FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. It was beautiful on the golf course with a nice breeze to keep us cool, and I didn't do too badly. Y'all have a great day.
Morning Pops, morning friends, and good morning to all you glorious Zoners out there!!

Been doing a deep cleaning on the the house for the past two days, today is the final day! We've also been getting some lovely weather the past few days here in Los Angeles!

Everyone have a blessed and peaceful day! We're almost to the weekend! :)
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. TGIF!

I got a hundred dollars smoking in my bill fold
I know I outta save it but it's burning a hole
Right through my pocket and into my skin
Come Monday morning i'll be broke again

Cause It's finally Friday, I'm free again
I got my motor running for a wild weekend
It's finally Friday, I'm outta control
Forget the workin blues and let the good times roll

I got a little sugar baby down the road
She's sittin' on ready and rockin' on go
We'll dance up a storm and later on tonight
We'll be working on a doing all the wrong things right.

Cause It's finally Friday, I'm free again
I got my motor running for a wild weekend
It's finally Friday, I'm outta control
Forget the workin blues and let the good times roll

Monday i'll be hurtin with my head in a vice
Tuesday i'll be wondering if i'll ever survive
Wednesday and a Thursday i'll be slowly tuning in
Friday i'll be rev-in up my motor again

Finally Friday, I'm free again
I got my motor running for a wild weekend
It's finally Friday, I'm outta control
Forget the workin blues and let the good times roll

Finally Friday, I got my motor running for a wild weekend

It's finally Friday,
Forget the workin blues and let the good times roll
Morning fellas, morning friends, and good morning to all you wonderful Zoners out there! TGIF!

@LeonDixson, I am rocking out to that, for sure!!! :yourock: Thank you, sir!

Everyone have a glorious and blessed holiday weekend!
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who may stop in later.

4th of July Weekend is upon us. I hope all of you have a place to be on the 4th. I hope you enjoy the hell out of it and I hope all of you are safe. This might be my favorite Holiday. I love the ones that make children happy. Halloween, Easter, XMas of course and I love St. Patricks and Thanks Giving but for more selfish reasons. I love good food and as a younger man, I enjoyed a good party so yeah. But 4th of July, that one is important for a whole other reason. Plus, the little ones love it for the fireworks.

Enjoy it everybody!
Morning Pops and Howdy fellas. Another beautiful day here. Wishing you all a wonderful day. Have a very special day on the 4th and Happy Birthday to the greatest nation the world has ever seen.
Morning Pops, morning friends, and good morning to all you awesome Zoners out there!

Sending peace and love out to all of you on this beautiful Sunday morning :)
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. Monday again. It seems like the days, weeks and months are rolling by faster every year. That's why it's important to make the best of each day and find enjoyment in whatever you're doing. Have a good one, folks.
Morning Pops and howdy fellas. Can't get the treatment i need but got something to help. Helped my leg enough to get around but still painful. BS out the ying yang. I'll take it for now.
Afternoon Pops. Afternoon fellas and Good Afternoon to any who may stop in later.

Slow day today. I hope everybody takes full advantage of this and enjoys the long weekend!

Be well folks.
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. Happy Independence Day! I woke up this morning to nature's fireworks. Lots of thunder and lightening and rain. I'm grilling some ribs for dinner tonight. Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Hopefully you can get the treatment you need soon, @jobberone
Morning Pops, morning friends, and good morning to all you wonderful Zoners out there!

@jobberone, prayers are with you, Doc! I will pray for your improved health. Godspeed, Doc!

Happy 4th, guys! Everyone have a blessed and safe day :)
Morning Pops and howdy fellas. Feeling a bit better. Thanks for the well wishes. Got to get better and work in the yard. It's horrible right now. Happy Birthday USA! May you live long. Have a safe and wonderful 4th people.

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