FEATURED Morning Pops!

It's just so weird how a simple dream can affect our mood for an entire day like that. Even knowing it's a dream, it doesn't help change the mood. I never understood why.
With me, it depends on the strength of the dream. Some times a dream floats through my mind. Other times, they have long, sharp claws that dig into my brain and fight with me. If I weren't so hard headed, they might not give me any grief. Since I am hardheaded, I go in with a file and try to sharpen my fingernails.
With me, it depends on the strength of the dream. Some times a dream floats through my mind. Other times, they have long, sharp claws that dig into my brain and fight with me. If I weren't so hard headed, they might not give me any grief. Since I am hardheaded, I go in with a file and try to sharpen my fingernails.
I was told to never repeat mine.
Good afternoon Pops, Coachadoodles and Popsadoodles! My latest escapade is an ongoing battle with a diabolical dirt dauber. I didn't realize it had claimed my recently painted back door. I looked up and saw the 'in your face' mud bomb. Oh no, you are not going to make yourself at home on my back door, I thought. I grabbed the water hose and washed a lot off. I came inside for a rag and found I'd been flooding the insides as well. It was just a mess, but I got everything cleaned up. Later that day, I checked my back door and Mr. Dauber had been back at work. The rag came back out (I learned not to use the water hose). I cleaned the area again and when I went back, that punk had been at it again. I started to question both of our sanities. Since my brain is bigger than his entire body, I did what came natural. I went inside and hit the Bat Google. It said to use peppermint oil. I've got peppermint oil!!!! I don't know where I put it, but I've got it! I found some room spray with a peppermint smell and hosed the area. Dauber came back and started to build but the smell must be deterring him, so right now we are tied. Wish me luck!
Good afternoon Pops, Coachadoodles and Popsadoodles! My latest escapade is an ongoing battle with a diabolical dirt dauber. I didn't realize it had claimed my recently painted back door. I looked up and saw the 'in your face' mud bomb. Oh no, you are not going to make yourself at home on my back door, I thought. I grabbed the water hose and washed a lot off. I came inside for a rag and found I'd been flooding the insides as well. It was just a mess, but I got everything cleaned up. Later that day, I checked my back door and Mr. Dauber had been back at work. The rag came back out (I learned not to use the water hose). I cleaned the area again and when I went back, that punk had been at it again. I started to question both of our sanities. Since my brain is bigger than his entire body, I did what came natural. I went inside and hit the Bat Google. It said to use peppermint oil. I've got peppermint oil!!!! I don't know where I put it, but I've got it! I found some room spray with a peppermint smell and hosed the area. Dauber came back and started to build but the smell must be deterring him, so right now we are tied. Wish me luck!
Find your peppermint oil. It’s ‘hot’. Works on ants and other crawlies too.
Are we all out at the PJG souvenir shop?
I forgot to check there! Will do so at once.

I almost had a flipping fit about 30 minutes ago. There was a story on MSN about the Cowboys trading CeeDee to another team. I hit the DC website with both feet looking for any hints of extra crazy. It's not there and better not appear or I'm quitting the Cowboys again for the two hundredth time (this year).
I forgot to check there! Will do so at once.

I almost had a flipping fit about 30 minutes ago. There was a story on MSN about the Cowboys trading CeeDee to another team. I hit the DC website with both feet looking for any hints of extra crazy. It's not there and better not appear or I'm quitting the Cowboys again for the two hundredth time (this year).
Ohhhh nooooooo….
Evening Pops and CC… and everyone. Yes, you…

I’m gonna put on my work hat for a minute (full disclosure, I’ve worked in law offices since high school in varying aspects, finally landing in commercial real estate and development-don’t hold the law thing against me, and no, I am NOT a lawyer and I DON’T play one on tv ;)). Anyway, please, please, please… if you haven’t made plans or arrangements of some sort for your loved ones to help ease the financial worry in the event of your passing, do so.

My brother passed on June 7th (no, I’m not looking for sympathy). He was 63. He rented a room from a married couple. He was quite overweight, diabetic, disabled with a back injury and had bad lungs from some farm chemical overspray incident some years ago. Moving on… he had nothing but a gun, a bank credit card, a computer, and a gambling habit, probably because he wouldn’t/couldn’t do anything but sit around all day. He loved this country, and was genuinely a nice guy. No money to speak of. He died with $179 to his name, which his bank took to pay toward his credit card.

This has been a nightmare for my mom (still alive (85yo)). Fixed income and scrambling to find a way to pay just to have his remains ‘processed’. Medicare/medicaid would not help because he didn’t keep the status of his (nonexistent) assets updated with them, and all other avenues we explored were closed doors. My work made a ‘memorial’ payment, which I asked them to make payable to the funeral home, and my coworkers passed the hat. I’m between paychecks but threw in a couple hundred, as did my daughter. I have four other siblings (not one has contributed when asked for help), so mom is trying to find a way to get the rest paid. I’ll somehow make sure this happens so she doesn’t bear this burden.

