FEATURED Morning Pops!

This reply reminds me of a sobriety checkpoint I went through a few years ago. The cop walked up to my window and said, "Anything to drink tonight?"
Without really thinking, I answered, "No thanks."

He chuckled a bit and sent me on my way.
I thought about this off and on yesterday. It really is funny. I'm glad you didn't ask for something to go.
@Ranched LOOK! It's the Corgi Cat / Munchkin Cat. I'll bet it's delightful to watch go about it's day.
Good afternoon Pops and all y'all.

I have some good news, actually great news after the last time I posted about this subject, my impending demise. Got my labs last Friday and met with my oncologist today. She's not actually my oncologist, she has quite a few patients and if I was to actually have my own medical person, it would not be an oncologist, they are far too serious. I would have a dental technician with a great body and a bad memory and give her multiple ways to put a smile on my face.

We are still where we've been, she's trying to sell chemo and I am a borderline Monkey's Paw Practitioner. Just got my Dolphin Neurostim with Vagal Nerve Stimulator for treating pain and scars, which there is a growing concern about their effect on the organs in the body. Canada has approved this microcurrent therapy for the Vagal Nerve in Long Covid patients and it has shown great results.

So, this roller coaster ride I am on continues and for now it has leveled off but she was quick to caution me this can take a dip quickly without warning and the window could be closed on chemo. I've pretty much closed, locked and boarded up that window and will ride this out with my Holistic R Than Thou approach.

So, I am holding my own for now and I'll take that because when I started this journey I had no idea how far I was going to go but they gave me an expiration date of April 5 with one of them not giving me that much time and Sunday marks 8 months without their treatment. It is unlikely that I will win but I have outscored them up until this point.

It is not the time I have left that I struggle with as much as the time I left behind.
Good news is so much better than, well it goes without saying good is better than bad. We'll take good news and hold on to it for as long as we can. Thank you for the update on our Couchcoach. I believe fireworks are in order here. Sadly, they're not allowing me to set them off until the Fourth of July. Just consider it the Coachadoodles Fireworks Display and Day. We love you Grand Pubah.
Good news is so much better than, well it goes without saying good is better than bad. We'll take good news and hold on to it for as long as we can. Thank you for the update on our Couchcoach. I believe fireworks are in order here. Sadly, they're not allowing me to set them off until the Fourth of July. Just consider it the Coachadoodles Fireworks Display and Day. We love you Grand Pubah.
Thanks X Girl but that's Poobah. you spelled it in the Alabama vernacular like in the Grand Bubba. That Grand Pubah has a bowl haircut and all of his teeth are molars.
Good news is so much better than, well it goes without saying good is better than bad. We'll take good news and hold on to it for as long as we can. Thank you for the update on our Couchcoach. I believe fireworks are in order here. Sadly, they're not allowing me to set them off until the Fourth of July. Just consider it the Coachadoodles Fireworks Display and Day. We love you Grand Pubah.
Thanks X Girl but that's Poobah. you spelled it in the Alabama vernacular like in the Grand Bubba. That Grand Pubah has a bowl haircut and all of his teeth are molars.
Uh oh, in Grand Poobah of the PJG terms, that was a serious reprimand! Careful, @Xelda , if that happens again, he may give that other Pubah your phone number!
Uh oh, in Grand Poobah of the PJG terms, that was a serious reprimand! Careful, @Xelda , if that happens again, he may give that other Pubah your phone number!
Sorry! Don't beat me Grand Poobah! At the time I knew it was wrong but was too sleepy to figure out the correct spelling or look it up. The nap went well and I'm back.
Good morning Pops and greetings from faux Spring in Montana.

The temperature hit 72 F yesterday and I was outside in shorts for the first time this year! My shockingly pale legs were a stark contrast to the forest greens.

@CouchCoach congratulations on the good news. Your comment, "It is not the time I have left that I struggle with as much as the time I left behind" really struck a note with me. Makes me want to squeeze every ounce of life out of my time remaining.

I just completed my annual medical exam. Everything was boringly normal. My doctor's comment was something along the lines of, "you're as healthy as a horse". I attribute it to clean living, mountain air, plenty of exercise, bourbon and a demanding wife.

Good morning Pops and greetings from faux Spring in Montana.

The temperature hit 72 F yesterday and I was outside in shorts for the first time this year! My shockingly pale legs were a stark contrast to the forest greens.

@CouchCoach congratulations on the good news. Your comment, "It is not the time I have left that I struggle with as much as the time I left behind" really struck a note with me. Makes me want to squeeze every ounce of life out of my time remaining.

I just completed my annual medical exam. Everything was boringly normal. My doctor's comment was something along the lines of, "you're as healthy as a horse". I attribute it to clean living, mountain air, plenty of exercise, bourbon and a demanding wife.

Caution: bears REALLY like humans healthy as horses.
Morning Pops and all you people not living in hell right now. Just had our 4th 100+ degree with another 14 days in a row forecast with a 106 and 107 in there.

OK, you might be asking yourself "guy moves to Central Texas and complains about the heat"? The answer is yes, just because I made the absolute wrong decision to move here doesn't mean I do not get to complain.

My Mom liked to say "you'd complain if you were hung with a new rope" and frankly, that's why I had such a hard time heeding her advice all those years. Old frayed rope snaps giving me a chance to scamper away and continue enjoying my life of crime, which I assumed she assumed or why would they be hanging me? New rope, life of crime and frivolity are over. And even if I survived the new rope, what self-respecting saloon slut is going to want a bandido with his head cocked at a 90 degree angle and has to eat soup through straw? Might help cheating at poker but that's the best I can come up with the new rope theory.

So, yes, I am complaining.
Good morning Pops and Friends,

Another glorious day in retirement paradise... and, to back that up, I changed my avatar to a photo of this morning's sunrise over Glacier National Park and the Swan Mountains.

Hope everyone is having a great hump day... I am counting down to next Friday when I head to Belize for a bit of diving.
Good morning Pops and Friends,

Another glorious day in retirement paradise... and, to back that up, I changed my avatar to a photo of this morning's sunrise over Glacier National Park and the Swan Mountains.

Hope everyone is having a great hump day... I am counting down to next Friday when I head to Belize for a bit of diving.
Beautiful picture! A bit different than Belize!...I assume.
Morning Pops and all you people not living in hell right now. Just had our 4th 100+ degree with another 14 days in a row forecast with a 106 and 107 in there.

OK, you might be asking yourself "guy moves to Central Texas and complains about the heat"? The answer is yes, just because I made the absolute wrong decision to move here doesn't mean I do not get to complain.

My Mom liked to say "you'd complain if you were hung with a new rope" and frankly, that's why I had such a hard time heeding her advice all those years. Old frayed rope snaps giving me a chance to scamper away and continue enjoying my life of crime, which I assumed she assumed or why would they be hanging me? New rope, life of crime and frivolity are over. And even if I survived the new rope, what self-respecting saloon slut is going to want a bandido with his head cocked at a 90 degree angle and has to eat soup through straw? Might help cheating at poker but that's the best I can come up with the new rope theory.

So, yes, I am complaining.
For years I have believed the most boring job in America has to be a TV weatherman if you live in Texas. From about May 15-Mid October the forecast is exactly the same every day- “Hot as hell.”

If I was a TV weatherman in Dallas, I would have some kind of joke rotation going each day for the forecast just to break up the hellish monotony.

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