FEATURED Morning Pops!


Taco Engineer
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I feel like the team will be better next year. They're still young, and most of the core group is already under contract, so I think it's a matter of drafting well, and hopefully learning that free agency can help us more if we don't wait until the season is half over.
I don't, we're not going to keep the current roster. Lots of free agents. And, there's a slim chance we lose a coordinator. This is the best team we've had in awhile. I'm not optimistic that next year will be any different than one & done.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I don't, we're not going to keep the current roster. Lots of free agents. And, there's a slim chance we lose a coordinator. This is the best team we've had in awhile. I'm not optimistic that next year will be any different than one & done.
Agree with you and I view a lot of the coming together not exactly by design, when that did happen.

I see a lot of depth references and rotations along the DL but what happens when one DL, especially Parsons, is not at 100%? The pass rush seems to have peaked and they're on the backside now and pass rush is required with this QB. Give him time, and he's proven he only needs 2 seconds, and he is as effective as ever.

The coaching questions may be the most difficult ones to answer in the off season. Moore gets hammered for execution and I do think he's dealing with a QB that has some issues with his confidence in himself and his OL. He's getting happy feet too much and making panic throws.
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Taco Engineer
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Agree with you and I view a lot of the coming together not exactly by design, when that did happen.

I see a lot of depth references and rotations along the DL but what happens when one DL, especially Parsons, is not at 100%? The pass rush seems to have peaked and they're on the backside now and pass rush is required with this QB. Give him time, and he's proven he only needs 2 seconds, and he is as effective as ever.

The coaching questions may be the most difficult ones to answer in the off season. Moore gets hammered for execution and I do think he's dealing with a QB that has some issues with is confidence in himself and his OL. He's getting happy feet too much and making panic throws.
I meant to say there's a slim chance we keep our coordinators. That may be the biggest factor for me. It's kind of like starting over, and here we wait another how many years to build.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I meant to say there's a slim chance we keep our coordinators. That may be the biggest factor for me. It's kind of like starting over, and here we wait another how many years to build.
And the question is who hires the replacement coordinator(s)?

The fault, for me, with this team has always been with the chain of command confusion these players have dealt with and continue to do so. They see how their team operates and how all the others operate and have to ask themselves "what's wrong with this picture"?

These aren't worldly people with experience with different structures, they've only had one job, playing football. They answered to one man, their HC, and I do not think that has been the case with the Cowboys since Parcells left. He wasn't great but he was the man where the buck stopped and his players knew it.

What do you think went through the minds of his players after that playoff loss to the Niners when they heard their HC say he had no say in the play calling? And he's an offensive coach and was hired because of that.

The sad part is I do not see this getting better even when Booger is not running the show.

He needs to take a lesson from the Allies in WWII when they had to push Churchill back out of the military and let Eisenhower run the show.

I remember the early and best advice I got from the man who promoted me to my first General Manager position in radio. He told me I would encounter many problems in the job but in every case look first in the mirror to make sure I am not it. I did not always heed that advice and sometimes I was the problem.

Booger is holding his team back and stunting the growth of talent in his players by not giving the full reins to the coaching staff.


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True story. I woke up with a song in my heart. My brain starts wondering why I'm so happy. Cowboys are in the play offs! That must be it. No, that's not it after the way the traumatized me last Suday. Hmm, what is it? I don't know. Let me figure this song out. It didn't take long to realize it's I Will Survive. What a crappy song to sing. I expect better out of me. Let the next one be good and no more Van Halen!, might as well jump. My only hope is my sense of humor has turned on me.

As for the Cowboys, last Sunday's game messed me up. Dak does not play well in big games. Once we're eliminated, I'm going to raise The Rattle of NFL Frustration and put a pox of Nickelback on the Suber Bowl Half Time Show. Apparently, I will survive.


Taco Engineer
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And the question is who hires the replacement coordinator(s)?

The fault, for me, with this team has always been with the chain of command confusion these players have dealt with and continue to do so. They see how their team operates and how all the others operate and have to ask themselves "what's wrong with this picture"?

These aren't worldly people with experience with different structures, they've only had one job, playing football. They answered to one man, their HC, and I do not think that has been the case with the Cowboys since Parcells left. He wasn't great but he was the man where the buck stopped and his players knew it.

What do you think went through the minds of his players after that playoff loss to the Niners when they heard their HC say he had no say in the play calling? And he's an offensive coach and was hired because of that.

The sad part is I do not see this getting better even when Booger is not running the show.

