actually went to school with a kid name Sal Minnelli. I never let him sit at my lunch table.
Morning Pops and I want to be the first to wish all of you a Twofer Tuesday. And in case you are a Taco Tuesday person, I wish you dos tacos, which is about as far as I get because I do not speak Spanish and do not want to mislead anyone so they start speaking it to me. I have mastered (barely) a Tex-Mex menu enough not to ask the waitress "what the hell did you bring me" anymore.

My world was shaken when they recalled Jif peanut butter and I looked at my newly purchased jar of Natural Jif and lo and be glory, there was one of the treacherous numbers. I emailed them to ask them if Natural Salmonella was as bad as regular Salmonella and haven't heard back. I figured as long as they were reading that I would ask them why no one ever wrote a children's book "A Salmon Named Ella". I am expecting a snide comment about my first question but I might get a decent answer to that children's book because that seems like such a natural to me.

I hope you don't mind me sharing what's on my mind with you as I find that it's good to get that out of my mind before it has a chance to take root and begin to grow. A germ of an idea can go epidemic in a fertile fantasy playground like mine.

Which reminds me, what exactly is a flight of fantasy and do I have to deplane? What do the flight attendants wear? Garter belts loaded with shot glasses? Oh, yeah, you men are wanting to get on my flight now, aren't you? Before you were thinking 'how absurd and ridiculous' but not now. Oh no, you're asking yourself 'where do I get a boarding pass'?
I also purchased a recalled jar of Jif ate 1 sandwich am not sick yet Coach how far are you from the school shooting?
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