FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good Morning to anybody who might drop in.

Busy weekend. Hope all of you had a great weekend. Back to work and counting the hours till next weekend!

Have a great day everybody.
Good morning, Cbz and the same to all Zoners. The World cup is over and now I can turn my full attention the Boys. Enjoy your day, all of you.:D
Afternoon Pops and howdy to all the gang. The World Cup is over and my life will not change one iota. Is this NASCAR or what???? Hope all are having a good day.
Morning, Pops and Cowboys fans around the world. We had a high of 105 degrees the day before yesterday and back down to 85 yesterday. Quite a difference. Have a splendid day!
Morning Pops, Barney Brit, and followers! Mid week, or "hump day" for you full time employed out there.
Me.....Every week day is a week end day if I want it to be :):).
Eight days and counting!!!
Morning, Pops, ABQ, Jobb, ologan, Phil and Barney, etal. We just about got this week whipped, boys. Hang in there.
Morning Pops. Good Morning Fellas and Good Morning to any who may stop this way to check out the thread.

Got rain yesterday, which is a dear commodity around here this time of year. Was nice to cool, even for just a little while. Everybody, have a great day!
Morning, Pops. Morning, everybody. We had a pretty good rain yesterday. I sat out on my back porch and watched it. It reminded me a bit of living in Hawaii.
Morning Pops, Jobb, Leon, followers. It's raining in the mountains right now, so I think I'll head to the screen porch for another cop of coffee, and plan the next few days! Stay safe!!
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to anybody and Happy Friday!

Everybody got good stuffed going on for the weekend?

Take good care everybody!
Good morning (barely), Cbz and to all Zoners. Sunny and in the mid 70's today. I'm hoping this continues for me as I'll be working in the yard all day tomorrow. Enjoy your day and the weekend as well.:D
Morning Pops, Leon, Jobb, Phil, and all late arrivals. Still raining up here, but it's a slow, soaking rain....the best kind! We've gotten about 35 inches so far this year, as compared to last year, when we were closing in on 60 inches at this time.....on our way to 100" for the year!