People, my point is that these things happen every day to someone. Don’t leave your loved ones behind struggling with a loss and also having to try to find a way to give even the simplest of farewells.

Sorry for the long winded ramble. It’s just been on my heart to say. Have a blessed rest of your day.
Evening Pops and CC… and everyone. Yes, you…

I’m gonna put on my work hat for a minute (full disclosure, I’ve worked in law offices since high school in varying aspects, finally landing in commercial real estate and development-don’t hold the law thing against me, and no, I am NOT a lawyer and I DON’T play one on tv ;)). Anyway, please, please, please… if you haven’t made plans or arrangements of some sort for your loved ones to help ease the financial worry in the event of your passing, do so.

My brother passed on June 7th (no, I’m not looking for sympathy). He was 63. He rented a room from a married couple. He was quite overweight, diabetic, disabled with a back injury and had bad lungs from some farm chemical overspray incident some years ago. Moving on… he had nothing but a gun, a bank credit card, a computer, and a gambling habit, probably because he wouldn’t/couldn’t do anything but sit around all day. He loved this country, and was genuinely a nice guy. No money to speak of. He died with $179 to his name, which his bank took to pay toward his credit card.

This has been a nightmare for my mom (still alive (85yo)). Fixed income and scrambling to find a way to pay just to have his remains ‘processed’. Medicare/medicaid would not help because he didn’t keep the status of his (nonexistent) assets updated with them, and all other avenues we explored were closed doors. My work made a ‘memorial’ payment, which I asked them to make payable to the funeral home, and my coworkers passed the hat. I’m between paychecks but threw in a couple hundred, as did my daughter. I have four other siblings (not one has contributed when asked for help), so mom is trying to find a way to get the rest paid. I’ll somehow make sure this happens so she doesn’t bear this burden.

People, my point is that these things happen every day to someone. Don’t leave your loved ones behind struggling with a loss and also having to try to find a way to give even the simplest of farewells.

Sorry for the long winded ramble. It’s just been on my heart to say. Have a blessed rest of your day.
That situation is awful, Jan. Since none of you are legally responsible for him, won't the state step in?
That situation is awful, Jan. Since none of you are legally responsible for him, won't the state step in?
He wasn’t on state assistance, and like I said, Medicare/Medicaid shut that door on us pretty quickly. Fortunately the funeral home gave mom a cut rate since he had no life insurance. I’ve managed to gather enough memorial donations so the bill, as of today, has been whittled to around $1,000. I’m pleased with that accomplishment. Next chat will be with the funeral home to set up payments, or I’ll just go get a small loan. The funeral home has been wonderful and very understanding. I’ll make this happen. Point is, I shouldn’t have to, nor should mom have to stress over this. A little planning goes a long way, and small savings set aside add up over time.
Thank you… and yeah, most people don’t think about this stuff until something like this happens.
Starting about a year ago, I began helping my mother set up a will. In the course of going through her assets, I found that she inadvertently renewed her driver's license in her maiden name (and, she has no recollection of how that happened).

So, between tax filings, bank accounts, utilities, Medicare, social security, her name was legally listed two or more different ways.

It took an attorney, a declaration that she was incapable of managing her affairs and nearly a year to straighten everything out.
Starting about a year ago, I began helping my mother set up a will. In the course of going through her assets, I found that she inadvertently renewed her driver's license in her maiden name (and, she has no recollection of how that happened).

So, between tax filings, bank accounts, utilities, Medicare, social security, her name was legally listed two or more different ways.

It took an attorney, a declaration that she was incapable of managing her affairs and nearly a year to straighten everything out.
We run into tangled messes like that more often than anyone could imagine. I now do commercial real estate and development, but I still see that kind of mess when title clearing is being done. Good on you for being in top of that
Starting about a year ago, I began helping my mother set up a will. In the course of going through her assets, I found that she inadvertently renewed her driver's license in her maiden name (and, she has no recollection of how that happened).

So, between tax filings, bank accounts, utilities, Medicare, social security, her name was legally listed two or more different ways.

It took an attorney, a declaration that she was incapable of managing her affairs and nearly a year to straighten everything out.
We run into tangled messes like that more often than anyone could imagine. I now do commercial real estate and development, but I still see that kind of mess when title clearing is being done. Good on you for being in top of that
Do either of you know of a good website to make a will, or is that something best done with an attorney?
Do either of you know of a good website to make a will, or is that something best done with an attorney?
Every state is different. I wouldn’t use an online service, but that’s my personal preference, and I get mine done for free since I work here. That aside, I’ve seen what a mess these things can become. Some larger employers offer that service in their employee plans, fyi
Every state is different. I wouldn’t use an online service, but that’s my personal preference, and I get mine done for free since I work here. That aside, I’ve seen what a mess these things can become. Some larger employers offer that service in their employee plans, fyi
I'll ask, but I don't think we offer that service.
Do either of you know of a good website to make a will, or is that something best done with an attorney?
I tried using an online service and was disappointed with what it covered (and, didn't cover).

Mind you, that was quite a few years ago, so I have no doubt they have probably improved.

We ended using an estate planner/attorney.

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