He needs to take a lesson from the Allies in WWII when they had to push Churchill back out of the military and let Eisenhower run the show.

I remember the early and best advice I got from the man who promoted me to my first General Manager position in radio. He told me I would encounter many problems in the job but in every case look first in the mirror to make sure I am not it. I did not always heed that advice and sometimes I was the problem.

Booger is holding his team back and stunting the growth of talent in his players by not giving the full reins to the coaching staff.
May never change


Well-Known Member
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Holy cow! I couldn't find this place for a while.

How are you guys doing? I am just coasting along waiting for Monday night.

The weather has been grumpy for a while - mid 20's, overcast and the threat of snow virtually every day.

We had a close encounter with a couple of bald eagles a few days ago. Geez, they're big. We were walking around our property and stumbled across the eagles feasting on a deer carcass. They keep coming back every day for a mid-day snack. Pretty neat


Well-Known Member
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Holy cow! I couldn't find this place for a while.

How are you guys doing? I am just coasting along waiting for Monday night.

The weather has been grumpy for a while - mid 20's, overcast and the threat of snow virtually every day.

We had a close encounter with a couple of bald eagles a few days ago. Geez, they're big. We were walking around our property and stumbled across the eagles feasting on a deer carcass. They keep coming back every day for a mid-day snack. Pretty neat
Cool! I like Eagles (bird and band), but the football team can stuff it.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Holy cow! I couldn't find this place for a while.

How are you guys doing? I am just coasting along waiting for Monday night.

The weather has been grumpy for a while - mid 20's, overcast and the threat of snow virtually every day.

We had a close encounter with a couple of bald eagles a few days ago. Geez, they're big. We were walking around our property and stumbled across the eagles feasting on a deer carcass. They keep coming back every day for a mid-day snack. Pretty neat
We had one hovering at the gutter of our warehouse like it had seen a mouse in it or something, a few years back. There was a decent breeze, so its wings were adjusting to the gusts, and man, was that thing magnificent. I remember thinking, "If that thing turns and starts coming toward me, I'm running inside!" I can't think of more stunning bird to represent our country...Then Philadelphia had to go and sully it.


Taco Engineer
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Tough loss my friends. But we have this thread to vent and as some may know, there's certainly WAY worse things in life.

This was a little shocking to me because we were better than last season and played very well this season.

To me, the hardest part was losing to San Fran. I'm old school and this rivalry opponent is my most hated. The 80's, 90's & currently the postseason thorn in our saddle.
I hate the 9ers. Worse than I hate any NFCE opponent. I hate their fans, their coaches and their pompous players.
Do know that I respect their game, but I still hate them. I hate Kiddle and his antics and his and Bosa's stupid helmets. McCaffery and Purdy and Deebo can also suck it.

Even though my sarcasm is at a hyper level, I still am a "glass half full" kind of guy. I won't be on the forums much except here. Fans are scorned and have every right to be upset, I just don't see the point in my life to be bothered. I'd still rather talk about next season and how we can improve. The toxicity can consume you if you let it.


Well-Known Member
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Tough loss my friends. But we have this thread to vent and as some may know, there's certainly WAY worse things in life.

This was a little shocking to me because we were better than last season and played very well this season.

To me, the hardest part was losing to San Fran. I'm old school and this rivalry opponent is my most hated. The 80's, 90's & currently the postseason thorn in our saddle.
I hate the 9ers. Worse than I hate any NFCE opponent. I hate their fans, their coaches and their pompous players.
Do know that I respect their game, but I still hate them. I hate Kiddle and his antics and his and Bosa's stupid helmets. McCaffery and Purdy and Deebo can also suck it.

Even though my sarcasm is at a hyper level, I still am a "glass half full" kind of guy. I won't be on the forums much except here. Fans are scorned and have every right to be upset, I just don't see the point in my life to be bothered. I'd still rather talk about next season and how we can improve. The toxicity can consume you if you let it.
Yeah, the part I hate most—the ENDLESS off-season of crying and handwringing and doom diatribes and misery speculation. Blah blah blah, so and so sucks, yada yada yada…


Taco Engineer
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Yeah, the part I hate most—the ENDLESS off-season of crying and handwringing and doom diatribes and misery speculation. Blah blah blah, so and so sucks, yada yada yada…
It's not any different than the regular season. Our fans are an emotional bunch.
I have a pretty intimate relationship with the Bills, work related. Plus my entire family and this area are all nutty Bills fans. They got embarrassed and the fans are disappointed, but already talking about next year. Ours, Just a mess :laugh: