FEATURED Morning Pops!

Do they make something more substantial and less sugary than gummies? It seems like those would be counterproductive for queasiness. Maybe you should get a walker, if you aren't already using one, especially when you're on tiled floors...or a couple of physically fit (female) nurses, to hold you up when you walk, and hold you down when you sit.
Don't encourage him!
Sure does but a retired old granny nurse could hold me down..........with one hand,
Too late, but not what I expected from Coach, CouchCoach.

Morning Pops and all you other Cowboy Fanatics. It’s been a while since I’ve popped in but missed you guys. Been a stupid busy year.
Hey Russ!
Evening Pops and friends.

I was using the voice commands on my phone today, and it was just aggravating, because it was hearing things that weren't even close to what I was saying. But even Google assistant has selective hearing. I know that because I got her to say, "I'm just a virtual assistant, but your words are real."...So sensitive!
Evening Pops and friends.

I was using the voice commands on my phone today, and it was just aggravating, because it was hearing things that weren't even close to what I was saying. But even Google assistant has selective hearing. I know that because I got her to say, "I'm just a virtual assistant, but your words are real."...So sensitive!
Voice command :huh: You :angry: Us :lmao2:
Good evening Pops and Friends.

@CouchCoach I have read and re-read your recent post several times. I really wish I had something important, something deep and meaningful to say. Truthfully, I got nothing other than incredible respect and empathy for you.

Thought I would share the latest grandson joke:

I just dropped a copy of "A Christmas Carol" on my foot. It hurt like the Dickens.
Good evening Pops and Friends.

@CouchCoach I have read and re-read your recent post several times. I really wish I had something important, something deep and meaningful to say. Truthfully, I got nothing other than incredible respect and empathy for you.

Thought I would share the latest grandson joke:

I just dropped a copy of "A Christmas Carol" on my foot. It hurt like the Dickens.
Thanks for the kind words, Bear Bait.

Don't be surprised if the next time your grandkids visit, they decide a cover charge is now necessary for you and your wife.
Happy Christmas Eve Pops and Popsadoodles. I hope this finds all of you in good spirits. I can't really say warm with these temperatures the north decided to share with us.. If y'all want to send us a cool breeze or five hundred during summer, we'd be happy to take those but this is ridiculous. From now on, please keep this up there.

I pulled a Montanalo today. I've got water dripping through the house and decided to fill a container in the kitchen. The drip has a rhythmic sound to it, so I danced to the dripping.

Guess what! Amazon has run out of small boxes. I ordered some things on sale and didn't recognize the boxes when they arrived. A huge box arrived with my saffron rice inside. I looked for other stuff, but that was it. Yesterday a box that would hold 30 pounds of bird seed arrived with one small package of refrigerator liners inside. Don't look at me funny, they were on sale. Speaking of sales...

I told y'all my refrigerator had died. How was I to know that was the week the refrigerator I wanted was on sale? I thought I'd wait to see if it dropped more, it did not. The price has sky rocketed since. With a working fridge in my garage, I waited for the good price to come back. My aunt heard on a news program that December is the best time to buy a large appliance. So, I waited through November's black Friday for the sale. December 1st, prices shoot up. The 8th, no sale. Day 16 I believe my aunt's hearing should be checked.

I looked past LG to other brands. I ended up staring at a navy blue Samsung Bespoke refrigerator. It was $2,000 for either the 22 or 29 cubic feet. I realized the 29 would fit through my front door IF the door was removed. Decision made. It's HUGE and I've got to use a foot stool to get the top stuff. My next refrigerator will be smaller. I think I'll put the price on the front when I start missing my LG. It is in Cowboy's blue though.

Much love and Merry Christmas Eve to all of you!!!!!

P.S. Behave yourself, ksk!
Happy Christmas Eve Pops and Popsadoodles. I hope this finds all of you in good spirits. I can't really say warm with these temperatures the north decided to share with us.. If y'all want to send us a cool breeze or five hundred during summer, we'd be happy to take those but this is ridiculous. From now on, please keep this up there.

I pulled a Montanalo today. I've got water dripping through the house and decided to fill a container in the kitchen. The drip has a rhythmic sound to it, so I danced to the dripping.

Guess what! Amazon has run out of small boxes. I ordered some things on sale and didn't recognize the boxes when they arrived. A huge box arrived with my saffron rice inside. I looked for other stuff, but that was it. Yesterday a box that would hold 30 pounds of bird seed arrived with one small package of refrigerator liners inside. Don't look at me funny, they were on sale. Speaking of sales...

I told y'all my refrigerator had died. How was I to know that was the week the refrigerator I wanted was on sale? I thought I'd wait to see if it dropped more, it did not. The price has sky rocketed since. With a working fridge in my garage, I waited for the good price to come back. My aunt heard on a news program that December is the best time to buy a large appliance. So, I waited through November's black Friday for the sale. December 1st, prices shoot up. The 8th, no sale. Day 16 I believe my aunt's hearing should be checked.

I looked past LG to other brands. I ended up staring at a navy blue Samsung Bespoke refrigerator. It was $2,000 for either the 22 or 29 cubic feet. I realized the 29 would fit through my front door IF the door was removed. Decision made. It's HUGE and I've got to use a foot stool to get the top stuff. My next refrigerator will be smaller. I think I'll put the price on the front when I start missing my LG. It is in Cowboy's blue though.

Much love and Merry Christmas Eve to all of you!!!!!

P.S. Behave yourself, ksk!
I would have told you not to buy a Samsung refrigerator. Everyone I know who's owned one had major problems with them...but then, they don't have the scowl you have, so maybe you'll have better luck.

Merry Christmas, Xelda!!
Good morning Pops and post Christmas Salutations to my Cowboys Zone Friends

We survived the great artic blast of 2022 fully intact and no worse for the wear. With temperatures returning to the more typical +20's F, we've seen a 40-45 degree swing in just a couple of days.

The "warmer" weather brings issues, though. With a freeze/thaw cycle expected tomorrow, the roads will literally be a sheet of ice.

Was Santa good to you this year? We went minimalistic this year, exchanging a few small, but sentimentality important gifts.

With the new year this weekend, I am wondering where the heck the time went this year.

And, @CouchCoach "bear bait"? Really good one.
Morning Pops and everyone (...afternoon for those of you on the East coast).

Likely one of the final posts of the year for me. Been away awhile trying to figure some things out in work, life, etc... and still have no answers. Whatever I'm doing, I'm doing woefully wrong, and on reflection I find I am in no better place at the end of this year than when it started, and in fact regressing, which is a disappointment to myself as it's causing me to admit to me that I am unaccomplished, more alone, and finding less self worth than before. Tough pill to swallow. I used to have so much going in the right direction and somewhere between 2016 and now everything went off the rails and it tumbling. This is NOT me reaching out for guidance, opinion or counsel, but just getting it out of my head and into the world where hopefully it all just disappears.

No faith in or clue of what's to come in 2023... but tomorrow is JUST another day. The rolling over of the calendar means naught, and so it continues on.

Ya'll take care, stay in and avoid "rookie night in America" so you're safe.

Special thoughts and wishes out to you Coach...

Maybe chat at you all in the new year...
Morning Pops and everyone (...afternoon for those of you on the East coast).

Likely one of the final posts of the year for me. Been away awhile trying to figure some things out in work, life, etc... and still have no answers. Whatever I'm doing, I'm doing woefully wrong, and on reflection I find I am in no better place at the end of this year than when it started, and in fact regressing, which is a disappointment to myself as it's causing me to admit to me that I am unaccomplished, more alone, and finding less self worth than before. Tough pill to swallow. I used to have so much going in the right direction and somewhere between 2016 and now everything went off the rails and it tumbling. This is NOT me reaching out for guidance, opinion or counsel, but just getting it out of my head and into the world where hopefully it all just disappears.

No faith in or clue of what's to come in 2023... but tomorrow is JUST another day. The rolling over of the calendar means naught, and so it continues on.

Ya'll take care, stay in and avoid "rookie night in America" so you're safe.

Special thoughts and wishes out to you Coach...

Maybe chat at you all in the new year...
Jan, I will not offer you guidance, opinion or counsel because I am not qualified. I will try and be your friend and hope this disappears just as you do. I also use this thread as a release sometimes and do not expect anything from anyone.

This can be a terrible time for some people and I have found if I am not doing well, I will really sink around this time of year. It has served as not a time of reflection but inspection and I have found myself too often lacking.

I will offer one piece of advice, considering the time of year, allow this to lose ground as the new year unfolds. It seems to have a strong hold on you right now and you need to give yourself a break and let the darkness pass because it feeds on your feelings right now.

You are a strong woman of faith and this can get back on the rails.

My friend, thank you for thinking about me when you are at such a low moment. Much love to you.
Early Happy New Years Pops and Popsadoodles!!!!

Dear Jan, I am so sorry to see how badly things are going for you right now. The righrt words, thoughts and actions rarely come when we need them the most. But look on the bright side, at least we aren't rooting for the Texans. Ok, I deserved that slap.

I stopped thinking that a new year meant a new me years ago. The new year is not as advertised. I started making resolutions early in December and have already blown all of those. You think lack of control,I think impressive. There are things I can't fix, things I won't fix and things I'm willing to try. (I had a long talk with me about it.)

Think about what you can do and at what cost? This is your life and it's time to be happy about living it.

It sounds like you may be having a similar conversation with yourself. On your behalf, I'd like to say go easy on yourself. You are not alone at this particular cross road. The majority of people reach this place at one time or another if they're lucky to live long enough.

Warm wishes and thoughts of peace are heading your way.
Evening Pops and friends, and a very happy new year to all of you! I know it might seem like an unlikely thing to happen, given recent circumstances, for some, but hope springs eternal if you let it.

I used to be a depressed, miserable, misanthropic, impatient, angry, lonely person, who was just looking forward to and waiting for death to come. Well, good news! I'm not lonely anymore, because I realized that I like being alone...or at least, I like living alone, and I don't like being around most people. (I've always known that last part, and I think the people closest to me know it too, because they don't act surprised when I say I'm busy, and they don't bother asking twice. Of course, it's possible they didn't really want me to come anyway, but just wanted to be able to say they invited me...and that's okay too.)

So anyway, just remember, anything can happen in the new year, and something most likely will, otherwise the concept of time would be pointless. Let's do that hope thing, and hope what happens is mostly good!
Evening Pops and friends, and a very happy new year to all of you! I know it might seem like an unlikely thing to happen, given recent circumstances, for some, but hope springs eternal if you let it.

I used to be a depressed, miserable, misanthropic, impatient, angry, lonely person, who was just looking forward to and waiting for death to come. Well, good news! I'm not lonely anymore, because I realized that I like being alone...or at least, I like living alone, and I don't like being around most people. (I've always known that last part, and I think the people closest to me know it too, because they don't act surprised when I say I'm busy, and they don't bother asking twice. Of course, it's possible they didn't really want me to come anyway, but just wanted to be able to say they invited me...and that's okay too.)

So anyway, just remember, anything can happen in the new year, and something most likely will, otherwise the concept of time would be pointless. Let's do that hope thing, and hope what happens is mostly good!
You may be somewhat of an introverted lone wolf, but we’re all glad you’re hanging around here. Happy 2023 to you and everyone else around here. This place is great because of people like you.
Happy New Year everyone... I guess we're the ones that went to bed at a reasonable hour or... um, are still awake.

@Runwildboys it is hard to imagine you as depressed, miserable or angry. I have always found you to be engaging, articulate, and, dare I say, one of the most balanced contributors to this forum. You're one of a hand full of posters i seek out on a regular basis... just to see your pithy insights.

So, whatever your doing, keep it up because it sure seems to be working.
Happy New Year everyone... I guess we're the ones that went to bed at a reasonable hour or... um, are still awake.

@Runwildboys it is hard to imagine you as depressed, miserable or angry. I have always found you to be engaging, articulate, and, dare I say, one of the most balanced contributors to this forum. You're one of a hand full of posters i seek out on a regular basis... just to see your pithy insights.

So, whatever your doing, keep it up because it sure seems to be working.
Well thanks, Monty!

I hope you have a great New Year, and it just keeps getting better!
Evening Pops and friends, and a very happy new year to all of you! I know it might seem like an unlikely thing to happen, given recent circumstances, for some, but hope springs eternal if you let it.

I used to be a depressed, miserable, misanthropic, impatient, angry, lonely person, who was just looking forward to and waiting for death to come. Well, good news! I'm not lonely anymore, because I realized that I like being alone...or at least, I like living alone, and I don't like being around most people. (I've always known that last part, and I think the people closest to me know it too, because they don't act surprised when I say I'm busy, and they don't bother asking twice. Of course, it's possible they didn't really want me to come anyway, but just wanted to be able to say they invited me...and that's okay too.)

So anyway, just remember, anything can happen in the new year, and something most likely will, otherwise the concept of time would be pointless. Let's do that hope thing, and hope what happens is mostly good!
Well, for a lone wolf you sure are a quick witted and funny one. That's the loss of those that might be around you but if you don't want that, then you might not be that funny man you are here.

You might not want people around you but you are at the top of my list of members I would like to spend time getting to know in person.