FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops, Leon, ABQ, Barney Brit, Jobb, JB, and the rest of the followers. Yep, here comes the cold again! It seems like every year we've been here (12),we've had a freeze or snow on Easter week. Although the wife was itching to put plants in the ground, as usual, she decided to wait this year!! You have no idea of the amount of moola that's gone into plants that have ended up freezing on us, but she always says "we're past the freezes now", and we ain't!! I think it's more a matter of her wanting to SEE a sign that winter is gone, or wishfully thinking so! What ever makes her happy!!
Good morning, Cbz and fellow Zoners. We're getting cooler weather again and may get some snow over the next couple of days. The good news? The long weekend will warm up considerably.Enjoy your day, all of you. :D
Morning Pops. Morning fellas and good morning to anybody lucky enough to find this thread.

Lots of stuff going on today. Kinda like it when it's busy.

Everybody, have a great day!
Morning, Pops and Zoners. We finally had a day without the strong wind yesterday and it warmed up in the afternoon. I enjoyed a day on the golf course.
Morning Pops, Leon, and friends. Great to hear you got to hit a few yesterday, Leon, and how many was that "few"?
Morning Pops, Leon, ologan, Phil, ABQ, Bob, any my poor brain is forgetting and any drop ins. Have a great day!
Morning Pops. Morning Bob, Leon, Phil, Ologan, Barney, good morning Jobs. You are up early this morning.

I hope everybody is well today. Gotta get at it.

Have a great day everybody.
Morning Pops ---Morning all ---Little chill in the air this morning ---Pray for rain
Good morning, Cbz and good morning, Zoners. Give a thought for my dog, everyone. She's not well and could use a few good wishes. Enjoy your day and the Easter to come.
Good morning, Cbz and good morning, Zoners. Give a thought for my dog, everyone. She's not well and could use a few good wishes. Enjoy your day and the Easter to come.

Evening Pops & Phrozen. Keeping you and your pup in my thoughts, Phil.
Morning Pops. Hi Bob. A big howdy to all my other friends and those who drop in. Choose to make this a good day.
Good afternoon, Pops and the rest of the gang. We are in California visiting with our daughter for Easter. We will help my sister celebrate her 55th wedding anniversary on Saturday. Take care folks and have fun.
Good afternoon, Pops and the rest of the gang. We are in California visiting with our daughter for Easter. We will help my sister celebrate her 55th wedding anniversary on Saturday. Take care folks and have fun.

Tell them we said congratulations! What an accomplishment and what a treasure. Here's hoping for #75.
Morning Pops. Morning Leon, Phil, ologan, ABQ, Bob, Barney. Pops, I miss our conversations of the old days, the draft and how we're going to do this year.
Morning Pops, Jobb, Phil, Leon (wherever you are?), and weekend warriors (or lovers).
Phil, let us know how your pup is doing. I always worry about our 4 legged friends, and their 2 legged masters!
Morg Pops, Jobb, and all on this beautiful Easter morning. Glorious day! Enjoy it, and stay safe.

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