FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning, Pops, ABQ, Jobb and all who show up.

Jobb, how does your garden grow? Did you get the tomato plant problem resolved?
Morning Pops. Morning fellas and good morning to anybody who may decide to stop in and give a read without posting.

Morning Leon, Jobs..... Sarge, good to see you posting in the thread. Good morning to you.

Hope everybody has a great day today!
Morning, Pops. Sarge, I agree with ABQ, good to see you here. Jobb, I'm still interested in hearing about your garden. I hope all of Y'all have a great day.
Morning, Pops, ABQ, Jobb, Sarge, etal. Monday is funday; keep the spirits up.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who might decide to drop in a little later.

Well, no Football this past weekend. I'm really kinda bummed about that.

Hope everybody is off to a good start this week. Have a good day Everybody!
Good evening, Cbz40 and all fellow Zoners. I've been MIA with volunteer stuff. Good to see the regular folks here, now that the season is upon us. Enjoy your evening and I hope to be back more regularly. :D
Morning, Pops and all of Y'all. I've planned a lazy day today. Surfing the net, playing video games and sipping sweet tea on the back porch. Anybody want's to join me, I've got plenty of tea.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who may show up after I've posted.

Cloudy day here today. It's actually nice because it's a very welcome break from the heat we get this time of year.

Hope everybody is well today. Do yourself a favor and do something nice for somebody today. Doesn't have to be a big thing, buy a flower for your Honey, call your Mom or Your Dad and tell them you love them, Tell your kids they are loved, whatever little something you can.

Have a great day everybody!
Evening Pops! Howdy all. Busy lately. Sorry not around to see you guys. Have a good one tomorrow.
Morning, Pops and friends and neighbors. TGIF! We have another hot day in store for us today @ 104 degrees. I'm glad I have an early (7:20) tee time today.

Have a great day everyone.
Morning, Pops and all Cowboys fans. Welcome to the Weekend!! Have fun but stay safe.
Evening Pops and good evening to everyone. For those of you able to watch the game, enjoy!
Good afternoon, Cbz40 and all fellow Zoners. We've got temps in the high 70's, just in case someone wants to come and cool off, Enjoy your day, all of you.:D
Morning, Pops and all of youse guys. Go forth and do good. Phil, I would ask if you have room on your couch for me but we are also cooling down a little.
Morning Pops. Morning fellas and good morning to all who might come by later.

Hope everybody is off to a good start this week. I enjoyed the game, even though we didn't win. Looking forward to the Miami game. Heck, who's kidding who? I'm pretty much looking forward to any kind of Football!

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